LF> Arah Partner to DUO with/ sell paths.

LF> Arah Partner to DUO with/ sell paths.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BrandyBiscuits.2873


As title reads,

I am capable of soloing all the bosses in arah p2/p3 but i want to expand my options to p4 as well.

If anyone here is interested to do arah runs with me, please do contact me.

Also to be a bit more specific, i am looking for an experienced player in arah that could have an option to run thief for stealth. Else a more dps spec class is fine.

I particularly do my runs around 6pm – 12mn GMT +8 (4am – 8am PDT/PST), so it would be delightful if this requirement is fulfilled.

Contact me/Mail me:
Daenerys Lunarborn/Lunarust

or post below.


LF> Arah Partner to DUO with/ sell paths.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gagle Dan.6571

Gagle Dan.6571

I would be interested most of my old duo partners don’t play much anymore so hit me up in game any time you want to do some duo. And i main thief so were good there ; ).