And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
I decided to give this it’s own thread, I’ll have it closed after April4th when winners are announced
Okay folks, it’s that time again:
Lilith’s Fashionable Springtime Run Challenge
Here we go!
Take a screenshot in a dungeon (something that could be, aesthetically, construed as springtime, such as TA, CM, Cliffside, etc). This screen may be edited and enhanced with photo altering programs. You can be of any race, gender, or class, but you must be dressed appropriately for the springtime weather.
Posting Guidelines:
Name of character
Dungeon name and path
Description of actions…
The first place winner (and there can be only one), will receive the weapon skin of their choice priced at below 100g. You will receive the honorary title of Fashionable in the Spring. This will be especially nice for those of you excited for the wardrobe unlocks!
Second place will be the under dog category. This will go to the character whose race, gender, class even, that is surprisingly springy. You will receive the title of Fashion Underdog (Sylvari females cannot win this category) This winner will receive one lovestruck pistol.
Third place will be the poetic category. If your story is so darn good I cry, I cheer, or I just love it to pieces, you will receive the title Fashionably Poetic. This winner will receive 10g, so that they can stop being a starving artist. <3
Entries open up as soon as I press “Post reply” and will end on Friday, April 4th at 11:59PM EST.
Anyone is welcome to enter. Please have fun with this! I want to see you all fashionably shine!
(edited by Lilith Ajit.6173)
Me first!
But I need to do moar dungeons for a chance to get a nice picture!!! Anyone with me (for the prize)?
I have the perfect character for this!
Sorry for not having a dungeon and all that, I entered in the tyrian beauty contest and the OP just forgot about us.
Sounds rough. I think you missed the spirit of this particular contest, however.
Honestly, you’ll get alot more participants if you put this in the “In Game events” Forum.
Perhaps it’s not quantity, but quality that Lilith is going for. Or perhaps she prefers the company of her fellow dungeon subforumers?
Regardless, color me springtime-ily interested. Hopefully I can cajole a few of my guildies into some photo-ops.
Edit: What’s your desktop size, btw, Lilith? 1920×1080?
(edited by DigitalKirin.9714)
Sorry for not having a dungeon and all that, I entered in the tyrian beauty contest and the OP just forgot about us.
Sounds rough. I think you missed the spirit of this particular contest, however.
Honestly, you’ll get alot more participants if you put this in the “In Game events” Forum.
Perhaps it’s not quantity, but quality that Lilith is going for. Or perhaps she prefers the company of her fellow dungeon subforumers?
Regardless, color me springtime-ily interested. Hopefully I can cajole a few of my guildies into some photo-ops.
Edit: What’s your desktop size, btw, Lilith? 1920×1080?
I cannot accept any entries outside of a dungeon. You could just go in TA and screen cap something though! I do love your Sylvari, however it may become more appropriate for my next contest (to be announced April 11).
Kirin, let’s just say my desktop size is that because I would like to have a nice picture. However, my desktop size is like… A square. For now. My hubby just got me a new one, haven’t gotten it yet though ^^
I am fine with anyone entering this contest, people I love and people I don’t know and even people I hate. My only bias is my desire for pure fashion. So show me the fashion, bros!
Behold! My Destroyer Sylvari Theif!! Xavier Moonshank! Taking a photogenic rest about halfway through Citadel of Flame Story. At Last, he springs back into action with his lucky slingshot “Death by Flinging Rocks!!”
“What happens when a daddy destroyer and a mommy sylvari really like each other?”
(edited by flipyap.5789)
Even if today’s ‘evening runs’ didn’t go as smooth as wanted, particulary cause by some typical 3-letter-ing dub, I should have still got a few nice screenies. I’ll update this later.
Was rp’ing as rainbow.
Even if today’s ‘evening runs’ didn’t go as smooth as wanted, particulary cause by some typical 3-letter-ing dub, I should have still got a few nice screenies. I’ll update this later.
Was rp’ing as rainbow.
^.^ I’m excited!
This shall not be taken as an entry, though! Bad place to take screenies, not enough sun for springtime, but too much light anyway. Luckily my elementalist has also mastered the ways of color changing, to make this a bit more interesting.
For the last picture, I was trying myself in Weth-style. How did I do?
Edit: You can take the NO one as entry of me.
(edited by Dub.1273)
It’s like Kralkatorrik swallowed an adventurer and a rainbow then farted you out o___o
How do you get auras to stack, btw? I’ve had it accidentally happen to me a few times.
This shall not be taken as an entry, though! Bad place to take screenies, not enough sun for springtime, but too much light anyway. Luckily my elementalist has also mastered the ways of color changing, to make this a bit more interesting.
For the last picture, I was trying myself in Weth-style. How did I do?
Such color, much wow.
Hey, your armors look decent, rainbow style is fine, just not starter heavy armor.
BTW the picture with Iris and your edit made me nearly spit water ALL over my work laptop. GG! xD
But, ctrl shift h please please please please
Nooooooooooooo........................... × . x
Nooooooooooooo........................... × . x
You NEED to be more careful! That stuff, once on the internet, can never be deleted forever.
I smell Caudecusness in the next fellowing pictures incoming…
HotW story, at the beginning
Sublimatio.6981 & Caro.2710
Spring – the time when ice melts under the heat of our love. <3
(edited by Sublimatio.6981)
HotW story, at the beginning
Sublimatio.6981 & Caro.2710
Spring – the time when ice melts under the heat of our love. <3
applause bravo!
I love it.
thanks <3
OMG!!!! Such a winning scene.
Sublimatio demonstrated exactly what I want to see. So go on lovelies! Make me swoon !
Meaning, themed post with some sort of story attached and creativity.
I just can’t tell if that sylvari is male of female… or shemale?
- Each account can only submit 3 entries. The winner will be the person who impresses me enough that my wallpaper becomes their submission (it’s gotta be that good!).
- It must be inside a dungeon
- It must have at least one character inside who is a part of your account
What about people with multiple accounts? Would it be ok for me to post a picture under this account that actually only shows characters from my other account?
runs off to bully guildmates into a ton of dungeon runs
Needs more chainmail.
- Each account can only submit 3 entries. The winner will be the person who impresses me enough that my wallpaper becomes their submission (it’s gotta be that good!).
- It must be inside a dungeon
- It must have at least one character inside who is a part of your account
What about people with multiple accounts? Would it be ok for me to post a picture under this account that actually only shows characters from my other account?
runs off to bully guildmates into a ton of dungeon runs
People with multiple accounts:
As I have no way of knowing, outside of a few exceptions, which account is whose, you may use characters from your alternate account as long as you indicate which account the character is from.
And yes! Bully those guildmates!
Spring is comming,
Kids are laughing !
The festivities must start !
Our beloved Easter Bunny’s
Here with finest art!
- Miku Lawrence
Freezy Path of Caudecus Manor
(edited by Miku Lawrence.6329)
Spring is comming,
Kids are laughing !
The festivities must start !
Our beloved Easter Bunny’s
Here with finest art!- Miku Lawrence
Freezy Path of Caudecus Manor
Hehe awwww I love it. I want an easter bunny like that one. mmhmm
Spring is comming,
Kids are laughing !
The festivities must start !
Our beloved Easter Bunny’s
Here with finest art!- Miku Lawrence
Freezy Path of Caudecus Manor
I really love the setting, but do the yellow-brown grungy-undies qualify as fashionable? :-P I’ve always wondered who picked those colors for the “delicates” and why, lol.
Spring’s hot in Tyria this year due to the Molten Alliance’s pressure on magic leylines.
It’s fashionable because of the fur paws and ears °3°
#RP Glasses
It… grows on you. Pretty much like an allergy to pollen.
One day you wake up and your warm blankets feel like a moist prison choking you. Your right foot seeks out its freedom: there, one bold toe after another, towards the air’s cold touch. You wait for that familiar shiver down the leg, ah so refreshing, but nothing comes your way, just a sticky silence.
Hmmm. Why is it so hot?
Then the light, not just a handful of sparks thrown at your face, no, you’re showered with it and it’s everywhere. Nowhere to hide, not even for the remnants of your dreams. You need to crawl away from the intrusive sun… what’s better than the gloomy, dewy Twilight Arbor?
In its soothing shade you finally find your place. No need to pay attention to the bickering of the NPCS: Caithe lies in a corner of the chamber, forgotten. This is what you’re best at: clearing the depths of dungeons, eradicating weed wherever you can find it…
… Just to be able to rest in that blue light, of course. The silence doesn’t even sound menacing after destroying the mortars which cluttered the room.
Isn’t it sad, though? Blossoming flowers used as weapons? It also seems like no [cleric!] healing can revive them to their original state.
Now it’s all clear and peaceful. Still, spring shows its two faces: colours and shades so vibrant no dye would be able to imitate, an intense luminosity… but long shadows.
It’s while fighting more corrupted flowers, more spiders that you finally realise the true nature of spring: it’s warmth and light and short skirts and flowers, but its very core still belongs to the winter. At twilight, it freezes again.
A sudden storm might be gathering, and the scent of flowers covers a rotting smell that turns your stomach upside down.
You better be ready and have a lot of spells in your kitten nal.
Aine Ni Sirideain
P.S. Just cleared the first two rooms and a corridor. I needed some rest so I crawled back in my coffin.
The middle screen is by far my favorite. Your story is lovely. Fashion perfect.
(Top to Bottom, Left to Right)
Genevieve Talbot, Ara, Amber Angelsong, Makenna, Nevehna
A composite of Arah and Twilight Arbor
A verdant renewal comes to Orr. Even the lifeless ground of Arah may be touched by the gentle beauty of Nature.
Arah P3 just outside of Ascendant’s Bounty Waypoint, and TA Story right at the entrance.
It’s beautiful, but I think photoshopped screenshots shouldn’t be considered as fair play
It’s beautiful, but I think photoshopped screenshots shouldn’t be considered as fair play
I did say explicitly that edited images were allowed.
Kirin, I adore what you did there. Such lore, many wow.
Oh I see :P
I decided to give this it’s own thread, I’ll have it closed after April4th when winners are announced
Okay folks, it’s that time again:
Lilith’s Fashionable Springtime Run Challenge
Here we go!
Take a screenshot in a dungeon (something that could be, aesthetically, construed as springtime, such as TA, CM, Cliffside, etc). This screen may be edited and enhanced with photo altering programs. You can be of any race, gender, or class, but you must be dressed appropriately for the springtime weather.
- Each account can only submit 3 entries. The winner will be the person who impresses me enough that my wallpaper becomes their submission (it’s gotta be that good!).
- It must be inside a dungeon
- It must have at least one character inside who is a part of your account
Posting Guidelines:
- Each image must be prefaced with a short description of that character or group of character’s actions. I would like this to be somewhat poetic.
- With each image, I require the dungeon, path, and how much you have progressed in that path
- Please also place the name of your character
Name of character
Dungeon name and path
Description of actions…Prizes:
The first place winner (and there can be only one), will receive the weapon skin of their choice priced at below 100g. You will receive the honorary title of Fashionable in the Spring. This will be especially nice for those of you excited for the wardrobe unlocks!Second place will be the under dog category. This will go to the character whose race, gender, class even, that is surprisingly springy. You will receive the title of Fashion Underdog (Sylvari females cannot win this category) This winner will receive one lovestruck pistol.
Third place will be the poetic category. If your story is so darn good I cry, I cheer, or I just love it to pieces, you will receive the title Fashionably Poetic. This winner will receive 10g, so that they can stop being a starving artist. <3
Entries open up as soon as I press “Post reply” and will end on Friday, April 4th at 11:59PM EST.
Anyone is welcome to enter. Please have fun with this! I want to see you all fashionably shine!
Iris of Statics and Delvert, feat. Jerem The Light
Arah, path 3
While Jerem was dancing passionately with Madam Lupicus Giganticus, Delvert decided that it is time to do a a bit of spring cleaning in the audience row. Joining him was the little miss Iris, as both enjoyed the approaching finale of Madam Lupicus’ Swan Lake under the clear spring sky of Arah.
As I do not log in until this challenge ends, as my PC isn’t usable at the moment, I’ll just submit my entry out of old screens I found.
Dub the Rainbow and Iris the spring fairy of exhibitionism.
Arah Path 2
As Dub was dubbling the rainbow auras around him, Iris the spring fairy already started work, creating shiny lights and lovely music all around the fabulous arena of Giganticus Lupicus. As Dub was totally surprised by the quick beginning, he totally forgot making some screen quality pose. Luckily enough, with Iris showing off, the eyesight of the viewer is covered elsewhere than on the kitten y UI parts.
(edited by Dub.1273)
Iris of Statics and Delvert, feat. Jerem The Light
Arah, path 3
While Jerem was dancing passionately with Madam Lupicus Giganticus, Delvert decided that it is time to do a a bit of spring cleaning in the audience row. Joining him was the little miss Iris, as both enjoyed the approaching finale of Madam Lupicus’ Swan Lake under the clear spring sky of Arah.
I indeed like to dance with Lupicus Especially with classes I’ve yet to do a solo with.
Iris of Statics and Delvert, feat. Jerem The Light
Arah, path 3
While Jerem was dancing passionately with Madam Lupicus Giganticus, Delvert decided that it is time to do a a bit of spring cleaning in the audience row. Joining him was the little miss Iris, as both enjoyed the approaching finale of Madam Lupicus’ Swan Lake under the clear spring sky of Arah.I indeed like to dance with Lupicus
Especially with classes I’ve yet to do a solo with.
Jerem showing off so much, posting his solo left and right
Yeah I shouldn’t do that I know shame on me
As I do not log in until this challenge ends, as my PC isn’t usable at the moment, I’ll just submit my entry out of old screens I found.
Dub the Rainbow and Iris the spring fairy of exhibitionism.
Arah Path 2
As Dub was dubbling the rainbow auras around him, Iris the spring fairy already started work, creating shiny lights and lovely music all around the fabulous arena of Giganticus Lupicus. As Dub was totally surprised by the quick beginning, he totally forgot making some screen quality pose. Luckily enough, with Iris showing off, the eyesight of the viewer is covered elsewhere than on the kitten y UI parts.
Why, Dub, why? I am pure and innocent :’(
As I do not log in until this challenge ends, as my PC isn’t usable at the moment, I’ll just submit my entry out of old screens I found.
Dub the Rainbow and Iris the spring fairy of exhibitionism.
Arah Path 2
As Dub was dubbling the rainbow auras around him, Iris the spring fairy already started work, creating shiny lights and lovely music all around the fabulous arena of Giganticus Lupicus. As Dub was totally surprised by the quick beginning, he totally forgot making some screen quality pose. Luckily enough, with Iris showing off, the eyesight of the viewer is covered elsewhere than on the kitten y UI parts.
Why, Dub, why? I am pure and innocent :’(
Well we all know that isn’t true
Why, Dub, why? I am pure and innocent :’(
Well we all know that isn’t true
Breaking news : someone in my guild has a higher score than me !
And questions : as far as poems go, any format to be respected or are we free ? I was thinking of a haiku.
Why, Dub, why? I am pure and innocent :’(
Well we all know that isn’t true
Breaking news : someone in my guild has a higher score than me !
And questions : as far as poems go, any format to be respected or are we free ? I was thinking of a haiku.
Absolutely free to do whatever format you wish! Doesn’t even need to be a poem, can be a story too. Like DeSade’s.
I won’t spill who is winning yet, but I must say I am THRILLED by all of them!
2nd entry because of boredom.
Starring Miku Lawrence
In Twilight Arbor Story mode path
Once upon a time, in the Far far away world of Tyria, lived a rock. The rock was happy of his existence and was proud of being a rock. He lived many many many years, not moving by an inch. He didn’t question anything in the world he lived in. He was indeed a happy rock!
But one day, a sunny Spring’s day, the rock tought for himself – This is a beautiful day! I wish I could run and jump and have fun like all the progenies and fastfooted humans around there! I wish I was a little boy.
His wish was heard by Dwayna, and the goddess gifted the rock of a magical kite. This gear piece made the rock stand on his own feet and walk, strong and fierceful just like a berserking warrior!
’It’s the best day of my existence!’ yelled the running rock! Dwayna heard my prayer and fullfilled my Springtime wish!
He didn’t suspect anything to hurt him. When he was still a simple rock, nobody would approach him or even concider him. But that wasn’t the case, he got crushed by a Nightmare Guard.
Moral of this story – don’t kitten’ skip trash mobs. #elexploit
10/10 would read again? Replace ‘rock’ by ‘casual’.
(No text version picture aviable)
Obviously, I’m not going to win my own contest, but here’s my fake entry:
Cliffside. Beginning.
Springtime clouds cover somber.
“Where am I?” Fleetingly, I wonder.
But I cannot see, for I am too small,
The creepiest thing of all.
Laevvi, my asura guardian in her springtime dress
Caudecus’s Manor (story mode, beginning)
Always busy, always diligent,
Suddenly something is different.
The gate to Rata Sum is working no more,
Someone else has to take over her chore.
With nothing to do, and no talk,
She might as well go for a walk.
Stranded in a place that smells of bookah,
She drops her heavy armor and her charrzooka.
The first warm sunrays touch her skin,
Yes, now it really feels like spring.
Armor: Gladiator Chestplate, Truyere Leggings
Dyes: Hydrangea & Celestial
And if you’re wondering now why an asura has a charrzooka, well, that’s a long story involving a norn, a charr, a lot of ale and a drunk jotun.
Twilight Arbor: Aetherpath
Fire, like the sun, burns
and the season turns.
Now Winter must move
so Spring can bloom!
Beautiful expression.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
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