Kick options for dungeons

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bartem.2731


There are other threads for this discussion with various solutions so apologies in advance for the repeats. In an organized fashion, which of the option is the best you think or add if you feel there’s another one

1) Leave it as is
2) Increase to 3 votes
3) Increase to party-1 votes
4) Ban kicking
5) Ban kicking after 15 mins of entrance to the instance
6) Ban kicking after 15 mins of entrance to the instance with the voted option to jail/release a player for the rest of the dungeon if he’s causing more harm than good
7) Make all/some of the above options, an option in instance creation, so people can choose kick-free dungeons for example

Let’s concentrate on the cases where the player didn’t DC please as that will leave 4-6 out of the discussion.

My vote is for #6 or #7 as you might guess. I don’t think people should kick a player out at the end of a dungeon just because a guy didn’t meet communication/play expectations, which are extremely subjective. We don’t make each person a police and give him a gun to shoot whoever he deems bad for a reason.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Merendel.7128


Personaly I’d go with 3, party-1 votes with the stipulation that people that are out of the zone, offline, or have been afk for 5 or more minutes dont count twards the party requirements just to prevent situations where one of the above block the ability to kick because you’ve got 1 menace and 1 dead weight.

As an additional asside I want the option to vote NO on a kick vote (asumeing I’m not the subject of the kick vote) As it stands now if someone tries to initiate a vote even if he is the only one that wants to kick it will sit there on the other players screans till the initiator decides to cancle the vote. Let us hit No to clear it off so we dont have it takeing up UI space and to end the vote prematurely if enough click no for no chance of the vote suceeding.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sorcerer.3095


IMO ban kicking unless somebody has been disconnected or AFK for more than 5min (or maybe shorter) . Kicking can be abused too easily if you just let players freely do it. If you have a bad player in your group you should rather communicate and try to fix problems that you have.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ioflux.4369


IMO ban kicking unless somebody has been disconnected or AFK for more than 5min (or maybe shorter) . Kicking can be abused too easily if you just let players freely do it. If you have a bad player in your group you should rather communicate and try to fix problems that you have.

If you can’t kick in dungeons, you’ll have trolls thatll harass your party and wipe you repeatedly and you cant do anything about it.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fony.5102


leave it alone. can’t design based on tears and hurt feelings. it’s been needed so much to boot racists, kittenholes and leeches.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fony.5102


IMO ban kicking unless somebody has been disconnected or AFK for more than 5min (or maybe shorter) . Kicking can be abused too easily if you just let players freely do it. If you have a bad player in your group you should rather communicate and try to fix problems that you have.

If you can’t kick in dungeons, you’ll have trolls thatll harass your party and wipe you repeatedly and you cant do anything about it.

yep, just like in WoW. don’t get too upset at the mention, but it’s a kitten good example of how the change from a free kicking system like this was mass exploited. you should be able to kick unlimited with minimal voting and even during combat. no exception or trolling will ensue.

ever since they made that change it has literally been a career for many players to grief their dungeon groups.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rekuja.6318


Leave it alone, WoWs vote kick system is terrible.. people with immunity just troll the entire group.

It comes with complex problems, leave it alone.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Striker.9413


I like WoW’s party system with 1 leader having dictatorship control of the group. That way I can make my groups and kick who I want.

Currently, even if I make the group and enter the instance, it doesn’t protect me or others I invite from getting booted. Which is crap. I made the group. I should be able to manage it how I see fit.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dash.7108


Leave it as is.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mosspit.8936


3 votes. If there are 3 in the party then 2 votes. Not foolproof due to griefers but it might help.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darkar necrosphere.1328

darkar necrosphere.1328

None of the above, im with Striker, im the only one putting effort into forming a party why should there be equal power. Just give the leader full power with the stipulation of the leader being able to kicked if he goes offline or afk’s too long.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bartem.2731


IMO ban kicking unless somebody has been disconnected or AFK for more than 5min (or maybe shorter) . Kicking can be abused too easily if you just let players freely do it. If you have a bad player in your group you should rather communicate and try to fix problems that you have.

If you can’t kick in dungeons, you’ll have trolls thatll harass your party and wipe you repeatedly and you cant do anything about it.

Doesn’t jailing help with that? You can prevent the troll from playing and he will have two options, to wait till the end or leave the party. Or he can made amends if he kitten off some people for no reason and can get released knowing that he can be jailed again.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shadowfist.2708


Increase to 3 votes.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


I think just making it easier to report abuse and actually following up on it and the message will get around. Ban a few people until the unjustified kicking stops.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: noobftw.9654


Charge the initiator 50silver and voter 20silver.
For a deadly resolution rendering it free will definitely lead to abuse.

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: noobftw.9654


IMO ban kicking unless somebody has been disconnected or AFK for more than 5min (or maybe shorter) . Kicking can be abused too easily if you just let players freely do it. If you have a bad player in your group you should rather communicate and try to fix problems that you have.

If you can’t kick in dungeons, you’ll have trolls thatll harass your party and wipe you repeatedly and you cant do anything about it.

Not true. You can
1 block him
2 leave and disband the group
3 create a new group

To me the kick is fine until it gets abused. No need to fix the kick itself but there need to be a way preventing abusing it,

Kick options for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DanH.5879


i would propose that the one that first entered dungeon/fotm to be able to kick the rest of the team, without any additional vote. (something like gtfo of my dungeon instance)

OT: kicking:
x=player number -2 (… = 5-2=3 in full party, but minimum 2 votes)
if x<2 then x=2

(edited by DanH.5879)