Level based dungeons, as a progress bar

Level based dungeons, as a progress bar

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Like the line says, never mind the minimum.

Your progress bar should allow you to participate in higher level fractals (but who in their right mind would want to?), not the other way around where you don’t progress except to play in your level. Of course progress should be slower if you stayed in the lower frames, but people could get parties again.

No brainer really, but in the mean time please tone it all done a TON. I hate your dungeons. All of them.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Level based dungeons, as a progress bar

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shammy.5846


If you consider GW1 high end tier areas. this place is cake you can bring any classes and any build and still complete it. In GW1 there are some places you can’t even survive the first pull. So consider I consider this place EZ mode. Agony is nothing more than fighting Mursaats and Jade Armor without fully infused gear. So the concept is exactly the same here. No need to tone it down people need to get used to the slaughters we came accustomed to in GW1.

Level based dungeons, as a progress bar

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

If you consider GW1 high end tier areas…

I could give less of a kitten about the GW1 high end tier areas. I never really played that game. That experience means nothing to me. NOTHING. From what you are telling me so far, I’m glad I didn’t go there.

No need to tone it down people need to get used to the slaughters we came accustomed to in GW1.

Speak for yourself, just as I am doing for me. I don’t want to do this sort of horsekitten. Give me 5 trebuchets and I’ll line them all up for my WvW group, all on target and tell you the power you need to use. That’s what I’m good at, and that’s what I enjoy. There are a lot of things I enjoy in this game, but this isn’t it.

I don’t want to fall to my death, EVER! That cliffside thing? Never again. A jumping puzzle as a fractal? I don’t do them in the real game. In a dungeon? NEVER! So, tone it down.

I don’t want to swim through deep caverns with no access to the surface, and I have over 2k dives in my log book. There is a reason why I don’t go to places like that, and what’s more, jellyfish don’t hunt. So, tone it down.

The other 4 I’ve done so far were pretty much non-obvious how to solve. They just took far too freaking long, for no really good reason. You can tone that down too.

One of those story lines wasn’t even difficult, but turned my Norn Nordic Goddess Mesmer into a Charr. I can’t even ask why. Anet did it because they could, but that’s not how I want my character to look.

And last but not least, I didn’t post this as an invitation for a discussion so could a mod please close this and forward the feedback to anyone who might even remotely care about this situation. Maybe the janitor. He probably like the left over cupcakes from Reddit.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.