Kicking from party

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr White.1673

Mr White.1673

The whole kicking system is soooooo kittened!!!! I got kicked from fractals just before maw after really smooth run. I’m preety sure I was replaced by some party lider friend. They kicked 1 guy before me as well… How I can report for such behaviour since the party chat disapear and I dont know with who I was in party… Seriously this is just terrible system that I can be kicked for nothing after 1hour. This vote kicking should be improved somehow and I sohuld be able to report such person for being a total kitten.

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


Afaik anet doesn’t care about stuff like this. They fix bugs if players can gain more treasure/run dungeons faster. But if your skills are bugged (underwater/land skills), game mechanics promote abuse like you describe, etc, then it’s not a high priority.

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: knives.6345


The whole kicking system is soooooo kittened!!!! I got kicked from fractals just before maw after really smooth run. I’m preety sure I was replaced by some party lider friend. They kicked 1 guy before me as well… How I can report for such behaviour since the party chat disapear and I dont know with who I was in party… Seriously this is just terrible system that I can be kicked for nothing after 1hour. This vote kicking should be improved somehow and I sohuld be able to report such person for being a total kitten.

How do you suggest ANet to change it?

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr White.1673

Mr White.1673

Give a chance to report after such situation.

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


How do you suggest ANet to change it?

1) Don’t allow kicking of non-idle online players at jade maw / before the end boss of any dungeon.
2) Do as in GW1, it could display a list of your recent/previous party members, which could then be reported.
3) Don’t remove old chat. Don’t remove party chat information when you leave the party.
3) Make it possible to report them, and make it a banable offense.
4) … think of more alternatives yourself …. ?

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: knives.6345


How do you suggest ANet to change it?

1) Don’t allow kicking of non-idle players at jade maw.
2) Do as in GW1, it could display a list of your recent/previous party members, which could then be reported.
3) Don’t remove old chat. Don’t remove party chat information when you leave the party.
3) Make it possible to report them, and make it a banable offense.
4) … think of more alternatives yourself …. ?

1 – Then I’ll just run around contributing nothing while they carry me.
2 – Fair enough – doesn’t really solve the problem, unless they stated to kick him to sell spot.
3 – Fair enough – doesn’t really solve the problem, unless they stated to kick him to sell spot.
4 – If a player is being a kitten/noob inside and wasting everyone else’s time, we have the right to kick regardless of his plea… (I know, sounds elite, but MY time > that player’s time.)
5 – Nah, I’m okay with the system.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Give a chance to report after such situation.

Sounds like a lot of BHBs would be reporting for being appropriately kicked.

RIP in peace Robert

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Synesence.7546


I was doing Path 3 of Sorrow’s Embrace with a team as a mesmer, and at the carrier fight, where everyone runs to a point and ranges the thing to death, I summon 3 Phantasmal Wardens to do the damage for me, since I forgot to bring along a GS. So I just sat there and watched my Wardens do damage for me consistently.

Guess who got kicked right after the thing was completed? XD

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr White.1673

Mr White.1673

Still being kicked for no reason is wrong. I dont have 24hours a day to play and repeat fractals again and again. I wish to have a chance to punish such person for not letting me do my daily on fractal. I will no repeat it couse of no time so its fail for me today

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


1 – Then I’ll just run around contributing nothing while they carry me.

I’ll just add you to my block list. Looks like the forum is a good place to identify trolls to block.

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: knives.6345


1 – Then I’ll just run around contributing nothing while they carry me.

I’ll just add you to my block list. Looks like the forum is a good place to identify trolls to block.

You gave a suggestion, I gave criticism to it, showed a loophole and you’re mad?

Wth dude?

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Still being kicked for no reason is wrong. I dont have 24hours a day to play and repeat fractals again and again. I wish to have a chance to punish such person for not letting me do my daily on fractal. I will no repeat it couse of no time so its fail for me today

I agree. Being kicked for no reason is completely wrong. Unforunately there isn’t really a strong fix that anet can put in place. The only thing you can do is take screenshots of every pug before you go in, with their name in the top left. However you still wont know who voted to kick and who agreed.

Also, everybody likes to play the good guy. Ask yourself if there’s absolutely any reason they may have kicked you. Sometimes people don’t notice bad builds or staff camping guardians till half way through or so.

Kicking at the end boss or on Jade Maw is also extremely rude. However, I have done this before. The guy lied about his AR and was a jerk throughout the run. Eventually we get to Jade Maw and we notice he dies almost immediately (on a lvl 38). We give him the benefit of the doubt and ask him to put his AR on which he replies “I don’t have any nubs” (which he told us he did when he entered).

We kicked him and I’m sure he came onto the forums to complain about being kicked at maw for no reason (yes, we were a guild party of 4+1 pug and invited a guildie to finish)

RIP in peace Robert

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: knives.6345


Still being kicked for no reason is wrong. I dont have 24hours a day to play and repeat fractals again and again. I wish to have a chance to punish such person for not letting me do my daily on fractal. I will no repeat it couse of no time so its fail for me today

I agree. Being kicked for no reason is completely wrong. Unforunately there isn’t really a strong fix that anet can put in place. The only thing you can do is take screenshots of every pug before you go in, with their name in the top left. However you still wont know who voted to kick and who agreed.

Also, everybody likes to play the good guy. Ask yourself if there’s absolutely any reason they may have kicked you. Sometimes people don’t notice bad builds or staff camping guardians till half way through or so.

Kicking at the end boss or on Jade Maw is also extremely rude. However, I have done this before. The guy lied about his AR and was a jerk throughout the run. Eventually we get to Jade Maw and we notice he dies almost immediately (on a lvl 38). We give him the benefit of the doubt and ask him to put his AR on which he replies “I don’t have any nubs” (which he told us he did when he entered).

We kicked him and I’m sure he came onto the forums to complain about being kicked at maw for no reason (yes, we were a guild party of 4+1 pug and invited a guildie to finish)


I know this sounds elitist, but if someone is dragging the party down, he/she deserved to be kicked.

If kicking someone because another is buying the spot – it’s wrong and unethical unless it was stated and agreed upon before.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Syn Sity.5826

Syn Sity.5826

The kick should require two votes. It wouldn’t solve the problem entirely but it would certainly be nicer to actually require a party majority for a kick.

As far as kicking someone who is dragging down the party… if you could hold out until maw then just tough it out and remember that even though they suck at the game, they still put in the same amount of time (the only value in this game that carries over to real life) as you did. Of course when they start insulting you then that is always warranting a kick.


Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr White.1673

Mr White.1673

Also, everybody likes to play the good guy. Ask yourself if there’s absolutely any reason they may have kicked you. Sometimes people don’t notice bad builds or staff camping guardians till half way through or so.

100% no reason. I just said hi in the beginig and till the end no fractals no talking at all. We did quite well, no wipes no fails. Before me 1 guy get kicked as well, I didnt noticed why. After a moment I got kick. And I lost time and tokens and drop ofc. Cant do a kitten about it right now.

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sorenrye.7238


100% no reason.

I think many of the players that reply to your thread ignore what you wrote in your first post and subsequent posts. They either don’t read it entirely, don’t understand it, or understand it but like to grief you.

Your post seems very unambiguous to me (smooth run, kick you for no reason, probably to invite another) and I agree with your points.

At the moment there’s not much you can do about it, except to make sure that you are the instance owner (and even then you may get kicked). Get them on your block-list, and remember to check if any members are blocked before you start a run.

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Synesence.7546


Kicked because you die a lot and refuse to follow the team? Deserved it.
Kicked because you don’t talk and just do your own thing in the dungeon? Deserved it.
Kicked because someone wanted to sell your spot on Arah? Report the player that kicked and have them marked so that next time, you’ll know who not to join.

I don’t think that players, even when they’re doing bad, should be kicked unless the whole team decides on it. Especially if they’ve managed to go halfway through the dungeon. I’d love a way to be able to mark players that kick me for selling spots so I can avoid them like the plague. Put a boot icon or something next to their names so I know who to avoid teaming with.

Then again, we have to ask the question…is spot selling something that should be allowed?

Kicking from party

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Berner.7289


Anet has neither the time nor inclination to deal with these situations. Kicking is almost always a “he said-she said” debacle, and there is simply no viable way for Anet to adjudicate these disputes in a fair and predictable manner. Consequently they have taken (and likely will continue to take) the path of least resistance: do nothing.

Not that it’ll help tremendously, but I have no issue with raising the kick vote to 3, assuming a full party. For parties of 4 or less, it should stay at 2.