Legendary Insights

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Uzunari.1964


So, with the recent patch allowing us the next tier precursor (and legendary armor). I wonder. Not only is legendary armor viable only to people playing raids (whenever most of us consider it a good or bad thing, doesn’t really matter). In addition to that armor itself is locked behind the time gate! Again? OH GOD WHY?!

What is a “time gate”? Well. Let’s just assume you are not interested in raid for whatever reason but you are interested in legendary armor (with the looks of it, again for whatever reason). You gotta do raids, you simply do. Do you think you can grind? Well no, you can’t and now the best part – It will take you at least 12 weeks!

I completely agree with part of precursors being gated in raid. Especially the collections. This seems fine to me as you should be finishing each part of game in order to get something so significant. On the other hand the legendary insights and they way they work, are plain kitten (sorry for that).

Also if the legendary armor and the crafting procedure is strictly locked behind raids then why the kitten do you have to craft gifts as well?! This just bothers me so much. There is literally no synergy in farming LIs & collections vs getting materials for gifts.
How could you thought that this was a good idea? Who are those “chose ones” that this armor is made for?

So just to sum it up. If you are not intersted in raids (or maybe you are) but you find the legendary armor tempting, well if you start from 0 on the LIs then you are gonna make in in freaking 12 weeks (If I am talking about something that will happen in 3 months long timespan I don’t even consider it a serious business!). It’s just a journey that most people are not willing to make.. (THREE FREAKING MONTHS!). So you spend the time doing basically “weekly’s” and you know what? You are not getting closer to getting the armor! Well unless you spend a lot of time outside of raid as well, you probably won’t have gold and materials to craft the armor yet. Do you know why? Because there is no synergy in between gifts and LIs! You do get magnetite shards for killing bosses but once again, do you think that they will draw you closer with gold or material requirements? Well you guessed wrong. You can purchase an ascended items you no longer need at this point (probably). Do you think you can sell them then? No.. You are literally getting rewarded with something that has no use for you.

Could please someone from R&D tell me why:
- You can get only 13 LI’s a week?
- You don’t get decent material rewards from doing Raids? (that would matter and draw you closer to getting legendary armor).
- Are legendary insights account bound?
- There is no trade ration in between Legendary insights and Magnetite shards?

(edited by Uzunari.1964)

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Oogo.4083


crafting precursor cost 150 li, making it into legendary armor cost another 150, why precursor cost same amount li as legendary armor, shouldnt it be less. i have made heavy and light armor now i have to raid until novem for medium, why o why, wasnt last 2 years enough?

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fatallion.5389


I’m also wondering who thought that precursor costing same amount of LI’s as the legendary armor itself would be a good idea? Makes no sense at all! Maybe 30-60LI per set I would have understood but seriously, 150LI per 2nd and 3rd precursor set? In addition to already quite a hefty amount of 150LI per legendary set?

This feels like old WvW-achievements.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rabenpriester.7129



Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

- You can get only 13 LI’s a week?

This number will only go up over time as new raids are added.

- You don’t get decent material rewards from doing Raids? (that would matter and draw you closer to getting legendary armor).

Raid monetary rewards are actually pretty good if you turn your Magnetite Shards into infusions and sell those to then buy materials. Liquid rewards are pretty weak for sure, though.

- Are legendary insights account bound?

Makes sense to me so that when you get legendary armor it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you earned it yourself. This creates a sense of prestige for the set. That said, I certainly cannot speak for ANet here.

- There is no trade ration in between Legendary insights and Magnetite shards?

I’ve always said that this is a good idea, though I think it should be one way from LI into Magnetite Shards (They could make LI salvageable into 40 shards or something!). You should not be able to fail repeatedly at Escort, get 150 shards, and then buy LI with that. The purpose of LI is to prove that you’ve killed a boss / beaten an event.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Back in the days I needed 3 months for my first legendary and it was one single weapon. In my opinion this time gate is fair enough. Acquiring legendary weapons is a joke nowadays.

Btw. most raiders have their full clears on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday so there’s enough time for them getting the other stuff.

Plus just a kindly reminder:
It was announced 1.5 years ago that you’ll need legendary insights to craft the armor. Dunno but ppl who raided every week are about to have 600 LI if I’m not mistaken. And they haven’t had the chance to get 13 every week in the past.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zoomborg.9462



Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Back in the days I needed 3 months for my first legendary and it was one single weapon. In my opinion this time gate is fair enough. Acquiring legendary weapons is a joke nowadays.

Btw. most raiders have their full clears on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday so there’s enough time for them getting the other stuff.

Plus just a kindly reminder:
It was announced 1.5 years ago that you’ll need legendary insights to craft the armor. Dunno but ppl who raided every week are about to have 600 LI if I’m not mistaken. And they haven’t had the chance to get 13 every week in the past.

Good points. A set of armor is vaguely equivalent to 6 legendary weapons, so it’s somewhat surprising how little they require.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Exciton.8942


You only need 150 LI for the first set. That is like 3 months’ time of consistent raiding. I think the time gate is not that crazy.

For second/third set though, it will take significant longer. But given that there will probably be new raid wings coming out. It may not be that bad. Anet probably consider it great dedication to craft more than 1 set of legendary armor so they set a pretty high requirement.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


crafting precursor cost 150 li, making it into legendary armor cost another 150, why precursor cost same amount li as legendary armor, shouldnt it be less. i have made heavy and light armor now i have to raid until novem for medium, why o why, wasnt last 2 years enough?

The precursor cost 0 LI. It is gained through the collection. Only the gift of prowess requires LI.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zealex.9410



Ahhgggg the meme gachiGASM

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


So just to sum it up. If you are not intersted in raids (or maybe you are) but you find the legendary armor tempting, well if you start from 0 on the LIs then you are gonna make in in freaking 12 weeks (If I am talking about something that will happen in 3 months long timespan I don’t even consider it a serious business!). It’s just a journey that most people are not willing to make.. (THREE FREAKING MONTHS!).

Actually no, it will very likely take you longer unless you assume you can start with raiding and go straight from 0 to all 4 wings cleared. A very unrealistic assumption.

Then again, arenanet was very open about LI requirements from the very beginning and the requirement of 150 LI was announced as far back as the first raid wing opening up.

So you spend the time doing basically “weekly’s” and you know what? You are not getting closer to getting the armor! Well unless you spend a lot of time outside of raid as well, you probably won’t have gold and materials to craft the armor yet. Do you know why? Because there is no synergy in between gifts and LIs! You do get magnetite shards for killing bosses but once again, do you think that they will draw you closer with gold or material requirements? Well you guessed wrong. You can purchase an ascended items you no longer need at this point (probably). Do you think you can sell them then? No.. You are literally getting rewarded with something that has no use for you.

A 4 wing clear will provide you with:
- around 50-60 liquid gold
- 150 magnetite shards (potentially more if you get minis as drops which you can exchange for more magnetite shards)
- quite a lot of loot bags
- potentially some ascended items and or ascended crafting items which are all worth multiple gold. If the ascended items are not needed you can salvage those for potentially more items to sell
- quite a few exotic items (I’d assume between 4-10. Going by my luck lately it’s closer to 10 but I’m making assumptions based on people with less luck)
- quite a few rare items (10+)

Could please someone from R&D tell me why:
- You can get only 13 LI’s a week?

When wing 1 came out the weekly LIs were 3. After wing 2 it was 6. After wing 3 it was 9 and now it’s 13 since wing 4 is live. What you are essentially complaining about is that they haven’t added enough raid wings completely forgetting that many of the people regularly raiding have spent over 6 months or more to get their LI together.

- You don’t get decent material rewards from doing Raids? (that would matter and draw you closer to getting legendary armor).

Untrue, see top.

- Are legendary insights account bound?

The chests from raid bosses can only be looted once a week, therefore an account can currently get at most 13 Legendary Insights per week. – https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Insight

Yes they are.

- There is no trade ration in between Legendary insights and Magnetite shards?

Most regular raiders or the ones raiding from the beginning are at over 5k or even 10k magenetite shards. What would be an exchange rate you’d be happy with? 50 Magnetite shards per LI? Maybe 100? Either way, longtime raiders would have instant access to entire sets of Legendary armor and while I’m sure many would love that, the way the system is balanced right now is fine.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Oh no! You can’t have full legendary armor set in 3 days! What a travesty!

Anet make Rev great again.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


Maybe, just maybe, you should have considered tgat you might want legendary armor when it was announced 2 years ago and plan ahead.


Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zealex.9410


Maybe, just maybe, you should have considered tgat you might want legendary armor when it was announced 2 years ago and plan ahead.

Only toxic elitists plan ahead

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakki.3219


I’m also surprised why they dont put the Insignia in for Magnetide Shards.. like 250 / 500/ So its still a time gate but not as much.

Reaper – Anguîsh

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Maybe, just maybe, you should have considered tgat you might want legendary armor when it was announced 2 years ago and plan ahead.

To be fair, I’ve always tried as best as I can (and continue to do so with various degree of success), to fit a raid here and there each week since day one.

I also planned my armor so kitten well in advance that I had saved all the mats I expected would be required before raids were even out. Remove LI from the equation, and I would have had the armor the day I could get the precursor.

All this to say, planning is not the major issue where LIs are concerned for a lot of players.

You can plan time for a raid among your play time, but many won’t even start before you have to say gn because you work early tomorrow. And even if you can start and try, not all raids are a success. Some weeks I had 0 LI. And many others week, I couldn’t realistically fit raid in my schedule at all without sacrificing unreasonable things.

Heck, even when you pay for a run, you have to have enough time for it. Some times, the spot I was proposed for a run I was willing to pay for wasn’t realistic for my schedule.

A major difference a raider has with the rest of the community is also that he rarely feel he sacrifice other part of the game to attend raid. It is their favorite part. When you are a WvW player, or PvP player first, you have to sacrifice your precious play time when you decide to go for the carrot at the end. I play to have fun too…

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


Maybe, just maybe, you should have considered tgat you might want legendary armor when it was announced 2 years ago and plan ahead.

To be fair, I’ve always tried as best as I can (and continue to do so with various degree of success), to fit a raid here and there each week since day one.

I also planned my armor so kitten well in advance that I had saved all the mats I expected would be required before raids were even out. Remove LI from the equation, and I would have had the armor the day I could get the precursor.

All this to say, planning is not the major issue where LIs are concerned for a lot of players.

You can plan time for a raid among your play time, but many won’t even start before you have to say gn because you work early tomorrow. And even if you can start and try, not all raids are a success. Some weeks I had 0 LI. And many others week, I couldn’t realistically fit raid in my schedule at all without sacrificing unreasonable things.

Heck, even when you pay for a run, you have to have enough time for it. Some times, the spot I was proposed for a run I was willing to pay for wasn’t realistic for my schedule.

A major difference a raider has with the rest of the community is also that he rarely feel he sacrifice other part of the game to attend raid. It is their favorite part. When you are a WvW player, or PvP player first, you have to sacrifice your precious play time when you decide to go for the carrot at the end. I play to have fun too…

I’m sympathetic with players who have limited playtime but in the end you either prioritized it or you didn’t and if you didn’t there is nothing to complain about now.


Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Maybe, just maybe, you should have considered tgat you might want legendary armor when it was announced 2 years ago and plan ahead.

To be fair, I’ve always tried as best as I can (and continue to do so with various degree of success), to fit a raid here and there each week since day one.

I also planned my armor so kitten well in advance that I had saved all the mats I expected would be required before raids were even out. Remove LI from the equation, and I would have had the armor the day I could get the precursor.

All this to say, planning is not the major issue where LIs are concerned for a lot of players.

You can plan time for a raid among your play time, but many won’t even start before you have to say gn because you work early tomorrow. And even if you can start and try, not all raids are a success. Some weeks I had 0 LI. And many others week, I couldn’t realistically fit raid in my schedule at all without sacrificing unreasonable things.

Heck, even when you pay for a run, you have to have enough time for it. Some times, the spot I was proposed for a run I was willing to pay for wasn’t realistic for my schedule.

A major difference a raider has with the rest of the community is also that he rarely feel he sacrifice other part of the game to attend raid. It is their favorite part. When you are a WvW player, or PvP player first, you have to sacrifice your precious play time when you decide to go for the carrot at the end. I play to have fun too…

I’m sympathetic with players who have limited playtime but in the end you either prioritized it or you didn’t and if you didn’t there is nothing to complain about now.

You always have the hope of being heard when you let it know to the people in charge. Things won’t change if those with the power to intervene don’t know of your problem.

Beside, letting some steam out can be beneficial. In that regard, your sympathy is appreciated. It is refreshing to not be met with invalidating comments all the time.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

Anet make Rev great again.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

It is simple. If you’re remotely competent on your class and play more than 15 minutes a week it should be easy to get 3 insights per week.

Anet make Rev great again.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

Here is the rub: so what? So you don’t raid enough yo have the li to finish your set today. So what? It will be there waiting for you once you do. I consider that to be generous considering all the other things your limited playtime locked you out of. You probably haven’t crafted every new hot legendary yet right? You’re time gated out of those too, to the extent that you need a lot of playtime worth of gold to make them.


Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

It is simple. If you’re remotely competent on your class and play more than 15 minutes a week it should be easy to get 3 insights per week.

Sure, ok. Nice talking to you.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

Here is the rub: so what? So you don’t raid enough yo have the li to finish your set today. So what? It will be there waiting for you once you do. I consider that to be generous considering all the other things your limited playtime locked you out of. You probably haven’t crafted every new hot legendary yet right? You’re time gated out of those too, to the extent that you need a lot of playtime worth of gold to make them.

At the rythm I can reasonably play this content, I will have to pay for quite a few run if I want to see that armor before GW3 comes out (I will pay, I won’t stop at 2 pieces).

So what you say? Well, it is disapointing considering that filling my equipment with legendary tier stuff is a good part of my end game fun and long term goal in this game. I was looking forward to the armor since a VERY long time. And playing WvW, the legendary functionally is really nice to me.

It is quite easy to say “so what” when you are not the one on the receiving end of a decision that is disapointing. A decision that is quite frankly very hard to defend on many level.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Sirbeaumerdier how many LI are you at? If you did escort every week since release you would be around 40 LI now. Add trio to that and your at 80 LI without even killing a real boss.

Additionally I would consider mursaat overseer to be in about that same range of difficulty. This means even casual raiders can kill 3 bosses / week which would net over 150 LI a year going forward.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azoqu.8917


Sirbeaumerdier how many LI are you at? If you did escort every week since release you would be around 40 LI now. Add trio to that and your at 80 LI without even killing a real boss.

Additionally I would consider mursaat overseer to be in about that same range of difficulty. This means even casual raiders can kill 3 bosses / week which would net over 150 LI a year going forward.

I’d add in Carin as well and maybe Samarog. Wing 4 was made so easy compared to the other three that I swear it’s whole purpose was to give an easier way to get LIs..

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ButterPeanut.9746


Sirbeaumerdier how many LI are you at? If you did escort every week since release you would be around 40 LI now. Add trio to that and your at 80 LI without even killing a real boss.

Additionally I would consider mursaat overseer to be in about that same range of difficulty. This means even casual raiders can kill 3 bosses / week which would net over 150 LI a year going forward.

I’d add in Carin as well and maybe Samarog. Wing 4 was made so easy compared to the other three that I swear it’s whole purpose was to give an easier way to get LIs..

This 100%. With all of the access to LIs with pretty easy bosses (aka bosses that you can pug reliably in a short period of time), the issue of getting legendary armor for most folks will NOT be the LI requirement. The challenge will be, as it should be, completing the raid collection. Killing Deimos/Matthias/Xera and doing things like getting 5 of the unique drops from Gorseval is going to be much more challenging for folks who struggle than getting 150 LI…as it should be.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Sirbeaumerdier how many LI are you at? If you did escort every week since release you would be around 40 LI now. Add trio to that and your at 80 LI without even killing a real boss.

Additionally I would consider mursaat overseer to be in about that same range of difficulty. This means even casual raiders can kill 3 bosses / week which would net over 150 LI a year going forward.

There are things you are not privy to, like my work taking me out of home for several weeks in a year for instance and where I do not have access a computer that I can play GW2 on, or an Internet connection some times. And when I come back from long periods of absence, raids aren’t the first thing I want to think of even if I always look out for groups each day I play. Just in case something would fit my time.

I know this is not other players problem, and I’m not asking for players solutions here, but if it wasn’t locked behind such a time consuming content it wouldn’t be that bad at all. Over the years, I could casually make 10 legendary weapons and both legendary back packs without any problem. Granted, I had periods where I had more time before raid existed, but that is no longer the case.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

Here is the rub: so what? So you don’t raid enough yo have the li to finish your set today. So what? It will be there waiting for you once you do. I consider that to be generous considering all the other things your limited playtime locked you out of. You probably haven’t crafted every new hot legendary yet right? You’re time gated out of those too, to the extent that you need a lot of playtime worth of gold to make them.

At the rythm I can reasonably play this content, I will have to pay for quite a few run if I want to see that armor before GW3 comes out (I will pay, I won’t stop at 2 pieces).

So what you say? Well, it is disapointing considering that filling my equipment with legendary tier stuff is a good part of my end game fun and long term goal in this game. I was looking forward to the armor since a VERY long time. And playing WvW, the legendary functionally is really nice to me.

It is quite easy to say “so what” when you are not the one on the receiving end of a decision that is disapointing. A decision that is quite frankly very hard to defend on many level.

It’s actually easy for me to say “so what” when your position is that you want rewards without playing. The amount of LI needed has been known for months if not years and yiu either made time for it or you don’t and if you don’t that was 100% your choice. Anet didn’t make “a decision” suddenly out of the blue they, it was no surprise. As much as you seem to care now why didn’t you care 9 months ago?

Your end game goal is legendaries in all slots very good mine too. You play less than I do so I’ll have it done before you simple as that. You want rewards do the work. Don’t want to do the work then don’t complain. Want to do the work but don’t have the time? I’m sorry but you must have an important obligations to take care of and that was your choice too.


Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


There are things you are not privy to, like my work taking me out of home for several weeks in a year for instance and where I do not have access a computer that I can play GW2 on, or an Internet connection some times. And when I come back from long periods of absence, raids aren’t the first thing I want to think of even if I always look out for groups each day I play. Just in case something would fit my time.

I know this is not other players problem, and I’m not asking for players solutions here, but if it wasn’t locked behind such a time consuming content it wouldn’t be that bad at all. Over the years, I could casually make 10 legendary weapons and both legendary back packs without any problem. Granted, I had periods where I had more time before raid existed, but that is no longer the case.

The fact that 12 gifts of fortune is no big deal for you, but a weekly escort is too difficult is hard for me to understand. Have you at least tried to do weekly escort? If the only thing you have ever tried to do is pug wing 1 bosses, then you will have a very inaccurate view of what I am describing.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

one year is too long for a hard time gate.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azoqu.8917


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

one year is too long for a hard time gate.

For 6 legendaries I’d consider that a pretty cheap time gate. It has also been over 10 months since wing 3 and the requirement of LIs has been released. Doing just escort alone would have given you 40 insights which is insane for something that simple.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

“If”, being the important word. When you say it like that, it sound sooo simple. Beleive me, it isn’t for many.

Here is the rub: so what? So you don’t raid enough yo have the li to finish your set today. So what? It will be there waiting for you once you do. I consider that to be generous considering all the other things your limited playtime locked you out of. You probably haven’t crafted every new hot legendary yet right? You’re time gated out of those too, to the extent that you need a lot of playtime worth of gold to make them.

At the rythm I can reasonably play this content, I will have to pay for quite a few run if I want to see that armor before GW3 comes out (I will pay, I won’t stop at 2 pieces).

So what you say? Well, it is disapointing considering that filling my equipment with legendary tier stuff is a good part of my end game fun and long term goal in this game. I was looking forward to the armor since a VERY long time. And playing WvW, the legendary functionally is really nice to me.

It is quite easy to say “so what” when you are not the one on the receiving end of a decision that is disapointing. A decision that is quite frankly very hard to defend on many level.

It’s actually easy for me to say “so what” when your position is that you want rewards without playing. The amount of LI needed has been known for months if not years and yiu either made time for it or you don’t and if you don’t that was 100% your choice. Anet didn’t make “a decision” suddenly out of the blue they, it was no surprise. As much as you seem to care now why didn’t you care 9 months ago?

Your end game goal is legendaries in all slots very good mine too. You play less than I do so I’ll have it done before you simple as that. You want rewards do the work. Don’t want to do the work then don’t complain. Want to do the work but don’t have the time? I’m sorry but you must have an important obligations to take care of and that was your choice too.

Making a choice among the options I have, and that are different than yours, isn’t the same as me not “wanting” something. Life is full of people who sometimes want things more than us, and yet can’t afford the options we take for granted.

But enough of this, I said what I wanted to say.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


There are things you are not privy to, like my work taking me out of home for several weeks in a year for instance and where I do not have access a computer that I can play GW2 on, or an Internet connection some times. And when I come back from long periods of absence, raids aren’t the first thing I want to think of even if I always look out for groups each day I play. Just in case something would fit my time.

I know this is not other players problem, and I’m not asking for players solutions here, but if it wasn’t locked behind such a time consuming content it wouldn’t be that bad at all. Over the years, I could casually make 10 legendary weapons and both legendary back packs without any problem. Granted, I had periods where I had more time before raid existed, but that is no longer the case.

The fact that 12 gifts of fortune is no big deal for you, but a weekly escort is too difficult is hard for me to understand. Have you at least tried to do weekly escort? If the only thing you have ever tried to do is pug wing 1 bosses, then you will have a very inaccurate view of what I am describing.

It is hard for you to grasp because raid is what you enjoy and are probably in a position that you have, or had, at least one fixed group schedule long enough to learn and get reliable progress and success. It also make pugging a lot easier as a consequence since you have the experience of all fights and the LI to go along. You make zero sacrifice when you raid. It is what you like to do.

Amassing T6 mats can be done anywhere in the game and doesn’t require any preparation before you can even try to hope getting results. All laurels I get are transformed in T6 and all the bags I collect I keep for a legendary. When I near the end of a gift I can accelerate the process by buying what remains. Also, when I say 10, it is since day 1 of Gw2. Not in one year.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

If you completed just one wing, one wing per week since release, you would have enough for a full set, and plenty left over.

one year is too long for a hard time gate.

When you have a 2 year notice, it isn’t.

Anet make Rev great again.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: apharma.3741


There are things you are not privy to, like my work taking me out of home for several weeks in a year for instance and where I do not have access a computer that I can play GW2 on, or an Internet connection some times. And when I come back from long periods of absence, raids aren’t the first thing I want to think of even if I always look out for groups each day I play. Just in case something would fit my time.

I know this is not other players problem, and I’m not asking for players solutions here, but if it wasn’t locked behind such a time consuming content it wouldn’t be that bad at all. Over the years, I could casually make 10 legendary weapons and both legendary back packs without any problem. Granted, I had periods where I had more time before raid existed, but that is no longer the case.

The fact that 12 gifts of fortune is no big deal for you, but a weekly escort is too difficult is hard for me to understand. Have you at least tried to do weekly escort? If the only thing you have ever tried to do is pug wing 1 bosses, then you will have a very inaccurate view of what I am describing.

It is hard for you to grasp because raid is what you enjoy and are probably in a position that you have, or had, at least one fixed group schedule long enough to learn and get reliable progress and success. It also make pugging a lot easier as a consequence since you have the experience of all fights and the LI to go along. You make zero sacrifice when you raid. It is what you like to do.

Amassing T6 mats can be done anywhere in the game and doesn’t require any preparation before you can even try to hope getting results. All laurels I get are transformed in T6 and all the bags I collect I keep for a legendary. When I near the end of a gift I can accelerate the process by buying what remains. Also, when I say 10, it is since day 1 of Gw2. Not in one year.

I don’t know what to say but it seems you are an absolute fringe case. We all make decisions and have to live with them, if it’s apparent your choice or what you want is not attainable adjust your goals.

Have you tried joining a raid guild, I don’t mean to raid on a regular schedule I mean a guild with high level players who like running raids all the time, multiple times a week. A great example is MightyTeapot who seems to raid 4 days a week and it used to be every day but Sunday. You seem to be confident in your abilities so it shouldn’t be a problem to join impromptu raids that are put together fairly last minute with whoever is on from a large pool of good players.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


It is hard for you to grasp because raid is what you enjoy and are probably in a position that you have, or had, at least one fixed group schedule long enough to learn and get reliable progress and success. It also make pugging a lot easier as a consequence since you have the experience of all fights and the LI to go along. You make zero sacrifice when you raid. It is what you like to do.

Amassing T6 mats can be done anywhere in the game and doesn’t require any preparation before you can even try to hope getting results. All laurels I get are transformed in T6 and all the bags I collect I keep for a legendary. When I near the end of a gift I can accelerate the process by buying what remains. Also, when I say 10, it is since day 1 of Gw2. Not in one year.

Your assumptions are incorrect. I didn’t even join a guild until I was over 50 LI (with kills and experience on all bosses prior). And the first guild I did join was more of a training group (which I eventually ended up leading a fair amount of the time). I started raiding after wing 3 came out. I literally solo pugged about 75 of my LI (half way there). I pugged to learn every boss. I made my own lfg’s, I created my own training groups.

In short I took the initiative to learn how to raid because I wanted to do that.

Also, I didn’t force myself to grind out content I didn’t enjoy. I DO like raiding, but you don’t. Personally, I think there should be other means of getting legendary armor (equal in difficulty and time gating). I think Anet spent way too much work on these skins to make them exclusive to raiders. If you make or comment on a threat like that, pm me on the forums and link me to it, I will totally support it. But as for 150 LI as a req for raiding, it feels fine to me.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zealex.9410


There are things you are not privy to, like my work taking me out of home for several weeks in a year for instance and where I do not have access a computer that I can play GW2 on, or an Internet connection some times. And when I come back from long periods of absence, raids aren’t the first thing I want to think of even if I always look out for groups each day I play. Just in case something would fit my time.

I know this is not other players problem, and I’m not asking for players solutions here, but if it wasn’t locked behind such a time consuming content it wouldn’t be that bad at all. Over the years, I could casually make 10 legendary weapons and both legendary back packs without any problem. Granted, I had periods where I had more time before raid existed, but that is no longer the case.

The fact that 12 gifts of fortune is no big deal for you, but a weekly escort is too difficult is hard for me to understand. Have you at least tried to do weekly escort? If the only thing you have ever tried to do is pug wing 1 bosses, then you will have a very inaccurate view of what I am describing.

It is hard for you to grasp because raid is what you enjoy and are probably in a position that you have, or had, at least one fixed group schedule long enough to learn and get reliable progress and success. It also make pugging a lot easier as a consequence since you have the experience of all fights and the LI to go along. You make zero sacrifice when you raid. It is what you like to do.

Amassing T6 mats can be done anywhere in the game and doesn’t require any preparation before you can even try to hope getting results. All laurels I get are transformed in T6 and all the bags I collect I keep for a legendary. When I near the end of a gift I can accelerate the process by buying what remains. Also, when I say 10, it is since day 1 of Gw2. Not in one year.

I for 1 dont raid. Idk i much more enjoy the 5 man nature of fractals so im not all that invested. But i want the set so when i manage to get my self enough free time i will abjust my schedule to be able to fit raids at least 1 o 2 days a week. I understand that this will take time from something i enjoy but im willing to make that choice. Kinda like with pvp i want the back piece but i hate pvp, but since i want it i will abjust my play style for the time that i will be pvping to aquire everything nececary for it. But im also not in hurry because i hsvr mny oher thing i want to do and i have prioritised them over it. But its not out of my radar. If legendary armor is the number one aim for you then you make it your number 1 aim for you when playing the game.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


one year is too long for a hard time gate.

For 6 legendaries I’d consider that a pretty cheap time gate. It has also been over 10 months since wing 3 and the requirement of LIs has been released. Doing just escort alone would have given you 40 insights which is insane for something that simple.

When you have a 2 year notice, it isn’t.

yes it is.

consider the pure gold cost associated with obtaining ascended weapons versus legendary weapons: ascended costs around 100g, a legendary costs about 1 order of magnitude more.

many other costs associated with legendaries versus ascended arent so easily and undebatably measurable, with the notable exception of the hard time gates on legendary armor versus the soft time gates on ascended and the hard time gates on some ascended. ungated pieces are soft gated to the extent that you take your time to farm/craft them up — if you at once decide to have a certain piece and have none of the prerequisite mats, you could have it in a few hours or a couple days. hard gated pieces such as backpacks generally dont take more than about a week (mawdrey was a learning experience for them). once you have HoT masteries, it only takes a couple days per specialization collection to really crank them out. hot story achievements can be done on the order of hours. winterberries give you trinkets in an hour or 2. t4 fractals give you rings (plural) in under an hour. pvp and wvw tracks give you enough ls3 mats for a thing in a day or 2. farming gold to craft a piece of armor takes like 4 hours. the time cost of an ascended piece has to be targeted to be on the order of days from their end, and they may have even changed that to hours with ls3. and thats why targeting something on the order of a year is entirely ridiculous. the very most should be a month or 2, if not a couple weeks. currently, the absolute minimum for dedicating all possible effort is 3 months. and thats if you arent starting from square 1. because good luck getting 13 boss kills in week 1. or week 2. or even any week in month 2.

the hard time gate is out of line by about an order of magnitude.

same for provisioner tokens. and provisioner farming is completely unrelated to raiding at all, so even though its minimum gate is almost right for the overall experience, the entire thing feels out of place. i posit that for an unrelated time gate, one should knock off an order of magnitude from the overall gate to make it not feel sucky and contrived.

i feel i must once again mention: i do not lack the commitment, ability, or resources necessary to do these things. i think the design sucks. im not sure i think it should be nerfed now since obviously there are people with legendary armor on day 1 of its 2 year delayed release, but ive held the opinion that the hard time gates associated with it are a grave mistake for as long as weve known about them. and im not changing it now for 2 comments that amount to saying “its there so suck it up” without offering some kind of actual counterpoint as to why these time gates are not unfun or are reasonable.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

one year is too long for a hard time gate.

For 6 legendaries I’d consider that a pretty cheap time gate. It has also been over 10 months since wing 3 and the requirement of LIs has been released. Doing just escort alone would have given you 40 insights which is insane for something that simple.

When you have a 2 year notice, it isn’t.

yes it is.

consider the pure gold cost associated with obtaining ascended weapons versus legendary weapons: ascended costs around 100g, a legendary costs about 1 order of magnitude more.

many other costs associated with legendaries versus ascended arent so easily and undebatably measurable, with the notable exception of the hard time gates on legendary armor versus the soft time gates on ascended and the hard time gates on some ascended. ungated pieces are soft gated to the extent that you take your time to farm/craft them up — if you at once decide to have a certain piece and have none of the prerequisite mats, you could have it in a few hours or a couple days. hard gated pieces such as backpacks generally dont take more than about a week (mawdrey was a learning experience for them). once you have HoT masteries, it only takes a couple days per specialization collection to really crank them out. hot story achievements can be done on the order of hours. winterberries give you trinkets in an hour or 2. t4 fractals give you rings (plural) in under an hour. pvp and wvw tracks give you enough ls3 mats for a thing in a day or 2. farming gold to craft a piece of armor takes like 4 hours. the time cost of an ascended piece has to be targeted to be on the order of days from their end, and they may have even changed that to hours with ls3. and thats why targeting something on the order of a year is entirely ridiculous. the very most should be a month or 2, if not a couple weeks. currently, the absolute minimum for dedicating all possible effort is 3 months. and thats if you arent starting from square 1. because good luck getting 13 boss kills in week 1. or week 2. or even any week in month 2.

the hard time gate is out of line by about an order of magnitude.

same for provisioner tokens. and provisioner farming is completely unrelated to raiding at all, so even though its minimum gate is almost right for the overall experience, the entire thing feels out of place. i posit that for an unrelated time gate, one should knock off an order of magnitude from the overall gate to make it not feel sucky and contrived.

i feel i must once again mention: i do not lack the commitment, ability, or resources necessary to do these things. i think the design sucks. im not sure i think it should be nerfed now since obviously there are people with legendary armor on day 1 of its 2 year delayed release, but ive held the opinion that the hard time gates associated with it are a grave mistake for as long as weve known about them. and im not changing it now for 2 comments that amount to saying “its there so suck it up” without offering some kind of actual counterpoint as to why these time gates are not unfun or are reasonable.

Keep in mind, the 1 wing per week to get a full set in about a year is, again, only clearing 1 wing per week. You have an option to clear 4 wings for a total of 13 insights and, again, you were noticed almost a year in advance.

There was plenty of time to focus on getting this in advance, if you chose not to then that’s on your.

And besides, for most people by the time they finish the second armor collection to get the precursor set, they’ll probably have at least 70-100 insights.

Anet make Rev great again.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


There are things you are not privy to, like my work taking me out of home for several weeks in a year for instance and where I do not have access a computer that I can play GW2 on, or an Internet connection some times. And when I come back from long periods of absence, raids aren’t the first thing I want to think of even if I always look out for groups each day I play. Just in case something would fit my time.

I know this is not other players problem, and I’m not asking for players solutions here, but if it wasn’t locked behind such a time consuming content it wouldn’t be that bad at all. Over the years, I could casually make 10 legendary weapons and both legendary back packs without any problem. Granted, I had periods where I had more time before raid existed, but that is no longer the case.

The fact that 12 gifts of fortune is no big deal for you, but a weekly escort is too difficult is hard for me to understand. Have you at least tried to do weekly escort? If the only thing you have ever tried to do is pug wing 1 bosses, then you will have a very inaccurate view of what I am describing.

It is hard for you to grasp because raid is what you enjoy and are probably in a position that you have, or had, at least one fixed group schedule long enough to learn and get reliable progress and success. It also make pugging a lot easier as a consequence since you have the experience of all fights and the LI to go along. You make zero sacrifice when you raid. It is what you like to do.

Amassing T6 mats can be done anywhere in the game and doesn’t require any preparation before you can even try to hope getting results. All laurels I get are transformed in T6 and all the bags I collect I keep for a legendary. When I near the end of a gift I can accelerate the process by buying what remains. Also, when I say 10, it is since day 1 of Gw2. Not in one year.

I don’t know what to say but it seems you are an absolute fringe case. We all make decisions and have to live with them, if it’s apparent your choice or what you want is not attainable adjust your goals.

Have you tried joining a raid guild, I don’t mean to raid on a regular schedule I mean a guild with high level players who like running raids all the time, multiple times a week. A great example is MightyTeapot who seems to raid 4 days a week and it used to be every day but Sunday. You seem to be confident in your abilities so it shouldn’t be a problem to join impromptu raids that are put together fairly last minute with whoever is on from a large pool of good players.

I did join a raid guild several times, but my work schedule often made it hard to be assured of anything when I was available. As for adapting to my situation, I did and still do. I use my credit card to accelerate the process. I can afford to. An option I know many can’t reasonably go for.

Just to clarify, I’m not seeking pity here. I’m simply trying to make people who are blind to others’ reality understand that what is true for them isn’t necessarily for others. That and letting Anet know that it really wasn’t their brightest idea to operate like this for the leg armor placement.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


It is hard for you to grasp because raid is what you enjoy and are probably in a position that you have, or had, at least one fixed group schedule long enough to learn and get reliable progress and success. It also make pugging a lot easier as a consequence since you have the experience of all fights and the LI to go along. You make zero sacrifice when you raid. It is what you like to do.

Amassing T6 mats can be done anywhere in the game and doesn’t require any preparation before you can even try to hope getting results. All laurels I get are transformed in T6 and all the bags I collect I keep for a legendary. When I near the end of a gift I can accelerate the process by buying what remains. Also, when I say 10, it is since day 1 of Gw2. Not in one year.

Your assumptions are incorrect. I didn’t even join a guild until I was over 50 LI (with kills and experience on all bosses prior). And the first guild I did join was more of a training group (which I eventually ended up leading a fair amount of the time). I started raiding after wing 3 came out. I literally solo pugged about 75 of my LI (half way there). I pugged to learn every boss. I made my own lfg’s, I created my own training groups.

In short I took the initiative to learn how to raid because I wanted to do that.

Also, I didn’t force myself to grind out content I didn’t enjoy. I DO like raiding, but you don’t. Personally, I think there should be other means of getting legendary armor (equal in difficulty and time gating). I think Anet spent way too much work on these skins to make them exclusive to raiders. If you make or comment on a threat like that, pm me on the forums and link me to it, I will totally support it. But as for 150 LI as a req for raiding, it feels fine to me.

If you were able to pug and form your own groups so often I can tell you right of the bat you had a lot of time for that game mode. A kitten load of it. Maybe it didn’t looked like much to you because you enjoyed it, but you have to understand that it isn’t an option all can reasonably go for.

But the most important factor of them all is you enjoy that content. It is no sacrifice for you to go for the legendary armor. Any comparison using arguments regarding choices and will to play between someone who enjoy the content and someone who would greatly prefer something else is rendered pretty dubious when the denominators are so drastically different.

My options are:

Renounce the armor (despite all I’ve invested).
suck-it-up and push forward.
Pay for a raid group ready to go at a moment I’m available.

You, OTOH, have all those too except you can replace ‘suck-it-up’ with ‘continue to do what you enjoy’.

Yeah, we all have choices, but the options are not the same at all.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


Why do you feel entitled to rewards for content you don’t have time to do? I get it you were time crunched so you didn’t have the option to raid. Fine. Do you not have the mental wherewithal to adjust your goals to your limitations? I’m a competitive cyclist but I wasn’t born with a huge red blood cell count or a high v02max so I’ll never be pro or anything close to it. But I set reasonable goals for myself within my capabilities. Ask yourself why your goals don’t match your capabilities.


Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


If you were able to pug and form your own groups so often I can tell you right of the bat you had a lot of time for that game mode. A kitten load of it. Maybe it didn’t looked like much to you because you enjoyed it, but you have to understand that it isn’t an option all can reasonably go for.

But the most important factor of them all is you enjoy that content. It is no sacrifice for you to go for the legendary armor. Any comparison using arguments regarding choices and will to play between someone who enjoy the content and someone who would greatly prefer something else is rendered pretty dubious when the denominators are so drastically different.

My options are:

Renounce the armor (despite all I’ve invested).
suck-it-up and push forward.
Pay for a raid group ready to go at a moment I’m available.

You, OTOH, have all those too except you can replace ‘suck-it-up’ with ‘continue to do what you enjoy’.

Yeah, we all have choices, but the options are not the same at all.

My options are the exact same as yours, I simply chose to act on them. All you’ve invested? I’ll ask again, how many LI do you have? Do you need me to teach you escort, trio, and mursaat overseer? If you are NA I am happy to teach you those.

edit: I’m happy to explain them if you are not NA, but I won’t be able to teach you in game.

(edited by thrag.9740)

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


Why do you feel entitled to rewards for content you don’t have time to do? I get it you were time crunched so you didn’t have the option to raid. Fine. Do you not have the mental wherewithal to adjust your goals to your limitations? I’m a competitive cyclist but I wasn’t born with a huge red blood cell count or a high v02max so I’ll never be pro or anything close to it. But I set reasonable goals for myself within my capabilities. Ask yourself why your goals don’t match your capabilities.

Didn’t you read what I said? I did adapt. I continue to raid at my own pace with the difference that I’m accepting to use my credit card to accelerate the process.

As for your bike example, do you hate biking? If you enjoy it and the competition that goes with it, why are you using that example as if of any value? All activities ask for compromises, even those you enjoy. I would know a lot about it myself. However, comparing your efforts into something you have fun vs the efforts someone invest into something he doesn’t is beyond disingenuous. I mean, if you are heterosexual, will you tell yourself “I’ll kiss a guy until I like it”? That it is only a matter of will and not taste?

Don’t give me that hard work BS when you compare apples and aircraft carriers (people who enjoy something vs people who do not). Of course you will be prone to invest tons of time and efforts into something you enjoy. I do the same for what I like and can tolerate a lot more to continue doing them.

@Thrag above: I have 2 pieces of legendary armor crafted, and I thank you for your offer but I will make this short and sweet by finishing with a credit card.

At this point, I think it is time for me to call it quit. For those that still do not understand or disagree, let’s agree to disagree. At any rate, I’m out.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


and thats why targeting something on the order of a year is entirely ridiculous. the very most should be a month or 2, if not a couple weeks. currently, the absolute minimum for dedicating all possible effort is 3 months. and thats if you arent starting from square 1. because good luck getting 13 boss kills in week 1. or week 2. or even any week in month 2.

the hard time gate is out of line by about an order of magnitude.

same for provisioner tokens. and provisioner farming is completely unrelated to raiding at all, so even though its minimum gate is almost right for the overall experience, the entire thing feels out of place. i posit that for an unrelated time gate, one should knock off an order of magnitude from the overall gate to make it not feel sucky and contrived.

Keep in mind, the 1 wing per week to get a full set in about a year is, again, only clearing 1 wing per week. You have an option to clear 4 wings for a total of 13 insights and, again, you were noticed almost a year in advance.

There was plenty of time to focus on getting this in advance, if you chose not to then that’s on your.

And besides, for most people by the time they finish the second armor collection to get the precursor set, they’ll probably have at least 70-100 insights.

you didn’t read. I am keeping that in mind. it’s out of line imo.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: boolah.1325


150 li for the 1st set is fine..

If you are kittening about a 2nd and 3rd set requiring more li then you really need to come to grips with the word “legendary”.. it’s not suppose to be easy to get… come on now..

I pugged 350li… never been in a static..

Learn to play different classes. You will have more fun doing so.

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


“I did it so it’s fine” is a silly argument

I pug all of my raids too and play everything but chrono.

neither of these anecdotes address the discrepancy in time gatedness of legendary armor vs ascended anything compared to other time gate and gold gate differences between other ascended and legendary items.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Legendary Insights

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Why do you feel entitled to rewards for content you don’t have time to do? I get it you were time crunched so you didn’t have the option to raid. Fine. Do you not have the mental wherewithal to adjust your goals to your limitations? I’m a competitive cyclist but I wasn’t born with a huge red blood cell count or a high v02max so I’ll never be pro or anything close to it. But I set reasonable goals for myself within my capabilities. Ask yourself why your goals don’t match your capabilities.

Didn’t you read what I said? I did adapt. I continue to raid at my own pace with the difference that I’m accepting to use my credit card to accelerate the process.

As for your bike example, do you hate biking? If you enjoy it and the competition that goes with it, why are you using that example as if of any value? All activities ask for compromises, even those you enjoy. I would know a lot about it myself. However, comparing your efforts into something you have fun vs the efforts someone invest into something he doesn’t is beyond disingenuous. I mean, if you are heterosexual, will you tell yourself “I’ll kiss a guy until I like it”? That it is only a matter of will and not taste?

Don’t give me that hard work BS when you compare apples and aircraft carriers (people who enjoy something vs people who do not). Of course you will be prone to invest tons of time and efforts into something you enjoy. I do the same for what I like and can tolerate a lot more to continue doing them.

@Thrag above: I have 2 pieces of legendary armor crafted, and I thank you for your offer but I will make this short and sweet by finishing with a credit card.

At this point, I think it is time for me to call it quit. For those that still do not understand or disagree, let’s agree to disagree. At any rate, I’m out.

So now we get to the core of it. It’s not that you CAN’T do it. It’s that you don’t want to do it, so you just buy it.

And that’s fine, but stop acting like there’s some serious issue with obtaining the armor when really it’s just an issue of you not wanting to take the time and effort to get it.

Anet make Rev great again.