Looking for a complete guide on all Dungeons
I have wrote few guides on incgamers (http://guildwars.incgamers.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?244-Guild-Wars-2-PvE).
So far AC, CM, TA and SE. I haven’t really received any feedback so no idea how suitable they are.
Look in the sticky section – that’s about as good as it gets right now.
IMO, the best thing you can do for dungeons is read up a little bit on some boss mechanics and events then grind it out. It WILL get progressively easier as you learn the dungeons.
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]
I’m currently uploading all dungeon paths that my Guild get through. My upload speed is slow though so it takes some time but if your interested have a look:
Wolfgang, I’d encourage you to check out the AC explorable guide in my sig. Most of the “guides” so far are just people recording and uploading their full dungeon run; I’ve actually edited together a strategy guide that will tell you the bosses’ abilities, show you strategies to defeat them, etc. I hope you find it useful.
I’m currently about 60% done with the Caudecus’s Manor guide; it should be up in a couple days.
My explorable mode video guides: http://bit.ly/RrL2jj