Kicking in Mid-Fractal
InB4 the “start ur own group”. “join a guild” crowd.
I agree with you OP. The whole design is flawed but I dont expect them to do a thing about it.
Everyone knows the design is flawed, but what can ANET implement to fix it that will not also promote griefing?
The best you can do is starting your own group or running with friends or gmates.
The chances of an organized conspiracy to kick someone for no reason and/or profit is extremely low.
You probaly didnt read the LFG and they discovered you didnt match the description in that fractal
If teams see you have 0 AR you might be kicked, they could give the person a chance in level 1, actually showing compassion until its too much to handle in the second level
You were probaly making choice commments
Not many guilds or people kick for fun or lulz. There might of been something done on your part either voluntary or involuntary that caused a vote kick. Try brushing up on the dungeon forums to minimze agitation of party members.
The chances of an organized conspiracy to kick someone for no reason and/or profit is extremely low.
You probaly didnt read the LFG and they discovered you didnt match the description in that fractal
If teams see you have 0 AR you might be kicked, they could give the person a chance in level 1, actually showing compassion until its too much to handle in the second level
You were probaly making choice commments
Not many guilds or people kick for fun or lulz. There might of been something done on your part either voluntary or involuntary that caused a vote kick. Try brushing up on the dungeon forums to minimze agitation of party members.
“organized conspiracy” It takes only one angry kid to initiate a kick vote and a second angry kid to accept.
I`ve seen kick votes initiated for the smallest of things.
(edited by Mac.3872)
Maybe you have a bad attitude or haven’t read the LFG. The possibilities are endless.
Imo, in order to votekick someone out of a full group, 3/5 should agree on the kick anyway.
Otherwise, what everyone else said. I too kick people, but for that they either need to be an kitten, play like kitten (I don’t mean builds, I mean things like “wtf is dodging” on lvl49), or when they’re not listening and make it much harder for the group with their actions, more than once or twice.
the whole group system is a kittening mess.
why is there an instance owner in the first place? that just causes problems, everyone knows it.
and why the heck does the instance close when you are 2 in a group and you kick out (as an instance owner) some kitten thats griefing you?
but what ever if anet decides to change anything for these cases they probably bug lupi or [random thing here] in the same go. so better leave you fingers off that, anet. ty.
be careful of joining guild groups and always be first one in. There problem solved
be careful of joining guild groups and always be first one in. There problem solved
On the flip side Always make sure you are in and path chosen before listing party
I’m sure there are some groups of roving Fractal kittenbags who invite someone just to kick them.
Usually it’s a case of the PuG not reading or being super bad and getting kicked.
Seriously, find a guild. PUGing just means opening yourself to this kind of nonsense, whether it’s an “elitist” kicking you for not knowing something a inexp player couldn’t possibly know, or a wannabe elitist pug kicking you for not being a 100% meta, cut&dried farm4lyf kitten.
A guild of people you trust is worth more than a lifetime of pugging could ever offer.
i was on the 3rd fractal on level 50 and i called someone a noob for hitting the seal on cliffside before killing all the mobs and he got mad and vote kicked… was not a guild group just pugs and someone got mad and voted..and yes im in a guild but its not like everyone wants to do fractals or people are all on the same time… people PUG all the time saying joining a guild is the answer is not valid….
i was on the 3rd fractal on level 50 and i called someone a noob for hitting the seal on cliffside before killing all the mobs and he got mad and vote kicked… was not a guild group just pugs and someone got mad and voted..and yes im in a guild but its not like everyone wants to do fractals or people are all on the same time… people PUG all the time saying joining a guild is the answer is not valid….
were you on the arm or chest seal, b/c its better to leave one/two mobs on the arm seal to stop lots of them from spawning?
i was on the 3rd fractal on level 50 and i called someone a noob for hitting the seal on cliffside before killing all the mobs and he got mad and vote kicked… was not a guild group just pugs and someone got mad and voted..and yes im in a guild but its not like everyone wants to do fractals or people are all on the same time… people PUG all the time saying joining a guild is the answer is not valid….
Lesson learned, if your going to express yourself by calling someone a noob. Then they will express themselves back, possibly with a kick.
My own fractals group is only composed of one other guild mate, the other two or three are from my friends list. If some one choose to open there mouth and be a jerk and one of my friends votes for a kick, I will likely second it.
best advice would be to stay cooperative with the group.
You may not agree with the group’s tactics but its always best to finish the run and get your reward vs getting kicked on the 3rd or even the 4th map.
You can also start adding these players to your block list and setting a Nick name so you don’t end up in a future run with them.