Kick resets dungeon...why?
you kicked the person who started the dungeon. each dungeon instance have to belong to one person, and that is the person who first enters. if he leaves the party or get kicked off the party the dungeon ends and everyone get kicked out.
odd.. because I started it.. and It still reset
You probably started the party, but the person you kicked was probably the one who entered the instance first. The person who enters first is the one who owns the instance.
If you’re going to lead, you or any of your close friends should be the first one should enter the instance first to minimize chances of this happening. You can usually check to see who walked in first by watching the first cinematic that plays at certain parts of the dungeon. For Fractals, this is almost always the first person listed on the Ready-Check window.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
If the player who started the dungeon starts the kick on someone and the person gets kicked, it ends the dungeon.
I have seen other posts about bad things happening with kicks. just wondering why this whole system was so poorly put in. For example the person that starts the dungeon/fractal leaves it kicks everyone else too, or only two people need to vote to kick someone out. AN please change this.
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Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown