Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkblue.6129


Currently a “Gift of X” costs 500 Dungeon Tokens. Gifts are mandatory to craft legendary weapons.
By nerfing the amount of gold you earn with dungeon, you reduce the number of people who want to run that content and add yet another grind in the legendary crafting process.

Most importantly, you add a grind that require people to do: you’ll need other people to run dungeons with you to craft a legendary because tokens will be the only reason to run them. Legendary gifts are already a goldsink as they are, increasing the difficulty in acquiring Gifts doesn’t seem needed.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It takes aproximately 10 dungeons to get the 500 tokens (actually even less, but I’ll go with 10 since it’s a ncie round number).

That is such an insignificant amount of dungeons compared to the desired effect of removing or reducing the gold reward of dungeons that this is an absolute non-issue.

Good try though.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkblue.6129


It takes aproximately 10 dungeons to get the 500 tokens (actually even less, but I’ll go with 10 since it’s a ncie round number).

That is such an insignificant amount of dungeons compared to the desired effect of removing or reducing the gold reward of dungeons that this is an absolute non-issue.

Good try though.

It’s 40 token for the first run of the day, so maybe you mean it takes 10 runs if you just stick to one path run daily and wait some time?
Well, it makes sense, but if we consider dungeons like Arah it will still be an hassle, because each path is quite lengthy and you have to run all three of them if you want the bonus tokens.

(edited by Arkblue.6129)

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Icdan Sevaen.4628

Icdan Sevaen.4628

It’s 40 token for the first run of the day

60 actually. Per path.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Belorn.2659


Back in the day it took ages to find 4 other people who needed victory of death, so most people did not do it. It was such a problem that anet fixed the whole path just to open up the possibility for a significant part of the player base to finish the game solo.

10 runs might sound little, but it is a major pain and close to impossible if the player base to pick a party from is exclusively those who are also going for the same legendary.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: numri.7081


Completing one full dungeon reward track in PvP nets you 240 tokens if I remember correctly.

I don’t think lowering the gold reward would have a noticeable impact on dungeon tokens, possibly on overall progress, but that’s not what this thread is about

Head-vagrant of the [Hobo] Union
[Underworld – Warrior] Mary Maceless
Occasionally streaming @ www.twitch.tv/numrii

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zach.2618


Well considering it’s a legendary you’re getting I don’t think 10 measly runs should be much of a problem. If I were a Dev I’d be like 10 runs?! I’m gonna make you legendary kitten! You better run it a 100 times if you wanna be legendary! But meh I Guess 10 will do.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arkblue.6129


It’s 40 token for the first run of the day

60 actually. Per path.

40 are only the bonus one, yes. It’s 40 per bonus daily path+20 path.

However, certain paths like Arah’s last quite a bit.
Sure, 3 Paths are 180 daily, but it’s something close to 2 hours and half.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zania.8461


Tokens drop from PvP reward tracks for corresponding dungeons. Guess what ANet is trying to phase out and what they are trying to push players into doing.

Also, strangely enough you can often grind out dungeon skins faster* in PvP than doing actual dungeons.

*In this case faster means by putting in more consecutive hours and not ‘total time spent in dungeon/pvp’.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cormac.3871


People doing the dungeoneer achievement will probably switch over to PvP as the main method for getting them if the drop in gold rewards for dungeons is significant. OP is right that 500 tokens (8 runs worth, because you get at least 63 per path first time you complete it, and why would you run it more than once a day given that most other parts of the legendary take far longer) will now be a grind because either the player has to through 2 and a bit complete PvP tracks, or they have to now wait longer to have fun in lfg for the dungeons unless they are in a helpful guild.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


WoW so much speculation. Can we wait until they release how much they gonna nerf the reward. I doubt they will nerf the loot and the number of tokens from dungoen, so that right there is already half the reward for some dungeon like CoE. There is a high chance that dungeon will still be a super good way to get gold.

I’m not saying that they can’t or won’t destroy dungeon. They could remove all the gold reward and now it could be a problem to get the tokens you need., True. But that highly unlikely.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Dungeons will still drop things as well as they will still have some gold, they will just have much less gold.

From what I understand, only the amount of gold rewarded will be nerfed.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaine Tog.8304

Blaine Tog.8304

It takes aproximately 10 dungeons to get the 500 tokens (actually even less, but I’ll go with 10 since it’s a ncie round number).

That is such an insignificant amount of dungeons compared to the desired effect of removing or reducing the gold reward of dungeons that this is an absolute non-issue.

Good try though.

But what if it takes 30-60 minutes to put together a group that wants to do a given dungeon? What if two of those people were hoping for a metazerk group and the other three just wanted to have fun?

It’s still going to be technically possible to run dungeons, but a straight, significant nerf to the rewards without any compensation will make acquiring enough tokens to get the skins or Gifts you need much more time-consuming and much, less fun. Right now, it takes 5-10 minutes on average to get together a PUG, so if you need 500 tokens for the Gift and that takes you, say, 8 runs, that’s a total of 80 minutes you’re going to need to spend to get your groups together; a decent amount, but not too much at a time. If it takes 45 minutes to find a group on average, now you’re looking at a wait time of 6 hours…

But probably even more than that, because sometimes things will be slow and you’ll have been waiting for 65-70 minutes and then one of the three people you’ve gotten together will get tried of waiting and leave, and then the others will leave, and you’ll have wasted the entire hour. That already happens now when the wait time can sometimes swing to upwards of 15-20 minutes, so I guarantee you it’s going to be an even bigger problem after the nerf. And after that happening a couple of times, a lot of people will lose interest in even trying, which will further reduce the dungeoneering population and exacerbate the long wait times.

I main Ele and Necro, though I have an alt of each profession at level 80.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.

(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


It’s 40 token for the first run of the day

60 actually. Per path.

40 are only the bonus one, yes. It’s 40 per bonus daily path+20 path.

However, certain paths like Arah’s last quite a bit.
Sure, 3 Paths are 180 daily, but it’s something close to 2 hours and half.

Your argument was based around the tokens needed for the current legendary gift. Most dungeons are clearable all 3 paths in maximum 30-40 minutes, except for Arah.

If you want to extend your argument to include the rewards in total for all dungeons and how they are made less desirable, well that is the idea behind the nerf.

Now some legendarys will get affected more than others, and yes especially Arah as prime example and longest dungeon would be the most problematic. That is not counting ofcorse how much faster the dungeon can get cleared with the new elite specialisations.

I’d argue that the reduction in inflation and reduced gold required more than offsets this very minor problem. If 8-10 hours more work is an issue for you getting a legendary, I doubt you’ve even tried in assempling a legendary at all so far. Hell even 20 hours more work are NOTHING comapred to the total time needed.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


It’s 40 token for the first run of the day

60 actually. Per path.

40 are only the bonus one, yes. It’s 40 per bonus daily path+20 path.

However, certain paths like Arah’s last quite a bit.
Sure, 3 Paths are 180 daily, but it’s something close to 2 hours and half.

You are terrible at dungeon if it take you 2,5 hours to do the 3 first paths. Most people can duo them in 1,5 hours or less.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Less gold per run affects Legendary gifts.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eight Samurai.6840

Eight Samurai.6840

It’s 40 token for the first run of the day

60 actually. Per path.

Just to clarify, it’s 60 total tokens per path per day, plus 3 tokens per blue bag you get. So, if you do all 3 paths a day, you are earning 180+the tokens of blue bags per day. More or less, in 3 days time you can one of the components of a legendary weapon. Sounds super legendary to me!