Legendary Armor >> when?
Probably within the next few months.
“When it’s done.”
We can only speculate here. It will take some time to make the armor skins alone, since they had not done that at the time they released experimental armor.
I think if we’re lucky, we might still get it this year, but probably later.
My guess is november.
My guess is next xpac.
My guess is next xpac.
Anet would be crazy to think people would pay twice for the same legendary. Not just armor but if they pull that stunt with weapons kitten will hit the fans.
Guild wars 3.
The Raids team is already working on the next release. Previously, it’s been about 3.5-4 months between wings, and we’re just approaching the 2-month mark for Stronghold. We could, in theory, expect the next Raid in about 2 months, roughly coinciding with the next LS3 chapter.
That raid may complete Envoy II, granting the precursor, followed by the armour in a later release. Once the Envoy II collection is done, the recipes for upgrading it to Legendary are known and already in game, just not enabled.
My guess is next xpac.
Anet would be crazy to think people would pay twice for the same legendary. Not just armor but if they pull that stunt with weapons kitten will hit the fans.
They can add it to the game after the second xpac but not gate it behind a second pay wall tho. :>
No eta but we need another raid to complete che collection.
I’d like to see it in the next major update or before the end of the year.
Don’t think They will release the next raid after the next xpac, too much time and legendary armor are linked to Hot (we payed for them)
Tbh it’s most likely going to be november; that would not only be one year after SV release, but also shortly(ish) after the next LS3 episode, which, knowing anets track record, would likely release in october. They can drop some (hopefully interesting) stuff in episode 2, then make a side story in raids
Makes the most sense imo
This is how I see things. If they want to introduce a new raid, they need a good story for it. We already have LS3 so I think they will introduce second raid after LS3 and it will be a prelude for future story(maybe second xpac), or they will introduce it in the middle of LS3 (in case they take a break like they did with LS2) and use it as a prolog for second part of LS3. They are done with the precursor already. They’ve said they nearly completed the legendary armor itself(I think they still have to add some special effects) and the recipes are already done, so we’re getting close. I don’t think it will take more than 4-5 months.
I can only think of how MO canceled 12 legendary weapons. Questions came up to if legendary armor or the ad infinium would be affect by this decision. It is clear now that it did effect all future legendaries. Ad Infinium was rushed out, canceling fractal leaders AGAIN (honestly I think this was a good call). If Ad Infinium wasn’t already in the wardrobe and if pvpers were not making the legendary backpiece already, I doubt it would have been released at all.
Now the first raid is a almost 9 months old and the last wing is over 1 month old, NO precursors, NO legendary armor. Just a suit of gem store reject armor and a collection that will not be done until a further “raid” release with no time table (fractal leader boards anyone?). Why should I raid anymore, to get another ascended box to fill up my bank with (currently at 40+ boxes) or more magnetite (currently at 3800) or enough LI for all 3 sets of armor that may never get released.
In my opinion, give legendary armor the Ad infinium treatment, get collection II done as fast a possible without a further raid release. Either add collection items to fractals, open world, previous raid encounters or heaven forbid, dungeon paths. Turn on all the MF recipes and give legendary armor a placeholder armor set until you can get enough artists off gem store outfits to finish legendary armor. Let people know the armor will be updated when it is done, but you can still enjoy the benefits of the stat swapping until it is done.
TLDR; Legendary armor is taking to long to develop, release it asap with a placeholder armor until the artist are done.
The dev quote from the reddit was so super vague, I have my doubts that he knew what he was talking about or even was cleared to comment on it. It seemed like he pretty much said “it should be in future raid releases” just because he heard “envoy collection” and thought raid.
It wouldn’t make so much since to have one section of the 2nd part of the collection involved in just the first wing of the next raid. There are 6 items left. So if they were going to make it over the entire next raid thats 2 items per wing. Doesn’t make alot of since if they are going to continue on how they did previous raid formats. It just really doesn’t fit.
Assuming it if it is correct we could be waiting for a very long time as it would not be unreasonable to assume if they do involve a new raid, it would include 3 wings, and all wings would be involved in the collection. So we are looking at a possible year, even more, until we see Legendary Armor. Which would not be a smart move by Arena-net.
And that is being generous. The first raid was in development long before HoT’s release and was already being publicly beta tested over a month before it’s initial release.
Why I assume that quote was not accurate and severely hope that we are just waiting for some point in the story arc or until the armor is finished to get these last collections.
(edited by Mireles Lore.5942)
The dev quote from the reddit was so super vague, I have my doubts that he knew what he was talking about or even was cleared to comment on it. It seemed like he pretty much said “it should be in future raid releases” just because he heard “envoy collection” and thought raid.
I was more thinking along the lines of:
Envoy II will still be open world stuff to match the current theme of open world/fractals objectives. However, the items themselves will become available in a future LS3 episode, maybe one that coincides with a raid release (I wouldn’t be surprised to see a side story of LS3 appear in the second raid, as the first raid was a partial precursor to LS3 and Bloodstone Fen borrows heavily from the raid wings).
The other possibility: 6 items left over coincides with one wing too (Envoy I was 6 items per wing). One way to do that, and the raid team has said they’ll do it if necessary, is to release a raid with only one wing.
After the next raid which is after next expansion for the next collectionthen it be after the raid after that and the one after that etcetera etcetera
First raid was more than a prologue for LS3. It gave us a lot of infos, biggest of them at the end of Wing 3, when you find that empty coffin(or something like this) with the shape of Lazarus. That was the confirmation that he is back. For me, episode one was better for a player that raided than for someone who did not raid.