Kicked for watching cut scenes
They are not really breaking any rules. At least not directly.
The party didn’t want to waste time on the cutscenes. You decided to disregard that and watch the cutscenes anyway (I assume?).
While it sucks to be kicked I am not sure they have actually broken any rules here.
If you want to watch the cut scenes, create your own group and make it clear from the start that you are watching cutscenes I would say.
If you still want to report them you can do it by submitting a support request under the Services tab on the top right of the page.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
If I’m not mistaken the first rule clearly states:
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.
Technically, they infringed on my right to play and enjoy the game, correct? Either way, thanks for the quick reply! I hope this gets resolved soon.
If you want to watch cutscenes, make your own group and put it in the LFG title.
While their behavior was unethical, it’s very unlikely ANET will give a kitten. Based on personal experience, they seemingly don’t even care about “pay or kick because we want some free gold” type extortion.
And you did not respect their rights to play and enjoy the game by watching the cutscenes despite being told not to.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
It was a jerk move on their part, but probably not enforcable.
People being mad about a 30 second cutscen, kicking-mad even, are very silly.
How did we not respect their right? We told them we never played the dungeon before and they were still able to play, were they not? I don’t see how we were being nuisances if we helped them get all the way to the end and were open to discussion, but they kicked us without saying anything else; However, I see it is pointless to continue this discussion. The report has been filed and nothing can change the fact that we got kicked.
They wanted to play the game without “wasting time” on cutscenes. That is their way of enjoying the game.
You made it impossible for them to enjoy the game the way they wanted by watching the cutscene.
Just like how they tried to stop you from enjoying the game the way you wanted, you stopped them from enjoying the game the way they wanted.
I am not saying that it was right of them to do so, I am just pointing out that the rules you try to apply could technically also be applied the other way around.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Cut scenes….they’re talking scenes,just read the dialogue, they add no story telling whatsoever and are extremely boring.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
If I’m not mistaken the first rule clearly states:
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game.
Technically, they infringed on my right to play and enjoy the game, correct? Either way, thanks for the quick reply! I hope this gets resolved soon.
On the other hand, the way they see it, you infringed on their right to get through the dungeon quickly.
Fact is that without the concept of “dungeon owner,” it’s majority rules in parties and you were in the minority.
Next time, create an LFG that says “will watch all cutscenes.”
Cut scenes….they’re talking scenes,just read the dialogue, they add no story telling whatsoever and are extremely boring.
Whatever your opinion of them, they’re not so long as to deserve a kick.
Cut scenes….they’re talking scenes,just read the dialogue, they add no story telling whatsoever and are extremely boring.
Whatever your opinion of them, they’re not so long as to deserve a kick.
They should of made their own party and watched instead of being joining a random group expecting people to be okay with it, I’d kick them too if I cared that much. This game breeds antisocial behavior.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
lordkrall you may want to reread his post.
They didn’t just boot them out of the group, they WAITED TI’LL THE LAST SECOND TO BOOT THEM OUT OF THE GROUP.
This qualifies as griefing and the fact that you’re willing to condone that behavior makes you a public enemy, I suggest you really think about what you are saying.
If this “pug” group had any merit they would have CLEARLY stated ANYTHING along these lines.
“Alright, I understand that you want to watch the cutscenes but we are short on time, its time for us to part ways”
“I am sorry but we do not have that kind of time, we will find other people”
The moment Forte stated his intentions, clearly this is not the case as per OP claims.
This is griefing and is bannable.
lordkrall you may want to reread his post.
They didn’t just boot them out of the group, they WAITED TI’LL THE LAST SECOND TO BOOT THEM OUT OF THE GROUP.
This qualifies as griefing and the fact that you’re willing to condone that behavior makes you a public enemy, I suggest you really think about what you are saying.
If this “pug” group had any merit they would have CLEARLY stated ANYTHING along these lines.
“Alright, I understand that you want to watch the cutscenes but we are short on time, its time for us to part ways”
“I am sorry but we do not have that kind of time, we will find other people”
The moment Forte stated his intentions, clearly this is not the case as per OP claims.
bootThis is griefing and is bannable.
You are speaking from a different prespective, we weren’t there we only received the story from the OP and no one else. From his prospective, sure they could be trolling. If someone is angry do you think they ever exaggerate the facts?
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
Stop trying to find excuses, these guys were obviously kittens, why would you kick someone for watching the cutscenes?
It’s a bit annoying having to wait but don’t make it justify being a kitten to new players even more so in story mode.
As for OP, just make your own lfg and party, like “AC story new players”, and don’t use the LFG tool for anything other than that until you reach max level.
Taking screenshots during the run suggests that you’re some kind of troublemaker and should probably know better, imho.
This is totally the most absurd response I’ve ever seen. OP, I’m sorry this happened to you. If everything happened exactly as you said it, it is absolutely griefing and they should be punished. You should submit those screens via email to anet, and explain the story. I have doubts much will be done, but Anet really wants this game to seem welcoming to casual players and newbies so I think it’s possible they might issue a warning or maybe a temp suspension, though I wouldn’t count on it.
To others in this thread… no. Unless the group said “story experience only yaddiyaddiyada” OP and others are under no obligation to make a group explicitly saying they want to watch cutscenes. if anyone wants to watch the bloody cutscenes they should not be kicked for doing so unless they join a defined speed run. Especially not at the end of the godkitten dungeon.
We are seeing more noobies now than for a while. How about we not defend the jerks being jerks. JFC.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
That’s really lame OP. As others have mentioned, nothing will be done about it — ArenaNet doesn’t get involved in disputes over “party formation politics”, as they call it, and this sort of behavior is surprisingly common in GW2 pug groups.
This particular case is rather extreme, though…kicking at the endboss over cutscenes? And in a story dungeon?!? What a bunch of losers. It’s annoying that some people take the game so seriously and forget that they were once new themselves.
But to avoid this in the future, it would help to say you want to watch cutscenes up front. The old-style cutscenes that are still used in dungeons are rather lame, and since a lot of us have been running the same handful of GW2 dungeons for 2+ years, most groups expect to skip them. But really, you just got bad luck and pulled some real dongs out of the LFG.
Joining a guild to run dungeons with is another good way to avoid this. If you’re NA, check out [ARES] — we love dungeons and we’re very accommodating to new players :-)
Anet doesn’t care. There are players that have griefed dungeons for over 2 years and they are still playing. Don’t expect anything to change.
This is totally the most absurd response I’ve ever seen. OP, I’m sorry this happened to you. If everything happened exactly as you said it, it is absolutely griefing and they should be punished. You should submit those screens via email to anet, and explain the story. I have doubts much will be done, but Anet really wants this game to seem welcoming to casual players and newbies so I think it’s possible they might issue a warning or maybe a temp suspension, though I wouldn’t count on it.
To others in this thread… no. Unless the group said “story experience only yaddiyaddiyada” OP and others are under no obligation to make a group explicitly saying they want to watch cutscenes. if anyone wants to watch the bloody cutscenes they should not be kicked for doing so unless they join a defined speed run. Especially not at the end of the godkitten dungeon.
We are seeing more noobies now than for a while. How about we not defend the jerks being jerks. JFC.
^ This right here.
Fact is, in the state GW2 is in right now we as leaders of the game need to be doing what we can to ensure that new players are armed with lasting power in mind.
If you guys really want to behave this way, don’t complain when you have literally no one to play with when we were the very cause of our own demise.
OP gets told to skip videos by group, refuses to, gets mad when kicked out of group.
Stop infringing on the fun of others and make your own “watching all cutscenes” group, they were perfectly entitled to kick you. The fact that they waited to the end just means that you had plenty of chances to listen to what they said but purposely chose to ignore them.
It’s okay because the right to kick those who displease you or are wasting your time must be protected and paramount.
It’s okay because the right to kick those who displease you or are wasting your time must be protected and paramount.
How could I have been so foolish?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Colesy, why are you so convinced that OP the one in the wrong here?
I mean, the same logic applies to the reverse situation — would OP be justified in kicking the others for not wanting to watch the cutscenes? Unless the LFG specifically said “no cutscenes” or “speedrun” etc, it’s perfectly reasonable that someone would want to watch them.
I really can’t upvote this enough:
Fact is, in the state GW2 is in right now we need to be doing what we can to ensure that new players are armed with lasting power in mind.
If you guys really want to behave this way, don’t complain when you have literally no one to play with when we were the very cause of our own demise.
Colesy, why are you so convinced that OP the one in the wrong here?
I mean, the same logic applies to the reverse situation — would OP be justified in kicking the others for not wanting to watch the cutscenes? Unless the LFG specifically said “no cutscenes” or “speedrun” etc, it’s perfectly reasonable that someone would want to watch them.
Because leet always right and casualz are stupid obviously.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I don’t see how the opinions or play styles of different people matter here. Kicking at the end is a kitten move, plain and simple. If they asked after the first cut scene, then he watched the next one and they kicked him… yup ok, i understand, don’t agree, but understand. But waiting till the end there’s no hiding the malicious nature of the act. The OP wasted a minute or two fo their time, they waste what 10-15 minutes of his?
No matter how I try to look at it the people who kicked are just kittening kittens. THat is unless the OP is a kitten himself and there is more to the story than simply the cutscenes… not that I agree with “eye for an eye” type mentality but at least it’s understandable.
I would create a ticket and give them (Anet Support Staff) all the material you have on this matter. They totally griefed you and you have the right to report them to the authorities. Just be sure next time that all members of the party are ok with you watching the cutscene because it is not always everyone’s first time in a story mode dungeon.
PS. I know it’s lame but when dealing with others you can never be too careful. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
BTW OP — are you NA or EU?
After your horrible experience with your party and the rather nasty, hyperdefensive, poorly-rationalized responses you’ve gotten here, I’d love to take you and your friend through some dungeons of your choosing in a more relaxed, fun setting. Cutscenes and all.
We’re not all kittenwaffles, I promise
BTW OP — are you NA or EU?
After your horrible experience with your party and the rather nasty, hyperdefensive, poorly-rationalized responses you’ve gotten here, I’d love to take you and your friend through some dungeons of your choosing in a more relaxed, fun setting. Cutscenes and all.
We’re not all kittenwaffles, I promise
I concur. I can do either region, but NA is my main as well.
Dlonie, we should start new player story dungeon tours at some point.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
OP gets told to skip videos by group, refuses to, gets mad when kicked out of group.
Stop infringing on the fun of others and make your own “watching all cutscenes” group, they were perfectly entitled to kick you. The fact that they waited to the end just means that you had plenty of chances to listen to what they said but purposely chose to ignore them.
Yes! Of course! Because their opinions matter more than the at least 2 others who wanted to watch them!
What a kitten, colesy. Seriously.
What’s wrong with you people? It’s a story dungeon that was likely not listed as a speed run. F you all seriously.
What makes the opinions of the 2 that wanted to watch them more important than the 2 that wanted to kick them?
It’s not…that’s sort of the point. No one had a right to kick anyone from that group, it was a story dungeon with first timers for the sake of cats.
If they wanted to speedrun, they should have listed the LFG as such — they could have left the group and started a new one if it was that important to them. Waiting to the last boss to kick a new player out of spite is just childish.
It’s not just childish, it’s destructive. And defending the bad behavior is even worse. I hope that the OP sees more people condemning the behavior than defending it, as a game we’re not like that.
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime
We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Weren’t we just discussing doing a tour of them last night? This needs to happen
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime
We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Weren’t we just discussing doing a tour of them last night? This needs to happen
I’m in! Hopefully I won’t be drunk when we do em. I think I was rowdy last night. /giggle
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime
We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Weren’t we just discussing doing a tour of them last night? This needs to happen
I’m in! Hopefully I won’t be drunk when we do em. I think I was rowdy last night. /giggle
You have a lot to learn, Lilith. The concept of “too drunk to run dungeons” is wholly invalid
Let’s talk more about setting up a story night tonight. Should be more than doable.
Colesy, tenuous justifications or not, it’s a kitten move and as others have said, waiting until the end to kick is completely inexcusable.
Lilith, anytime
We used to have story dungeon nights back in the day in ARES, I’d love to see those start back up.
Weren’t we just discussing doing a tour of them last night? This needs to happen
I’m in! Hopefully I won’t be drunk when we do em. I think I was rowdy last night. /giggle
You have a lot to learn, Lilith. The concept of “too drunk to run dungeons” is wholly invalid
Let’s talk more about setting up a story night tonight. Should be more than doable.
Excellent. I’ll be on in the evening after dinner probably.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
What the heck is a party leader anymore? They don’t exist.
the person who makes the group. they don’t exist in a practical sense like before where they held the instance, but I’d say that for all intents and purposes, the person who hosts an lfg would be considered the “leader”.
Other MEMBER said not to.
The one other watching says “we haven’t done this
so we would like to.”Other MEMBER stays silent. Doesn’t bring it up again
Other member (s) kick them at the end to deny them their owed REWARDS.
No. that isn’t okay. We are allowed to disagree with the person who posted the Lfg.
so if the person who posted the lfg was asking for berserker gear you’re saying it would be okay to say “nah, I don’t like wearing that” and just staying in the group? i’m trying to apply this heavily used analogy to this situation because they just look identical to me because one results in just condescendingly being told to form your own group and this one involves bucket-loads of sympathy.
Mounds upon mounds of sympathy… Are you soulless? Have you ever been unjustly kicked after working hard? Have you ever had your work lost because of party mechanics being stupid?
I remember the time you were by the terrible infamous griefer. I was there with sympathy for you too, because it is all screwed up and disgusting.
unjustly? the OP was literally outright told WE DON’T WANT TO WATCH THE CUTSCENES. that in itself is their justification for the kick, it didn’t just happen for no reason. now obviously the timing was questionable and it seems to me as more of a “**** you for not listening to us, we’ll just boot you at the end because lol”, but this and the popular usual examples of lfg abuse seem to just all be identical. you basically have someone who joins a group, who doesn’t meet the criteria of the group complaining that they got kicked. the criteria in the most popular case is “not using berserker gear”. the criteria in this case is “skip the cutscenes”.
i’m not going to deny that booting at the end is a scumbag move, it is. but I’m not seeing the fault in simply booting someone for not respecting your wishes.
Then why wasn’t he kicked after he watched the second cut scene?
Waiting till the end is a fully kitten move, no getting around that. Though sure, morals are subjective, but are you saying you agree with the idea of wasting someones 15 mins because they wasted your 1? Doesn’t seem right to me…
well obviously he wasn’t kicked because the leaders wanted to just scumbag the OP and boot him at the end as a “ha, got you” kind of thing, which is wrong, yeah. i’m just trying to say that flagrantly disregarding the request of the party leaders and then complaining on the forums just blows my mind and I can’t comprehend why people are defending it.
If I join a nondescript group, and they say “berserker gear” after the first boss (assuming that’s when they notice dps is lacking) and I say “I don’t have any.” or “I am not wearing it because i won’t survive” and do not switch, and they don’t kick me, and we continue the dungeon only to be kicked at the last boss as I worked with them to get there, you’re saying that’s justified? That’s not an unjust kicking?
Seriously colesy, what happened to you?
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Seriously colesy, what happened to you?
Why does something have to “happen” to him? As if disagreeing with someone on some topic requires some sort of medical explanation; the presumption being that your opinion is so obviously correct that only colesy suffering brain trauma could possibly explain his divergence from the conclusion you arrived at.
Example: I am not against vaccines for children but I know of some fairly bright people who are. I don’t think its fair of me to ask what happened to them just because we disagree on something, even if that something is a particular something I care about strongly.
When a friend appears to have lost empathy and a sense of compassion for others who were wronged, then I definitely assume something has changed.
Also I asked him, not saint Nike.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Lol, sounds like it’s starting to get personal now hahaha ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
Man I wish it were getting personal, I have some righteous digs (actually I don’t wish, get in enough trouble).
Still, his position is entirely unsupportable and more than a little bizarre. I said it above jokingly, but it seems to be the actual position:
What’s important is defending the kick and the right to click It’s this weirdly fierce binary position on a fairly minor point of courtesy.
And again, “Wishes” or not, having to wait on the cutscenes in a story instance is a terrible terrible terrible justification for kicking someone, let alone the way it appears to have been done.
Then why wasn’t he kicked after he watched the second cut scene?
Waiting till the end is a fully kitten move, no getting around that. Though sure, morals are subjective, but are you saying you agree with the idea of wasting someones 15 mins because they wasted your 1? Doesn’t seem right to me…well obviously he wasn’t kicked because the leaders wanted to just scumbag the OP and boot him at the end as a “ha, got you” kind of thing, which is wrong, yeah. i’m just trying to say that flagrantly disregarding the request of the party leaders and then complaining on the forums just blows my mind and I can’t comprehend why people are defending it.
Well personally as a skeptical pessimist I doubt that we’ve heard the full story, so I don’t really want to support it. I’m just shocked so many don’t see a problem with kicking at the last boss. I mean, you go through a whole dungeon with someone, but then you can’t stand them for the last minute or two? I find it hard to believe that it isn’t simply done out of spite. Again though, not saying the OP is some saint, and I doubt we know the whole story, just surprised by the reactions of people in the thread is all.
That’s the weird bit, it’s not about quesitoning the story (there’s always 2 sides and everyone sees the other guy as the villain), it’s about defending the behavior that the OP’s story presented.
To quote the sicilian, “Inconceivable!”
When a friend appears to have lost empathy and a sense of compassion for others who were wronged, then I definitely assume something has changed.
Also I asked him, not saint Nike.
This happened to every kick topics I have seen lately in this forum. No one can put it as excellently as you, Lilith. Slow claps
Welcome back, gurl!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
When a friend appears to have lost empathy and a sense of compassion for others who were wronged, then I definitely assume something has changed.
Also I asked him, not saint Nike.
This happened to every kick topics I have seen lately in this forum. No one can put it as excellently as you, Lilith. Slow claps
Welcome back, gurl!
Thx <3
Glad to be back playing, but I really should have left this dump alone.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
I’m not sure I understand all the tension here.
I mean, we’re hearing one side of the story. I agree with a lot of other opinions here that without both sides some guys are getting painted in a really bad light. I also don’t think kicking someone for repeatedly watching the cinematics is a terrible thing. You were asked not to, and you chose not to listen, and that obviously frustrated someone enough to vote to kick you, and it frustrated another guy enough for him to confirm. As far as I’m concerned, that is “voting to kick” working at its finest. It doesn’t scream griefing to me.
Once upon a time, there was a dude in an Arah run with me who had stacks of those skill point scrolls. Whenever not in combat, he just spammed them, and the sound and the visual got really annoying. I asked him to stop, and another person was like “yeah man, that’s really annoying”. He didn’t, and I suffered it a bit longer, but eventually voted to kick him. The other guy seconded, and everyone in the party thanked us for getting rid of him. As far as I’m concerned, stuff like that is perfectly reasonable and perfectly okay. He might’ve been really mad, and might’ve come here to say how he was kicked without justification, but everyone else in the party disagrees.
The moral of the story is that if you’re going to do anything, and I repeat anything, that is not the norm, be prepared to make your own LFG specifically for it. If you continue to do something even after someone asks you to stop, you’re only putting yourself at risk to being kicked.
I don’t think anything I just communicated makes me a terrible person, and I would consider this a good learning lesson for the OP. Play how you want, but make sure you communicate how you want to play and find like-minded people.
Some folks just have to be contrary and argue about everything.
Note that the above wasn’t directed at Dusk, we just crossposted.
But I do have to ask — how exactly are new players supposed to know what the norms are? And how is waiting until the end before kicking not griefing? O.o
(edited by dlonie.6547)
I find it funny that all the arguments are off topic. The OP was asking if something of this nature can be reported. In reality anything can be reported but I doubt anything will be done about this situation. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
This is the most ridiculous topic for everyone to be all up in tears about. I’m loving it.
Screw it, I’m watching all cutscenes now just because of you clowns. I’ll get up, get some hot cocoa and watch the screen show me the glory that it the Collosus’s chained body.
Not the norm? Give me a break. Lets see, I’m new to something I OBVIOUSLY KNOW WHAT THE NORM IS HERE, and when I say “hey I’ve never done this so I’d like to watch this” I’m going to assume that if they don’t kick me they’ll obviously do it at the end! Ha ha ha ha gw2 dungeon community so niiiice.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.