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Your PFL (Personal Fractal Level) is what determines what LFG you can search for, not your agony resist. You have to play lower scale fractals to raise it.
Your PFL (Personal Fractal Level) is what determines what LFG you can search for, not your agony resist. You have to play lower scale fractals to raise it.
Or (to progress your PFL), join friends who are doing higher-level fractals. PFL progresses by 1 each time you do a fractal of the same or higher level, e.g. to progress from PFL 35, you can do any fractal L35-L100. (You just can’t use the LFG for 51+.)
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”
It helps if you do them in order though. I was stuck in T3 for ages because I did 100 before 99, it showed completion but wouldn’t allow me to progress.