Level Restrictions?
Start your own group saying anyone is welcome.
you can send a msg to me and i will join o/
o dont care about the level to do dungeons =D
just send me a message… may be more dificult… but we can do it… with 5 people we can XD
Idk. But the idea just seems unfair, you know? It’s hard enough finding the people. LFG should be for the new people who want to dungeon. Not the level 80’s that seem to miss use it.
Idk. But the idea just seems unfair, you know? It’s hard enough finding the people. LFG should be for the new people who want to dungeon. Not the level 80’s that seem to miss use it.
The people that ask for 80 only just want a quick, smooth run with experienced people. I don’t see why it’s unfair that they don’t want to run with sub 80s.
That’s another thing, experience. How is the level 80 going to get experience if he/she never ran it?
Watch a video and ask help from guild members to teach it to you. If your guild doesn’t do that sort of thing find a better fitting guild.
Idk… I just think it would be easier to use LFG the way it should be…
Idk… I just think it would be easier to use LFG the way it should be…
That’s the thing though. Those LFG’s looking for other players at level 80 ARE using it as it should be.
They want to do a quick run through of the path. So they ask for others who are their own level to run the dungeon with. Mostly due to the fact that level 80’s have all their traits, have had plenty of time to get any useful utility and elite skills, and have a higher chance of knowing the mechanics.
Your best bet is to start a LFG of your own making it clear that is a casual run or find a guild that is willing to do the path with you. You might have to wait a little bit longer to do so and you’re run could well be in the hour to 2 hour range, but until you’re at level 80 or know the people you are running with, chances are most groups won’t want to take the hit on the DPS.
The DPS hit comes mostly from traits and gear since traits and gear don’t downscale completely. A level 80 with full exotics and all their traits placed will be more powerful as a level 35 player than an actual level 35 player. And the groups that ask for level 80, experienced players are the ones that are looking to speed clear.
But above all, just admit up front that you’re new to the dungeon and be willing to listen to what people say. And don’t join the groups that ask for level 80 experienced. Those three things will open a lot more doors with the experienced players. Because most of them, if not all of them, would really like it if more people who PUG’ed learned the mechanics of the paths and learned the best builds, etc. Just not on their speed clear runs.
Edit: And this is coming from someone who due to their own skills (or lack thereof) has to run in full clerics and therefore when I decide to do the dungeon runs I’ll need to get the tokens will have to either spend several gold regearing (that I need to use for buying other things for the legendaries I’m after) or several hours in the dungeons since I shouldn’t join the speed clear groups. Because I know my bunker ele doesn’t do much in the way of DPS. And it would be nice to do the speed clears because 45-60 minutes for all 3 paths vs the 4.5 to 5 hours for all paths starts to add up.
(edited by Seera.5916)
Lets just hope it freaking works then…
It works. Just 15 minutes longer than normal in LFG. I’ve been helping a friend leveling through dungeons since level 40.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids