Looking for Group - Work Around!

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157


Guys, since me and a lot of other peoples are having trouble finding a group for dungeons so i created guild that focus only in having a Global Chat to find Groups!!
You only need to represent the guild while you are trying to find a group, them u can go back to your normal one!

By the way, this might take a while to get a good amount of people to make a LFG faster spread the word so this can be minimized!!!

Ask for invites mailing to “Souto.2157” in game or whisper [only when i’m online]
(Mail invites can take a while to be accepted, whisper is faster)

P.S: U can be on any server for this since u can join dungeon with persons of other servers!!
P.S²: You can be in more than one Guild, u just need to represent wile looking for group!

Update 30/09
I got a LOT of mails asking for invites.

After hitting the 300 members for some reason all invites sent got cleared before i apply for larger guild licence. Some people that didn’t got invite need to re-send!

I notice one thing, people having network error to join guild, don`t know why! It occur to about 4 guys!

There is a limit of how many guilds u can be part of. The limit is FOUR guilds… This seems quite a low number IMO.

Mail asking for invites means i had to type each name to invite this lead to a delay on invites!
All members can invite player to guild!

BTW right now there is 300 members.
I am upgrading the guild size as soon the game let me increase (I think the guild need to be very close to the limit to get the upgrade, i can’t upgrade at maximum right now!)
Next and last upgrade to 500 members will be expensive LOL

Update 01/10

We are almost at the limit members in guild. A lot of people that ask for invite didn’t accepted yet, if we hit 500 before you accept u are out, until someone leave the guild!!

Update 4/10

Guild Full

I hope in the future A.Net will make a way to see the last date someone log in game to keep the guild clean!!!

(edited by Souto.2157)

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157


The guild is growing up fast

But i think it can be really useful if we get a LOT of players there!!!

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157


Update 30/09
I got a LOT of mails asking for invites.

I notice one thing, people having network error to join guild, don`t know why! It occur to about 4 guys!

There is a limit of how many guilds u can be part of. The limit is FOUR guilds… This seems quite a low number IMO

Mail asking for invites means i had to type each name to invite this lead to a delay on invites!

All members can invite player to guild!

BTW right now there is 233 members and about 100 invites out there not accepted yet!

I am upgrading the guild size as soon the game let me increase (I think the guild need to be very close to the limit to get the upgrade, i can’t upgrade at maximum right now!)

P.S: Don’t worry i am paying the upgrade by myself!

(edited by Souto.2157)

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


While I don’t personally need a way to find people for dungeons, I actually think this is a really amazing idea. Be sure to listen to your members if there are griefers that should be dealt with, and all should go well.

Great job, again.


Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157



PM invite disabled, only in game Mail and Whispers!!!

Thanks AlietteFaye, i will do this

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157


Update 01/10
We are almost at the limit to a total of guild members.

As currently there is no way the U.S. players play with E.U. players, so i created another for E.U. players.

So please when u send the mail tell me if you are a US or EU player!!!

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Disconnected.9253


this would allll be 1000x easier if there was an actual LFG channel that was server-wide (instead of /map spam).

but this is an excellent work around!! There should be such a guild on every server at least until they implement better LFG
Sanctum of Rall LFG anyone??

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Genius is making complex things simple! What a great idea. Ill look into this tonight.

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ChrisLew.5492


Play something else until ANet patches up their broken shizz. Problem solved. At least its not subscription, so there’s nothing to loose in dusting off your old/ unfinished console or PC games.

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157


this would allll be 1000x easier if there was an actual LFG channel that was server-wide (instead of /map spam).

but this is an excellent work around!! There should be such a guild on every server at least until they implement better LFG
Sanctum of Rall LFG anyone??

I would love a LFG channel too

Well this guild got plp from all servers.

BTW im from Sanctum of Rall

Looking for Group - Work Around!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Souto.2157


Cleared some invites that has more than 2 days not accepted yet, to open room to more active players!!!