Kicked from Fractals for playing what I enjoy
Pfft. What’s gonna happen? You’ll wipe and the dungeon will boot your party out? Nope, you get infinite lives, and mobs don’t respawn. The only thing that can make a dungeon fail in this game is loss of morale (you could argue Agony as well, but that’s pretty much the only thing that creates an artificial barrier and has no baring on gear type). If you want a perfect team, why are you pugging in the first place?
You can do content in Soldiers, or Carrion or anything, and be successful. You don’t need to use meta tactics. Anet hasn’t altered the dungeon, adding codes that prevent nonmeta builds from being successful.Ok look at it this way. Premise: you in your tanky gear all set to be inclusive. You’d like to play a dungeon but you pick up a fifth and he can’t make it past the cave troll. 2 of you respawn at the start to help him by but he keeps dying because he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. No one is having any fun. Most of the team is standing around doing nothing, and even when you get started you know the new guy is contributing absolutely zero.
This is exactly how many of us feel if we were to join a PUG with people using PVT or whatever nonsensical garbage. It’s not fun for anyone.
It sort of doesn’t matter since there is no way in kitten I would ever play with someone like you, but I want you to understand why it is I kick you if you join my group.
Why not adapt and kill the troll? I’m assuming this is a skip the player’s failing at.
You’re pugging with random strangers. Not everyone’s going to be a pro.
Also. When’d I say I was running tanky? Zerk/Scholar’s on my set. I’m willing to play ball, it’s just I’m also willing to adapt to different situations.
Part-time Kittenposter
It’s hard to find a competent Ranger who knows how to play and maximize damage.
I’ve done countless of high level fractal runs with rangers and engineers.
At least play GS ranger.You know sword is better than GS right…?
GL max meleeing shaman with sword.
@Zui: If you’re going set high standards for your party, why not just join a guild like DnT? If the pug in question isn’t intested in Zerking I doubt they care if you’re zerking, and if that’s the case, I think I could argue it’s those that demand other’s adhere to a lofty standard are more the leeches, than those who are meerly interested in testing their mettle in a personally crafted build.
Imo, GW2 is a game for everyone, and pugging in the lfg is everyone’s right. You can have your group rules if you start the group, but I think you’re crossing the line when you say X group of players shouldn’t be allowed in dungeons.
Part-time Kittenposter
The group was full of kittens, too bad for the OP, can’t do anything with that. Design has nothing to do with this.
I don’t think that knowing how to play your class relatively effectively in a team-oriented (albeit not necessarily terribly coordinated) manner, knowing the mechanics, and being appropriately geared for PvE are terribly high standards at level 49 fractals. Nor are they terribly high standards for say, a dungeon group that asks for such things.
I agree that the LFG tool is for everyone. I have no problem with everyone using it, as that’s what it’s there for. It’s not terribly good for finding like-minded players, and this is compounded by the fact that many players misrepresent themselves through the tool, totally ignore the description for the group they’re joining, or both. There’s also the fact that group descriptions don’t explicitly state everything, most players know this, and some players ignore it; a level 49 fractal group ought not need to state they only want people using relatively decent builds who have an understanding of common tactics and the encounter mechanics. A “P# FAST” dungeon group need not state they’re going to be skipping trash. People looking for a moderately quick run (certainly, not anywhere near as fast as an actual well-coordinated speedrun, but casually fast) don’t join “P# no skipping take time and explore” groups and expect everyone to conform to their preferences, and if they did, they’d rightfully be kicked. There should certainly be no problem with the reverse, either, where a person joins a “FAST” group, but is wearing masterwork quality Soldier’s gear and doesn’t know any of the skips or mechanics and therefore gets kicked, right?
Allot of people tend to react a little out of control. I am using full ascended Beserker on everything plus infusions. My god kitten longbow Barrage was dealing more damage to the grubs then the rifle warrior and two staff spamming guardians that outside of their Wall of Reflection didn’t contribute to the group at all when it comes to DPS. So much for all Zerker I guess.
Besides dropping a healing spring at my teammates who were hit by the shamans arrow doesn’t count for contributing to the party either right? I didn’t tell the whole story.
Allot of people tend to react a little out of control. I am using full ascended Beserker on everything plus infusions. My god kitten longbow Barrage was dealing more damage to the grubs then the rifle warrior and two staff spamming guardians that outside of their Wall of Reflection didn’t contribute to the group at all when it comes to DPS. So much for all Zerker I guess.
Besides dropping a healing spring at my teammates who were hit by the shamans arrow doesn’t count for contributing to the party either right? I didn’t tell the whole story.
I don’t think I said anything about your gear. I was talking about utility. You can bring healing spring with a gs/axe-axe build and cleanse while at the same time actively preventing damage with whirling defense and cleave. Your focus on your zerker gear just confirms more that you are too focused on your 5k lb auto attacks rather than supporting your team. You stealth yourself during the grub phase and then take pride in being the last man standing ressing your team.
And anyway, “the rest of my team was crap” is not a good argument for “my build is good”.
anet should scrap the kick system, too many immature people kicking others because of stupid reasons. if not it may give rise to a toxic community.
Ticking the box for ‘toxic community’ comment. Angry casual thread isn’t complete without one of these bad boys being flung around.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
But his team was crap, rifle warrior and guardian ranging with staff ? I’d take that ranger anytime.
Allot of people tend to react a little out of control. I am using full ascended Beserker on everything plus infusions. My god kitten longbow Barrage was dealing more damage to the grubs then the rifle warrior and two staff spamming guardians that outside of their Wall of Reflection didn’t contribute to the group at all when it comes to DPS. So much for all Zerker I guess.
Besides dropping a healing spring at my teammates who were hit by the shamans arrow doesn’t count for contributing to the party either right? I didn’t tell the whole story.
I don’t think I said anything about your gear. I was talking about utility. You can bring healing spring with a gs/axe-axe build and cleanse while at the same time actively preventing damage with whirling defense and cleave. Your focus on your zerker gear just confirms more that you are too focused on your 5k lb auto attacks rather than supporting your team. You stealth yourself during the grub phase and then take pride in being the last man standing ressing your team.
And anyway, “the rest of my team was crap” is not a good argument for “my build is good”.
In a time where Berserker is the only real way of progressing, then why I am getting hated for using what works at the scene? Because a guardian has access to wall of reflection does that give him a free pass even when the guy is clearly using Cleric’s armor just for the sake of better team contribution? So what I am not standing in range for spotter, or the frost spirit dies instantly wherever you spawn it at the fight. A warrior doesn’t get any flack for camping longbow dropping firefields.
The general conclusion really is that people hate seeing rangers use longbow. Period.
Ok Shaman is about team work. Bring as many reflections and projectile absorptions as possible. The issue here is your longbow. You should’ve brought Axe offhand for some team support in reflecting back.
Same goes for me, as an ele. I play Staff everywhere else in fractals but against that Shaman I run Scepter/Focus for the aoe projectile absorption during the grub phase.
If you were in my party I’d tell you to adjust, if you didn’t I’d kick you out aswell. When in a party you should be supporting your teammates aswell and not just killing stuff from 1500 range while the 4 of them die.
It’s not your fault, as it’s profession’s fault. Some professions aren’t team orriented. that’s why necros and rangers have a hard time. Even thieves have sometimes if not built correctly.
But I don’t blame them for kicking you out if you’re not contributing to the party.
PVE is just broken blame devs not players because they can`t fix pve for over a year , stacking in corners rules !!!!!!! you should be happy that you are not engi . ranger can take gs , spoter+spirit and has META BUILD necro also but engi is crap when you look at his dps .
How serious are you?
I recently saw a video where a Necro matched a Warrior for DPS. The thousand blades was matched with Life Blast on a glass cannon Necro.
Of all the saddness in this thread of shame, this is the saddest. Though Nemesis is dead (RIP my eastern european friends) his misinformation and shame lives on. It’s a wonderful thing when someone’s works carry on after them. Too bad they aren’t good works, but that is a hope beyond hope. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
Dear OP, stop representing the group of ranger we like to kick from dungeons. I usually do not want to kick player out of spite but the personal use of stealth which returns aggro back to the group is something where I would also draw the line.
Allot of people tend to react a little out of control. I am using full ascended Beserker on everything plus infusions. My god kitten longbow Barrage was dealing more damage to the grubs then the rifle warrior and two staff spamming guardians that outside of their Wall of Reflection didn’t contribute to the group at all when it comes to DPS. So much for all Zerker I guess.
Besides dropping a healing spring at my teammates who were hit by the shamans arrow doesn’t count for contributing to the party either right? I didn’t tell the whole story.
I don’t think I said anything about your gear. I was talking about utility. You can bring healing spring with a gs/axe-axe build and cleanse while at the same time actively preventing damage with whirling defense and cleave. Your focus on your zerker gear just confirms more that you are too focused on your 5k lb auto attacks rather than supporting your team. You stealth yourself during the grub phase and then take pride in being the last man standing ressing your team.
And anyway, “the rest of my team was crap” is not a good argument for “my build is good”.
In a time where Berserker is the only real way of progressing, then why I am getting hated for using what works at the scene? Because a guardian has access to wall of reflection does that give him a free pass even when the guy is clearly using Cleric’s armor just for the sake of better team contribution? So what I am not standing in range for spotter, or the frost spirit dies instantly wherever you spawn it at the fight. A warrior doesn’t get any flack for camping longbow dropping firefields.
The general conclusion really is that people hate seeing rangers use longbow. Period.
Since when did your team being bad become a valid excuse for not playing that well yourself? And if you really did have a rifle warrior and staff guards why did you even stay in the group? You not telling the whole story from the start of the thread just seems suspicious to me.
Dear OP, stop representing the group of ranger we like to kick from dungeons. I usually do not want to kick player out of spite but the personal use of stealth which returns aggro back to the group is something where I would also draw the line.
You must really hate having a clock and dagger thief with that mentality.
“Engi has kitten tier deeps”, “Nemesis has shown…” – What did I even expect when coming into this thread?
“Engi has kitten tier deeps”, “Nemesis has shown…” – What did I even expect when coming into this thread?
“Engi has kitten tier deeps”, “Nemesis has shown…” – What did I even expect when coming into this thread?
Probably. Have to admit that I did have some lulz, but I’m still not sure if I should read everything.
Dear OP, stop representing the group of ranger we like to kick from dungeons. I usually do not want to kick player out of spite but the personal use of stealth which returns aggro back to the group is something where I would also draw the line.
You must really hate having a clock and dagger thief with that mentality.
not really, thieves does a ton of single target damage and bring group support. In this scenario, thieves should be using dagger storm, blinds, smoke screen, shadow refuge or any other utilities. Basically, the thief still brings more group support and damage than the OP
(edited by loseridoit.2756)
Dear OP, stop representing the group of ranger we like to kick from dungeons. I usually do not want to kick player out of spite but the personal use of stealth which returns aggro back to the group is something where I would also draw the line.
You must really hate having a clock and dagger thief with that mentality.
not really, thieves does a ton of single target damage and bring group support. In this scenario, thieves should be using dagger storm, blinds, smoke screen, shadow refuge or any other utilities. Basically, the thief still brings more group support and damage than the OP
Shino tried to point out how C&D thieves drop aggro too mid-combat.
Dear OP, stop representing the group of ranger we like to kick from dungeons. I usually do not want to kick player out of spite but the personal use of stealth which returns aggro back to the group is something where I would also draw the line.
You must really hate having a clock and dagger thief with that mentality.
not really, thieves does a ton of single target damage and bring group support. In this scenario, thieves should be using dagger storm, blinds, smoke screen, shadow refuge or any other utilities. Basically, the thief still brings more group support and damage than the OP
Shino tried to point out how C&D thieves drop aggro too mid-combat.
ahh, i get your point. compared to the op, the thief will probably doing more damage and provide better support with a proper build. I have seen theives do well in this fractal. However, the OP has a very selfish play style that represent the kinda of people we kick in dugeons.
They moved this thread to the dungeon forums to keep the peace? Bad move forum mods, bad move ;)
In a time where Berserker is the only real way of progressing, then why I am getting hated for using what works at the scene? Because a guardian has access to wall of reflection does that give him a free pass even when the guy is clearly using Cleric’s armor just for the sake of better team contribution? So what I am not standing in range for spotter, or the frost spirit dies instantly wherever you spawn it at the fight. A warrior doesn’t get any flack for camping longbow dropping firefields.
The general conclusion really is that people hate seeing rangers use longbow. Period.
Wait, a complete stranger on the internet blamed his shortcomings on someone else? What world do you live in where this comes as a surprise?
Regardless of your build and usefulness, this is just the way pugging works. You can do everything right and still catch the kick, because people are people.
That aside, there’s some wise advice in this thread about what you could do to improve your situation.
I don’t know who’s trolling who anymore.
Anyone remember when GW2 was supposed to be an escape from the toxic pugging environment WoW fostered. We aren’t forced to bring a Tank or Healer, but seems we are forced to play bring something we may not like, thanks to the community. It’s like some kind of Mexican Standoff. “I don’t like playing this, but I’ll bring it because someone might kick me” seems to be what goes through pug’s minds.
I remember that. I also remember ANet saying that players would repeat content because it’s fun. Thing is, MMO’s really aren’t about fun.
They moved this thread to the dungeon forums to keep the peace? Bad move forum mods, bad move
Moving PHIW whine threads here to keep the peace is pretty much just like chumming for sharks where children are swimming. Neither of them can prepare themselves for what is coming, and in the end you will just have a bloody mess.
and what about Thief?) 1 hit down,no real contribution to the team(cuz what you need to stealth many skip with run).So the only 2 suggestion what I can give to you:
1)Learn to solo(In fractals could be hard but dungeons works well)
2)Make your own team or join friends/guildm8 teams.
In rest nothing to do only accept.
and what about Thief?
) 1 hit down,no real contribution to the team(cuz what you need to stealth many skip with run).So the only 2 suggestion what I can give to you:
1)Learn to solo(In fractals could be hard but dungeons works well)
2)Make your own team or join friends/guildm8 teams.
In rest nothing to do only accept.
Thief no contribution to the team? You’re probably just a bad thief if you think that, no offense intended.
Thieves can speed up runs tremendously with stealth, but can blind mobs (extremely helpful in almost all fractals except a few) and a lot of dungeons.
Thieves deal incredibly high DPS, more than all classes in optimal conditions except for elementalists.
Thieves can help big time with smokescreen in any encounter that involves blockable/reflectable projectiles.
Thieves are also the second most mobile class there is, only slower than a warrior with sword+warhorn / GS and bull’s charge, so if played properly there will be no issue with them slowing down a team in that regard.
Thieves also have a plethora of skills/utilities for handy tricks like shadowtrap for wisps in FotM/arah P3/P4 orbs and can do a lot to keep tar immobilized as well.
There’s one thing that I can think of off the top of my head that thieves lack that often times must suck, which is stability.
I stopped counting the times I kited a boss to death while the rest of my party lay on the ground
The calling card of a terrible player….
My full nomads bearbow didn’t even take a hint of damage while all my stupid teammates tried to do damage.
Elementalist, mind you.
Running with exotic+ascended zerker in dungeons, while running full ascended celestial in Fractals.
Traits either set to a tanky support-build or a dps-build, adapted to the situation.
And yes: I stopped counting the times I had to kill the boss alone in either build and stat-set because players think zerker-gear magically turns them into good players while they can’t even dodge the most obvious attacks and lie on the ground as non-dps zerker-corpses. No amount of rezzing and respawning can fix that.
Because, who would’ve guessed, the stat-set doesn’t decide the quality of the player, but vice versa.
I’d rather run with a full party of bear/bow-rangers with low dps and some skill at the keyboard, than with a group of full zerker players who drop dead the instant they get one interrupt in the skill-chain they can only repeat like mindless robots.
There are some impressive zerker-players out there, but that’s not due to their stat-set but due to their skill.
That doesn’t mean that teamplay shouldn’t be a part of your build, but a player should never be judged only by the loadout.
Small example:
Ascalon P2, a player leaves shortly before the traps with the breeder.
Party takes positions at the trap-triggers, I switch to my full celestial gear with the tanky build and start solo-tanking the gravelings in the traps with my ele, pulling the breeder in and tanking it too.
During that time we get a new player, seemingly just looking at the statuses of the party first, mentioning my signets, yelling “I’M GONE!” and leaving.
The breeder is dead, I switch back to zerker and at the end we kill the boss with a nice barrage of the fgs.
We finished the dungeon with four players smoothly btw, not everyone being a zerker though.
Anyone remember when GW2 was supposed to be an escape from the toxic pugging environment WoW fostered. We aren’t forced to bring a Tank or Healer, but seems we are forced to play bring something we may not like, thanks to the community. It’s like some kind of Mexican Standoff. “I don’t like playing this, but I’ll bring it because someone might kick me” seems to be what goes through pug’s minds.
I remember that. I also remember ANet saying that players would repeat content because it’s fun. Thing is, MMO’s really aren’t about fun.
Strange as that’s the only reason I play and the only reason I do anything. If I don’t find it fun i won’t do it. Sometimes though the action itself isn’t fun, it’s the fact that I’m doing it with friends that makes it fun, grumbling together about how dumb the content is can be fun
Small example:
Ascalon P2, a player leaves shortly before the traps with the breeder.
Party takes positions at the trap-triggers, I switch to my full celestial gear with the tanky build and start solo-tanking the gravelings in the traps with my ele, pulling the breeder in and tanking it too.
During that time we get a new player, seemingly just looking at the statuses of the party first, mentioning my signets, yelling “I’M GONE!” and leaving.
The breeder is dead, I switch back to zerker and at the end we kill the boss with a nice barrage of the fgs.
We finished the dungeon with four players smoothly btw, not everyone being a zerker though.
For Ascalonian Catacombs, that player was pretty stupid then. I’d understand most people leaving if they notice rifle warriors/PVT heroes/staff guards/bowbears and such in some of the higher dungeons and especially FotM, but AC? Really?
Even horrible pugs don’t seem to have much trouble burning through AC, lol.
I’m not sure what he expected. If/when I pug AC I fully expect to see horrible builds like d/d celestial signet ele. It’s what you get when you pug a dungeon that attracts the kind of people who make “spider queen” threads on this forum. ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
Hey OP.
Ignore the army of bads who didn’t bother to read your post or understand it and just went “use sword man cause boon sharing melee dps blabla”. Longbow on ranger is a perfectly viable choice for that situation. They just repeat what others say without understanding context, optimization or trade-offs.
Casuals kicking casuals? What has the world come to. It’s like they’re elitist or something.
I won’t kick you as long as you have swag <3
I won’t kick you as long as you have swag <3
What if I’m the Jarl of Whiterun? :>
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
I would never kick you, you put the kony in my 2012 <3
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
You seriously asking why you were kicked when you were a longbow ranger in fotm 49 who used stealth to avoid grubs? Lol.
If you can do 50 runs and play on the U.S servers i run a fractal about two hours after reset with three or four guildies and would never kick you from the group for trying to survive the grubs <3
From where I sit this fight is about 2 things; game design and player skill.
Player skill, you’ll have all sorts of player skill levels in a MMO, not much you can do about that. An average player can “get better” by playing a style they are more comfortable with. That much I’ve witnessed and experienced. Poor game design seems to be inhibiting that for many players however.
There were all sort of good intentions with this game. Every stat option including the kitchen sink is available but zerkers (save a few assassin or scholars) is the only one accepted. Huddling in a group to stack to share boons is also bad and has forced every meta into melee/very short range. I was willing to give up the holy trinity for this style of play but I don’t want to play melee, I want to stand at range and cast. Adapting is one thing, not being able to play in a style which you are comfortable is another.
I just want to thank all of you in this thread for making it abundantly clear why I am reluctant to come back to this game. It’s zerkers or nothing. I understand the demand by the players, it’s not unreasonable. It’s completely the fault of Anet for the development of this mentality through poor design or at the very least not correcting it sooner. They need to make some tweaks to allow for better dps from other weapon sets. They need to get over this boon range limitation. It’s bad for the game. It’s great that there are so many weapon choices that could accommodate more varied play styles but it’s incredibly obvious that few are accepted in the higher end activities in this game (where I like to be, group stuff is my kind of fun). I want to love this game, I really do, but reading this and looking at the single minded meta builds just makes it unappetizing.
Hey OP:
I know how you feel. I play ranger myself, and I feel that every weapon has its place, and needs to be used accordingly. That exact same thing happened to me the other day, regardless of my personal skill level. With the team I was in, we were doing fine, but on the third fractal the champion shaman killed everyone but me, and I tried to revive the team after killing all of the grubs, I was fine until bang, I was out to LA.
This is my personal opinion, and Im sure someone here will go and bash me the same way you are being bashed here (longbow ranger sucks, stack here, blah blah blah). Many will blame others for their lack of skills, and sadly rangers suffer from this, since we are the black sheep of the crowd. I know that there are many bas rangers, but there are MANY bads on every class, but is not as noticeable as the rangers, since it is easier to blame them. (UPDATE: Yes, I know that everyone needs to be supportive to the team and contribute, but being zerker and becoming “one” with the floor isnt really helping either!).
As my condolence for an immature action (I mean, its the third fractal, we are human beings, lets treat each other with respect), you can always add me to your friends list. I have a small group that runs dungeons and fractals every now and then, without stacking and you can play as you wish. Just play to your fullest ability. and most important of all, have fun. This isn’t a job, is a game, and a fun game when you are playing without the stress of living to fulfill someone else’s expectations.
(edited by Aden Celeste.3650)
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
Necro still top tier in the forum meta.
“Rise from your grave! And rescue my-” Wait, wrong game.
Bonus points if you recognise which old-school game the quote comes from.
And I was kicked from AC Story for being Necro.
They were all level 30 and 29 people, with sub-500 AP.
They were trying to lecture a 13k AP level 80 with 6 legendary weapons, how a “Necro is the worst dungeon class”, and how I “suck at paralyzing”(?). One of them also got mad because I was using Daggers. They told me “Staff is the strongest Necromancer weapon”, and asked me “why do you have no minions?”
face desk
Wahhh wahhh wahhh.
Wait, I have to be constructive.
I hate phiws and Imma kick you on sight.
Aight, nevermind.
As a person who had to carry 4 ppl yesterday in silly lvl fractals and after that i whished not to play gw2 for a week, and two of those were necro and a ranger, and sadly one warr, i stay away from necros and rangers. From minions and no passive pets on dredge boss where i had to pull the lava and dps the boss and ress people who do like 1dps, to that same people running like a headless chicken through snowstorm just to aggro every single mob on the face of the earth on ice fractal. You can all say: well i play necro/ranger so well it’s unfair that i am kicked on sight! But lets be serious for a second. What are the chances that you are one on 10 000 players that can play the class efficiently near perfect? Because if you do play necro or ranger your play would have to be near perfect. As a elementalist who is full zerk i also have little space to make mistakes because if boss looks at me wrong and i don’t dodge i will die, and i have to maintain might stacks and protection same as condition clenses and good dps.
Sorry but i avoid rangers and necros for a reason, the reason is not raging and stress myself instead enjoing a nice fast run.