Order Of Intoxication [Psy] Leader
Legit dungeon solo *kick* cm p3
Order Of Intoxication [Psy] Leader
You’ve come to the right place. There’s cocoa on the table in the corner, help yourself.
You’ve come to the right place. There’s cocoa on the table in the corner, help yourself.
does it have cool whip?
Order Of Intoxication [Psy] Leader
This happened to me when I was duoing Arah P2, 2 people joined and kicked me…there goes all that time. A simple fix would be to prevent kicking the instance owner.
You’ve come to the right place. There’s cocoa on the table in the corner, help yourself.
does it have cool whip
Yup Cool Whip, cinnamon, cocoa powder, frothed milk, bourbon…Anything you’d like. Check the shelf above the kettle.
You could invite some friends/guildies as “fillers” and sell the spots 1 at a time. It may be time consuming (good thing the cocoa is ready) but it will prevent you to be emptyhanded if people have the intention of kicking you as a seller.
And sigh…I feel sorry that it happend to you.
Since there are no instance owner anymore i dont see how they can prevent you from getting kicked really
It seems like that people enjoy kicking dungeon sellers since last update
You can actually prevent it by not selling the dungeons!
you can also prevent it by using a proxy
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
You can actually prevent it by not selling the dungeons!
You can actually prevent it by not selling the dungeons!
Love it! Echo my sentiment so well.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Yep, got kicked from my Arah P2 duo today, I was showing a new guy in my guild how to solo, talking about how great it was, how challenging it is to solo a dungeon, how much money you get, he was like “yea, this is pretty cool”. Then when we got to the end, two guys show up, ask who to send the money to… and then kick us. Second time I’ve had my dungeon instance stolen. Anet really needs to fix kicking. Can’t we just prevent people who JUST JOINED the party from kicking? is that so difficult? Hell, I’ll write the code anet, just give me an internship.
1 cocoa with cool whip for SongOfDestruction coming up.
also sad that it happend to you, this dungeon stealing is becoming a real sport.
You’ve come to the right place. There’s cocoa on the table in the corner, help yourself.
does it have cool whip
You mean cool hhhhhhwhhhip?
You can actually prevent it by not selling the dungeons!
Awesome. But the triple slap by Tyrion would do even more nicely right now.
(edited by deSade.9437)
There was seriously nothing worse about dungeon running with pugs than to spend hours in there and be kicked by some people and the instance kicking everyone. Or when the dungeon starter had to go after you are almost near the boss. I’m happy they fixed that but being able to kick the dungeon starter should not be possible unless they are outside the instance or offline.
There was seriously nothing worse about dungeon running with pugs than to spend hours in there.
ftfy hehe but I get your point
I sorta wish they had kicked me. I dont know why this enraged me as much as it did.
lol, nice. I’ll bet you were thrilled that they came and “helped”.
Honestly, looks like the sort of thing I’d do >.<
So, where’s that “fix” that was supposedly withdrawn?
You can actually prevent it by not selling the dungeons!
Oh, what wonderful advice. Perhaps you should add that OP could avoid it by not playing the game, because it’s clearly their fault for putting themselves in a spot where they could be griefed. Actually, it’s OP’s fault for existing. This could have been prevented if OP didn’t exist. For shame.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
You can actually prevent it by not selling the dungeons!
Alright, a-net might not support legit dungeons sellers for reasons I don`t know, but they also don`t forbid it; so it`s up to you if you want to learn it and profit from it or not!
Each MMORPG has certain ways how to earn game currency/grind…. I don`t see a problem here if someone wants to do it….Since it`s their “wasted” time. So sellers don`t handicap ANYONE!
Whereas people who join and steal/kick do! They they literally exploit another players who had to spend time into the learning ot the dungeon.
I rememeber how much I had to struggle with Arah p3 even after having watched solo guides: The Cruher dude was pretty hard, but after many many many tries I became better..They funny part was also the lightning prb part…spent days on it, tried different armor and runes, food…etc etc… not even speaking of Lupicus himself..
Once you have learned one dungeon path to solo it becames boring so that you may learn another dungeon…which also requires times and effort.
So in the end I don`t understand why these people who steal/kick don`t get punished. Even if you record some and make it public on YT + let a-net staff (e.g. Chris) know about this = no acting? I`m not sure tho. About 1 week ago two kittens did merge me, EDITED the lfg description only a bit, but kept the “Sell xxxx for xxGold” also got ppl joining them. Now, when I check my block lost, one of the griefers is still active, while the other one is not. So there might have happened sth or he is just busy with rl^^
BTW: I`m really sorry for you sander, but keep practicing Once you can “rush” the dungeon it won`t be that frustrating anymore if you get kicked. Tho, recording the exploiter might also help.
It’s really bad logic to blame the victim anyways. Even if they were not selling the dungeon, the same thing could have happened.
“need help on last boss”
Blame them for playing with pugs then? Selling dungeons is a red herring. Of course it gets used because people don’t actually have a valid argument and resort to sound bites that sound wise but in reality are just intellectually and morally bankrupt, but it does do a good job of hiding these things.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)