LF dungeon group with zerker gear (NA)

LF dungeon group with zerker gear (NA)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jul.7602


I can’t use the LFG system anymore, I’m tired of carrying pugs on my warrior. I’m looking to form a dungeon group that is active and wants to run quick and efficient dungeons for gold.

-Must have either a Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist or Mesmer (lets be honest, those are pretty much the best classes for dungeon speed clears).
-Full zerker gear with ruby orbs or scholar
-High DPS build or at least be willing to roll to max DPS build
Contact me
Nailuj Xxx

(edited by jul.7602)

LF dungeon group with zerker gear (NA)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mahariel.4981


Join a dungeon guild.

In NA you’ll have guilds like DnT, Coldsnap (IX) and LOD. Also, be more open minded regarding classes.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) | [LOD]
MorrĂ¯ Mahariel | Serah Mahariel | MorrĂ¯
A bunch of amateur solos from yours truly

LF dungeon group with zerker gear (NA)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

^ Is there any requirements for said dungeon running guild?

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

LF dungeon group with zerker gear (NA)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Yes, we all have requirements.

However you will have a much better quality of group than your average zerk gear pug.

Jul I will add you to my list when I’m doing dead hour runs and need a fill in.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|