Hi guys,
I’m struggeling now for like almost a year to find a Raidguild, which is not like total elitism or total beginner. I can kill Vale Guardian, Gorseval, Cairn, Mursaat Overseer and Samarog and are able to do escort, since i did this with every guild I’ve been with so far. But when it comes to Sabetha, Wing 2 or Deimos or any other “notsupereasy” Boss they don’t want to do it, because you can’t get the others in time for the reset then…
The Problem is that you don’t even get into Randomgroups to learn them, because they want to see your 300-500Li that you can’t have…
What I want is a guild which does full clears every week or at least tries the harder bosses! I watch multiple guides and videos per boss, learn fast and got a lot of time! Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday are days where i can raid.
I am a Condition PS Warrior with full legendary/ascended Equip, but if needed i can get different other classes raidready (Condi Ranger almost ready/Condi Thief could be done with just stat switch on armor).
I got 144 Li atm and have multiple "KP"s for the bosses already mentioned above.
Prefered Languages would be german or english.
Best regards,
PS.: I can help building out the guild and represent while raiding, but usually i got my guild when i play normal PVE.