Kicked from a dungeon.
Hopefully you have a screenshot if you don’t remember their names
They need to lock out the ability to kick during the end boss fight till everyone leaves the dungeon.
Report the players for scamming since this is what that is. ALL the players for it.
The exact same thing happened to me and my friend. A guild party and kick at 5% last boss. I had problems finding where to report these guys and what for. But i reported ingame for scam on the suport forum with username etc. But i do not think arenanet will do anything about it
Problem was they were A: on another server
B: because of the new system Anet has in place, whenever you leave a party the entire chat log goes.
I got 1 guys name. Not the rest
I always ensure that when I pug I am the one who zones and has control over the instance this way if I get a group of kittens like this and they kick me they all get kicked out too.