Kicking legit Fractal players, "selling" run.
Open the instance yourself?
Lmfao, we got a high roller over here. imo this is fairly funny.
Unfortunately there’s not much to do. Situations like these are rare and the kittenbags who does this should be accused for something. If “verbal abuse” is a enough to be banned then kittenty low-life behavior should be also. But there’s nothing to do right now really.
- Make sure to open the instance
- Run with 1 or more friends
- Screencap the names of the people you play with
People should be encouraged to play with other players but this dungeon selling trend even on dungeons as AC(the easiest dungeon regarding all paths in the game) just causes problems and in my opinion wrong way of making money if other people are hurt by it.
I would buy it. I left GW2 before fractals, and now I have to pug until lvl 40+. 25g is a really good deal. #trolltuesday
25g for a fractal run at level 37 ? oO
Wow, just wow!
Can’t do anything, but you can make sure he doesn’t get anything out of it when it happens again by joining with a friend and then kicking him.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
That is BS, I’m sorry for your run in with a jackhole. Whenever I’m in a fractal run and someone DC’s I usually just post in LFG for free loot. I don’t even think about selling the spot.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
Zoii and I would make a good sum of gold if this selling becomes a trend :’(
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Why’d someone pay 25G for loot that’s seldom worth 1G? The reward chest depends on personal level of the player.
Not pugging fractals is worth 50g for me.
Not pugging fractals is worth 50g for me.
I have great pity for Iris, Zoii, and all the other poor souls who didnt get every wep skin and fractal backs/rings for every toon back before the reset. Post-reset, spending so much time doing 4 fracs per PR lvl, coping with an instability, and continuously being plagued by Dredge all for 1.5g and no wep skin or just a PVT ring is the worst experience. And if you have to pug it too, it reaches a new lvl of terribad and despair. If I werent on my phone atm, Id link that story about fracs, by dolan I think.
Not needing to do fracs anymore is the best part of GW2 for me. So much dissapointment avoided.
Not pugging fractals is worth 50g for me.
Not needing to do fracs anymore is the best part of GW2 for me. So much dissapointment avoided.
I do call it my daily disappointment run. I might take a couple nights off from fractals because it has been so bad lately. I am a goodluck charm for my party though, 9/10 someone in my party will get an ascended chest or a skin, while I’m at 49/51 runs of nothing more than a ring. What a cold streak.
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
Got a [Crystalline Band (Infused)] today, get on my level!
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
Hmm… sounds like there’s a market out there.
I’ll do it for 24G for all you baddies who need to learn to pug. Will throw-in a FREE pink baby quaggan tonic as well, to address your guaranteed disappointment with the lootz (or lack thereof).
Hmm… sounds like there’s a market out there.
I’ll do it for 24G for all you baddies who need to learn to pug. Will throw-in a FREE pink baby quaggan tonic as well, to address your guaranteed disappointment with the lootz (or lack thereof).
Please do it. If at least there was some way to skip, it would be much better. Having to do 200 pug fractals is terrible.
Having to do 200 pug fractals is terrible.
I remember seeing guildies/friends pug’ing fractals and asking me to join, and me feeling so sorry for them. … but not sorry enough to share in their misery. I’m content with hearing horror stories in TS and guild chat of the pug guard who didn’t use a single reflect at Fire Shaman; I feel no need to experience that ever again. Fractals with even a single pug who isn’t in TS is a recipe for disaster, a disaster I’ll be sure to steer clear of.
Pugging fractals is my punishment for being just too fashionable.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
We all get our nightmare fuel from somewhere, pug fractals are as good as any I guess.
Dat shoutheal-hammercc-rp.
Game over, yo.
I like puggin fractals; it’s a guaranteed hour of entertainment. Not even my favorite sitcoms can provide that.
Can’t do anything, but you can make sure he doesn’t get anything out of it when it happens again by joining with a friend and then kicking him.
I always play with 2 friends, kittening love kick wars. Had someone attempt that with my group spent a good 5 min kicking him and letting him rejoin so we could kick him again. Best part of this game IMO.
Not pugging fractals is worth 50g for me.
Not needing to do fracs anymore is the best part of GW2 for me. So much dissapointment avoided.
I do call it my daily disappointment run. I might take a couple nights off from fractals because it has been so bad lately. I am a goodluck charm for my party though, 9/10 someone in my party will get an ascended chest or a skin, while I’m at 49/51 runs of nothing more than a ring. What a cold streak.
I’ve PUG’ed my way up to PRL 40 (highest I’ve done is 49) … a little over 360 fractals done, so not so many, not so few. I don’t mind PUGs. Perhaps I’m too terrabad to notice, or without experience seeing it done the right way?
(I’m not fully meta in most PUG runs … in PUGs I usually run ascended celestial rather than zerker, unless others in the team seem clueful and able to avoid getting downed themselves — in zerker I’m not good enough to help them get back up. So it might well be that I’m missing the finer points…)
Some PUGs are pretty bad, but most over 36 have been OK. (Well…. there was one 41 where all but two of us were killed by Bloomhunger, and on the second try we just killed him ourselves rather than trying to get the others back up. But we finished that fractal, so I didn’t feel bad stepping out.)
Hammer shout heals x)
One thing I suggest doing (as well as reporting the guy to ANet) is reporting him to his guild. If you don’t know it, try googling his username.
Most guild leaders will kick anyone doing this if you provide them with evidence that it’s happening.
One thing I suggest doing (as well as reporting the guy to ANet) is reporting him to his guild. If you don’t know it, try googling his username.
Most guild leaders will kick anyone doing this if you provide them with evidence that it’s happening.
He’s right, most people would never allow this kind of garbage. you might get away with it in private(though it would fail), but I’ve been in 4 guilds now and -every- guild I have been in has grumbled and griped about this problem. No one likes it, no one thinks its ok, and no one accepts it. If there doing it in guild, just report them to their guilds leader or other guild members.
One thing I suggest doing (as well as reporting the guy to ANet) is reporting him to his guild. If you don’t know it, try googling his username.
Most guild leaders will kick anyone doing this if you provide them with evidence that it’s happening.
This seems like a good suggestion, I’ll try to keep it in mind. Thanks.
Dat shoutheal-hammercc-rp.
Hammer shout heals x)
My shouts don’t heal, thank you very much.
Ya i got kicked from a lvl 50 run around 2 weeks ago. looked up lfg and sure enough there was the same run going for 10 gold.
this is a serious issue. fractal rewards are crappy as is BUT are hard to do lvl 40+. thus this kind of BS in fractals or arah is unacceptable.
what needs to be done is simple.
make selling a dungeon slot a crime punished by being banned!
Ya i got kicked from a lvl 50 run around 2 weeks ago. looked up lfg and sure enough there was the same run going for 10 gold.
this is a serious issue. fractal rewards are crappy as is BUT are hard to do lvl 40+. thus this kind of BS in fractals or arah is unacceptable.
what needs to be done is simple.make selling a dungeon slot a crime punished by being banned!
There’s nothing wrong with people soloing/duoing something and selling the spots. People pay will pay for the convenience. As long as no exploits are used it’s perfectly legal. I sell AC 1 every now and then, only issues I’ve run into is people joining my group and removing my ad so much that I can’t advertise anymore due to “excessive messaging”.
What’s wrong here is people acting like they’re just gonna do a normal run then kicking everyone for no reason and selling it
One thing I suggest doing (as well as reporting the guy to ANet) is reporting him to his guild. If you don’t know it, try googling his username.
Most guild leaders will kick anyone doing this if you provide them with evidence that it’s happening.
And then what?