Looking for a pay run through Aether,T/A.

Looking for a pay run through Aether,T/A.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Captain Herbalife.2581

Captain Herbalife.2581

Title says it all. Its the only dungeon path that I have not completed. I wasn’t available the week that the living story changed T/A. Therefore I was unable to get in when everyone else did it. No i have tried pug groups with this path and we make it to Clockheart and then it just a series of continual wipes. I seldom(very seldom) see anyone in lfg trying to do this path and when i do, people rage quit after a couple wipes.
I am on N/A servers so if you got a group that can run it, let me know when is good and a price of course. IGN: Captain Herbalife

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Looking for a pay run through Aether,T/A.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LittleLepton.8915


There is a player here on the forums on an NA server called Elrey that would likely gladly help. He is always talking about running it with new folks. There are also many Aether posts that have people looking for party mates. I suggest looking around might not even have to pay.

You don’t know me.


Looking for a pay run through Aether,T/A.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Captain Herbalife.2581

Captain Herbalife.2581

I have seen Elrey post before but he is on E/U servers. But thanks for responding.

Looking for a pay run through Aether,T/A.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RolandMode.2749


I ended up in a same situation a couple days ago. Aethers was the last path to get Dungeon Master.
I’ve been trying for 5 hours, but every pug failed and left.
I gave it one last chance, entered first to not lose progress because of ragequitters .
Posted the following criteria:
“Aetherpath : have at least 4k AP and dungeon experience "
Most of the group was over6k and I asked the only player with 2k to leave…
We’ve managed to beat the path in 80mins, bested Clockheart at 2nd try.