Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: iTriggz.8365


I spent 3 hours helping these kittenING NOOBS do arah part 3, they were complete kitten, and i had to drag them threw to the end. Then when we get to the LAST LAST PART, they kick me and now they are selling the 60 tokens, for who ever will buy it.

this is not the first time this has happened to me, and im kittening SICK OF IT. I have spent over 12 hours doing dungeons all together to just be kicked at the end, its ridiculous.

So, i would like to ask if theres anyone out there that does arah daily, and wouldnt mind me joining in on the party.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dresden.1736


It’s a shame people are allowed to do this. As a developer, myself, I can’t think of any good ways to prevent people from being able to do this which can’t just be circumvented or would detract from the overall experience. Until ANet figures something out (and I wouldn’t hold my breath), my recommendation is to always host the dungeon. It wont stop them from kicking you, but at least you get to imagine their rage after effectively booting themselves in the process.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


Always go in first,especially when other members of your party are in the same guild…
Did you have any arguments with them during the game?people can hold grudges for awhile.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KingTruffle.1752


I’ve generally had pretty good luck with dungeon groups in this game, but after having been booted from an AC exp run when a pug ragequit, I have always since adhered to this “always go in first” philosophy unless I am doing guild runs.

Ripsnarl Greymane [WFD] – Borlis Pass

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ioflux.4369


I have a feeling you were kicked for that attitude. Could be wrong, won’t know the other half of the story.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: iTriggz.8365


No, we were having a great time lol’ing and /dancing, so it wasnt like i was kicked due to text abuse or something, although this post was out of rage from what had happened, i dont get mad like this that often

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iures.2894


I have a feeling you were kicked for that attitude. Could be wrong, won’t know the other half of the story.

The proper response to “raging kitten” is not “screw him out of his work.” Granted, you aren’t saying it is, but the system is currently set up with no defense against this. . .

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

I have a feeling you were kicked for that attitude. Could be wrong, won’t know the other half of the story.

Even then it’s no excuse to kick someone AT THE END OF THE DUNGEON.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: abelooi.9156


I feel for you OP. kittenhere ought to be a proper solution to this!

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I have a feeling you were kicked for that attitude. Could be wrong, won’t know the other half of the story.

The proper response to “raging kitten” is not “screw him out of his work.” Granted, you aren’t saying it is, but the system is currently set up with no defense against this. . .

Actually that’s a great response. I would do that too if someone was being abusive to other teammates the whole run.

Bottom line is if your teammates are kitten then either leave or find a way to kick them to find someone better. Abusive language is not going to help you.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iures.2894


I have a feeling you were kicked for that attitude. Could be wrong, won’t know the other half of the story.

The proper response to “raging kitten” is not “screw him out of his work.” Granted, you aren’t saying it is, but the system is currently set up with no defense against this. . .

Actually that’s a great response. I would do that too if someone was being abusive to other teammates the whole run.

Bottom line is if your teammates are kitten then either leave or find a way to kick them to find someone better. Abusive language is not going to help you.

No, if someone’s being an kitten you kick them early or leave the group early. You don’t let them do all the work and get no reward. That’s just being a hypocrite.

Yes, if they start acting up at the very end, that’s one thing. If you’re running into issues from the first pull, you resolve them by the first boss—not at the final boss, and kitten sure not when the final boss is half-dead.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


I have a feeling you were kicked for that attitude. Could be wrong, won’t know the other half of the story.

The proper response to “raging kitten” is not “screw him out of his work.” Granted, you aren’t saying it is, but the system is currently set up with no defense against this. . .

Actually that’s a great response. I would do that too if someone was being abusive to other teammates the whole run.

Bottom line is if your teammates are kitten then either leave or find a way to kick them to find someone better. Abusive language is not going to help you.

No, if someone’s being an kitten you kick them early or leave the group early. You don’t let them do all the work and get no reward. That’s just being a hypocrite.

Yes, if they start acting up at the very end, that’s one thing. If you’re running into issues from the first pull, you resolve them by the first boss—not at the final boss, and kitten sure not when the final boss is half-dead.

The point is, if someone is being a kitten to you, you are not inclined to do anything favorable back.

That’s why I’m against raging and spewing abusive language in general in pugs because it doesn’t solve any problems and just causes animosity.

Either leave or kick the people you think are liabilities, and if your viewpoint is right then someone else in team will second the kick and you’ll be free to find someone that is better.

Raging does nothing but cause people to try to kitten you over.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elementdot.6081


This is where some of my fears of dungeon-ing with pugs come in. No defense and no punishment for those who did it that way. Only defense you got is to party up with players you recognize or be the instance owner.
Would be super funny if they kick themselves out and you to be surprised everyone suddenly disappear :P

ANET really needs to find a way to prevent it or something. I can’t think of a simpler method for this issue other than to revise the party/dungeon system completely. Since there are some players doing these “exploit”, (letting another player take the victim’s reward, its an exploit) anet should just reinforce the rules and punish them. 3 days – 1 week of temp ban? Perma-ban if continuously doing it after 5+ temp-bans?

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: iTriggz.8365


I still want a party i can join regularly, so if that’d be cool… ._.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


There are solutions if arenanet were to chose to do something about this.

1. Redesign distribution of dungeon loot/tokens so that half of the tokens for a run are distributed along the way and only the last 50% of tokens for the run being rewarded at final completion of the dungeon. Distribute that first 50% in a way that makes sense for that particular dungeon/branch, so that easier steps rewards less and harder steps reward more, to prevent people running partial runs mapped for the easiest content to farm tokens.

(This would also combat the issue of parties skipping content to get to the end).

2.) For each person kicked from a group, reduce final rewards by 25%. This preserves the ability to kick truly disruptive players, with a cost that needs to be weighed by the party.

(No penalty for players quitting/disconnecting, only for kicking).

3.) Reduce rewards for substitute players by 20-50%, depending on how much of the dungeon has been completed prior to them joining. If the dungeon is beyond 66% completion, the substitute player does not get credit towards dailies/monthlies/FotM difficulty rating advancement.

Penalties for kicking, partial rewards for kicked players for content they did complete and reduced rewards for subs. That’s how you do it.

Kicked from 3 hour Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sovta.4719


That is why i avoid arah, not cause it’s hard (besides p4) but for pugs. Just so many noobs that you are forced to be elitist (ask to link arah tokens and so).