Legit Phase 2 and 3 Lupi guard solo
I don’t get the choice of your utilities and why you didn’t use Zealot’s Defense. It’ll block one of his autos and allow you to save a dodge or block.
I brought smite condition due to the fact that if i used an aegis to block the swipe in phase 2 i could clear the bleeds, or if i had no aegis up i could use it as a condi clear for the poison. and i used zealot’s once. but i was playing safe and could not be bothered trying to risk it. since i live in australia and play with a ping of 300
(edited by Minigrump.4961)
Nice solo, I do find that guardian is one of the slower classes to do it on. Was surprised to see you wall him so close to the “reset spot”, I’ve had him surprise me with a 1% reset in the past, which is never fun xD
i walled him there because of phase 1. i always seem to have the best swarm rng when i wall him there, compared to just a bit over to the left. and speaking of phase 1 and guardian being slow, that is why I cut it out xD.
Well the main reason it being slow was probably because you only auto attacked. Kudos for actually doing it though.
yeah i need to work on getting other moves in, was really just focusing on getting the kill this time since it was my first solo since his auto was updated
One other question…. is walling him still the way to go for phase 2 & 3? Wouldn’t reflecting his phase 3 Frenzied Blast occasionally give you a pretty big damage boost overall?
One other question…. is walling him still the way to go for phase 2 & 3? Wouldn’t reflecting his phase 3 Frenzied Blast occasionally give you a pretty big damage boost overall?
Big time, yes
One other question…. is walling him still the way to go for phase 2 & 3? Wouldn’t reflecting his phase 3 Frenzied Blast occasionally give you a pretty big damage boost overall?
You can wall him and reflect the blast.
There’s no reason to wall him besides phase 1 for less swarms tho, at least on a guard
There’s no reason to wall him besides phase 1 for less swarms tho, at least on a guard
Little easier to control him with the wall though, less accidental pushing causing bubbles. NoTrigger’s Guard solo is still my favorite, using GS leap out of the lift, and pulling him off the wall to get frenzied blast reflects when his wall is up then putting him back on it.
His bubbles don’t hit if you’re in melee range tho. They only hit if you’re out of swipe range. It’s still bugged, so as of current there’s still no point and actually if he bubbles it’s good for you because you have a few seconds to wait for endurance to replenish :P
His bubbles don’t hit if you’re in melee range tho. They only hit if you’re out of swipe range. It’s still bugged, so as of current there’s still no point and actually if he bubbles it’s good for you because you have a few seconds to wait for endurance to replenish :P
I’ve ran one step in too close had lupi take a step back and bubble me
But yeah, the new bubbles are kinda nice
If you wall him you can control the RNG of the Frenzied Blast in Phase 3. You dont want him to blast when Wall of on cool down, so best to be inside his hit box until your WoR is ready, isnt it?
If you wall him you can control the RNG of the Frenzied Blast in Phase 3. You dont want him to blast when Wall of on cool down, so best to be inside his hit box until your WoR is ready, isnt it?
Yea for the most part, although if you’re going for a world record then it’s probably best to offwall him all the time, since (assuming unbugged bubbles) you need to wait for him to do an attack before you can move out of his body to bait a fenzied blast, which can lose you time.
Nice solo Mini! Congrats!
yeah i know about baiting out the frenzied blast, its just that for this solo i was aiming on getting the kill and playing it safe instead of trying to get anywhere near a decent time. plus still working on controlling the frenzied blast, since most times i have tried to do it i have gotten myself bubbled (by going too far out) or did not cast wall soon enough (since i usually play with 300 ping)
edit: for those that do not know, this is my second account (minigrump)
(edited by Mystical Potato.5834)