Kicking at the end of dungeons

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sins.4782


Seriously? Can we please do something about this? Currently we can’t even report the players who do this without screenshotting every dungeon party, because party chat disappears upon entering a new zone, and most of us don’t have perfect memories for character names.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


  • enter yourself
  • play well (that means being a useful teammember, not a ranged only autoattack spammer)
  • don’t insult others
  • follow the party leader

I never got kicked so far. I don’t play perfectly but I mostly do my part. even if I mess up on a speedrun I don’t get kicked, but it has happened that a party dispanded after doing only one run instead of multiple runs. everybody has a bad day from time to time.

my point being.. the only times I see (and confirm) people getting kicked is when they lie about their experience (not telling anybody you’ve never done a dungeon before is a lie by implication), gear whatever or can’t follow the simplest commands of the group leader.

there are dozens of threads like this and while I’m not always the nicest person around I’ve yet to experience being kicked, which makes me highly doubtful about the sobstories I read here sometimes.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DelOnasi.6051


While I agree that it sucks to be kicked at the end of a dungeon, there isn’t really anything that ArenaNet could, or should do about it.

It is impossible for guildwars2 to automatically determine whether or not a kick is fair/justified. It is also a ridiculous burden to ask ArenaNet to be a judge whenever someone is kicked – I doubt the game could survive financially with a need for such constant manual intervention. The real-world cost of such intervention would be drastically more than the in-game value of the dungeon tokens/silver.

Given those two factors, there are always going to be times when people are kicked when they shouldn’t have been, as well as times when people were kicked when they clearly deserved it. If you put artificial limits on kicking, you’ll end up with a system that prevents some illegitimate kicks, but also prevents some kicks that should have happened.

What metric do you propose for whether or not kicking is allowed? If you want to prevent people from being kicked on the last boss, then that opens up the party system to abuse during the last boss fight – there are some last bosses where a single person could prevent the party from completing the dungeon.

The fundamental tradeoff here is between the right to kick someone and the right to not be kicked yourself. Guild Wars 2 has a system where everyone has a right to choose who they play with. I wouldn’t want to play dungeons without that right, and if it were actually implemented, I would be surprised if you would either.

I agree that kicking people on the last boss is often a kitten move. But implementing a naive system to prevent it would be a solution that is worse than the problem itself.

Aside: I do think the 2-person vote is obviously silly, of course, and ought to be a majority vote (i.e. 3 people must vote to kick someone before they get kicked).

Dungeon Master ~ Litter of Lions [Arch] Admin ~ Devona’s Rest

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


While I agree that it sucks to be kicked at the end of a dungeon, there isn’t really anything that ArenaNet could, or should do about it.

+1. there is no easy solution unfortunately.
that’s why I still recommend being truthful and upfront with everything. you might get kicked out of a group after joining, but you won’t waste your own time or that of others. depending on dungeon it’s absolutely possible to take one new player without losing too much time, but it does take time to explain the fights beforehand – not everybody is willing to sacrifice this additional time every run they do and you have to respect that as well. that’s why people post newbie lfgs. and as I still see such posts, I assume they generally work sooner or later and people inviting them know exactly what to expect.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


This is just your standard run of the mill logic that is put forth in everyday society and not just in video games. Every time someone is unhappy with anything in life, they want those in charge to regulate it. Happens all the time with people asking the government to try and intervene because something bothers them and, guess what, when you ask those in charge to do something like this, it will just get kittened up and everyone will be less happy.

tl;dr Stop whining and asking ANET to regulate every little thing in the game. My guess is if they did you would like the result even less. Don’t forget to always remember: IT’S A VIDEO GAME, NOT LIFE AND DEATH.

EDIT: As was said above, it’s a no-brainer to make it a majority vote (i.e. 3 people to kick).

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sins.4782


This is just your standard run of the mill logic that is put forth in everyday society and not just in video games. Every time someone is unhappy with anything in life, they want those in charge to regulate it. Happens all the time with people asking the government to try and intervene because something bothers them and, guess what, when you ask those in charge to do something like this, it will just get kittened up and everyone will be less happy.

tl;dr Stop whining and asking ANET to regulate every little thing in the game. My guess is if they did you would like the result even less. Don’t forget to always remember: IT’S A VIDEO GAME, NOT LIFE AND DEATH.

EDIT: As was said above, it’s a no-brainer to make it a majority vote (i.e. 3 people to kick).

Dat caps lock.

What, as a player, would you suggest I do about players like this? At most I could block them all and endeavor not to party with any of them again (which would be easier if party chat persisted after being forced out of a party and a zone). I think the main problem here is not so much the party kick system, although I do agree about the 2 vote kicks being absurd, but rather the way dungeon rewards are so heavily focused at the end of the dungeon. Players forced to leave prior to the end reward feel as if they have gained nothing. I think if tokens were more spread throughout the dungeons, say 50% from various bosses/chests and 50% at the end (scaling for DR of course), this wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


This is just your standard run of the mill logic that is put forth in everyday society and not just in video games. Every time someone is unhappy with anything in life, they want those in charge to regulate it. Happens all the time with people asking the government to try and intervene because something bothers them and, guess what, when you ask those in charge to do something like this, it will just get kittened up and everyone will be less happy.

tl;dr Stop whining and asking ANET to regulate every little thing in the game. My guess is if they did you would like the result even less. Don’t forget to always remember: IT’S A VIDEO GAME, NOT LIFE AND DEATH.

EDIT: As was said above, it’s a no-brainer to make it a majority vote (i.e. 3 people to kick).

Dat caps lock.

What, as a player, would you suggest I do about players like this? At most I could block them all and endeavor not to party with any of them again (which would be easier if party chat persisted after being forced out of a party and a zone). I think the main problem here is not so much the party kick system, although I do agree about the 2 vote kicks being absurd, but rather the way dungeon rewards are so heavily focused at the end of the dungeon. Players forced to leave prior to the end reward feel as if they have gained nothing. I think if tokens were more spread throughout the dungeons, say 50% from various bosses/chests and 50% at the end (scaling for DR of course), this wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem.

I have only been kicked once at the end of a fractal for a kitten reason so I feel your pain, but some type of regulation isn’t the answer. We just need to deal with it and the fact that some people are kittens. I don’t know what the exact answer would be because there are pros and cons to any “solution” that people come up with. I think we could at least move it to a majority vote.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


What, as a player, would you suggest I do about players like this?

as a player, maybe you should start thinking what to do about yourself instead of the others. I don’t claim unfair kicks don’t happen, but the first step when being kicked (or any not so smooth run) should always be a retrospective what you yourself did wrong and how to improve in the future. if you legitimately can say you were a good teammate and didn’t hinder the team (by joining a group with expectations you simply could not meet), then you really just had a bad group and can be content that this only happens every few hundred runs.

but as you chose to ignore my questioning your absolute innocence, I assume you don’t believe you could ever do something wrong and it’s always somebody elses fault. in this case, yes, block them and don’t group with them again, they’ll be thankful. look for people with little or no experience and play with them, they’ll not expect you to play masterfully and nobody has to kick each other. you might not be able to finish a dungeon, but you’ll not finish it together.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: chaosgrimm.5837


Griefers gonna grief, but to prevent or discourage players from kicking others to leech rewards w/ an alt acct or friend, I would support scaling returns on participation. If some joins at the final boss they dont get any rewards.

Kicking at the end of dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bitterjo.1695


  • enter yourself
  • play well (that means being a useful teammember, not a ranged only autoattack spammer)
  • don’t insult others
  • follow the party leader

I never got kicked so far. I don’t play perfectly but I mostly do my part. even if I mess up on a speedrun I don’t get kicked, but it has happened that a party dispanded after doing only one run instead of multiple runs. everybody has a bad day from time to time……

Word. So many griefers online, yet I’ve never experienced being kicked after running dungeons since this game started. I usually kick for the same reasons as most people:
- If you’re new, SAY IT. I teach new people in SE almost daily. COE and Arah sometimes. Provided they LISTEN. If you play dumb and cause the party to wipe more than 3 times, using ’I’m new’ in the middle of a dungeon isn’t legit anymore, sorry.
- Be nice. People who suck at their class but have time to teach others how to play theirs, kick.
- Skip certain things without warning (such kitten P3 door stack after 1st boss), and being a kitten about it after you die. Kick. All I ask for is some courtesy. If you decide to be a hero and run alone, you can die alone. Outside.

Basically if you play well and/or are nice, there will be no problems. Simple as that.