(edited by rhapsody.3615)
LF Trusted Arah Sellers
Just throwing it out there, might want to put NA/EU and normal play times. I’m sure you’ll get people hitting you up. People love regular dependable buyers
I don’t think you can list the name here. That will be consider advertisement for path selling.
Probably post if you are EU/NA and what time you normally play helps.
I can ask around but you need to tell me weather you are EU/NA and what time you usually play.
you can also try reddit as I dont’ think forum rules apply there.
(edited by laokoko.7403)
become a hotjoin hero! pvp > dungeons for dungeoneer!
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
So you want the Dungeoneer title, but you don’t want to actually earn it? What value does it hold at that point?
So you want the Dungeoneer title, but you don’t want to actually earn it? What value does it hold at that point?
You say that like any of the titles really mean anything. There’s what Liadri title that you can get that’s actually something you can’t leach off others to get?
None of the titles mean anything except “Twice-Told Legend,” which simply means you got royally kek’d by ArenaNet’s wardrobe update.
If there’s an IV tag, it should be us selling ( never heard of any scamming with our name) and the guildies are legit sellers.
^Careful with that, I’ve had my dungeon stolen with players claiming to have [DnT] tags. They were fakes of course.
Check out NoPulse (Leo). He sells Arah pretty much all day. Should be easy to find him on the forums.
Check out NoPulse (Leo). He sells Arah pretty much all day. Should be easy to find him on the forums.
I am farming achievement points pretty much all day But yeah, I casually solo path 3 at least once a day.
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
So you want the Dungeoneer title, but you don’t want to actually earn it? What value does it hold at that point?
What value do any titles hold? I spent hundreds of dollars on gems over the course of making five legendaries, while a friend made over 10,000 gold in 3 months on precursor/permanent hair sytlist luck. Does that make my legendary shine any less bright?
Anyhow, I need 9,870 Arah tokens to have all skins. Divided by 66, this means I need 149 runs. Divide that by 4 = 37 days, and let’s say I spend 6 hours per day running/looking for groups = 222 hours. This is time I could spend running the other six dungeons (AC category completed), thus earning gold that I can then pay somebody for a path.
Can I complete Arah? Yes, I have personally completed all five paths for my Dungeon Master title, and I do run the dungeon from time to time to help people out. I am not willing to spend 4-6 hours per day for over a month running Arah. I would rather do the things in game that I enjoy, and pay somebody who enjoys solo/duoing Arah.
PvP is not my thing, either. Give me WvW reward tracks and I’ll knock out Arah skins in a heartbeat!
Also: Updated my original post to include region. Thanks for the responses so far.
PvP is not my thing, either. Give me WvW reward tracks and I’ll knock out Arah skins in a heartbeat!
as an old disgruntled wvw roamer, team death match has made pvp interesting to me and made conquest tolerable in anticipation of killing those mangy kittens in courtyard cuz theyre actually unadaptive baddies at what theyre playing and mostly just outrotate me in conquest. its pretty fun!
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Team death match
Whenever i see those words all i can think of is codement from purpleeyeswtf on youtube….