Leader leaves, no time to loot end chest
it only closes is the instance creator leaves the party not the instance , which is definatly an intentional choice by them.
only options are open the instance yourself so your sure everyone gets the chest.
screen capture party names at the start and if ti happens, report the instance creater.
“commander can i have a word”
Report him for… running with slow party members?
Who gives a kitten about theese few blues anyway?
I certainly didn’t think about reporting him. He is free to leave the group whever he feels like it.
And taking a couple of seconds to write “thks all” in the party chat before looting the chest is not what I would call “being a slow party member”.
My concern is only that ANet shouldn’t close the instance when the creator leaves. They could simply give the ownership to anyone still in it.
I would be glad if they consider this in the future.
Instances closing when the leader leaves? It’s wrong and indefensible. We know that, they know that, everyone knows that. It’s only a matter of time until it is fixed. It’s rubbish until it is fixed.