Loved the new CM Story mode

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


I’m VERY glad for the dungeon change – even if it means I will be wiping like crazy for a while. I ran CM-Story twice the night before the change – first times there. I was -SHOCKED- at the XP I got on the second run. So much so I felt I had to leave group and maybe avoid dungeons… It felt like an exploit…

I’ve just gotten out of a run of the new CM-Story.


Much better than it used to be, its now a challenge. It gives a modest bit of XP, and enough coin to break even on cost once you learn to stop faceplanting as many times as I did (I had to repair 6 items – the same 3 twice). Loot was what I’d expect from story mode – stuff to salvage. One 79 in our group got a level 45 yellow, but the rest of us got normal salvage style drops.

It tested my as yet modest GW2-style skills. We had to coordinate. We had to think about what we were doing. I could not faceroll it this time.

Its fun now – a challenge – not AFK-easy. Not something to farm, but to get a thrill-ride out of.

This one is now just about perfect.

Attachments: – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


So you ran a negative run? Why should a high level player help lowbies through an instance that they will otherwise not be able to clear?

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.

Everyone in there was dropped to 40 on entering. We were all level 14 in the area outside to dungeon so I had no idea we had a 79 in the group until he started talking about planning to hit 80 tonight.

We’ve all got the same skill bars now – so we’re essentially on par. Maybe it would have been a little tougher with all level 40s – but given the difficulty it had, that would just make it equal to AC, and not slightly easier – so still no bad thing. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


Thats cool, Im glad you enjoy low rewards high risk game factors, dungeon designers are gonna need people like you to survive being a viable part of GW2.

And as for helping lower level players get through CM with my knowledge of the dungeon, forget that, Ive no reason to do it now.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.

Everyone in there was dropped to 40 on entering. We were all level 14 in the area outside to dungeon so I had no idea we had a 79 in the group until he started talking about planning to hit 80 tonight.

We’ve all got the same skill bars now – so we’re essentially on par. Maybe it would have been a little tougher with all level 40s – but given the difficulty it had, that would just make it equal to AC, and not slightly easier – so still no bad thing.

The 79 in your group had massively superior stats to the rest of your group, to the degree that without a special spec he could probably solo a silver elite in there. His damage was MASSIVELY higher than yours and your entire team.

Maybe you’re new or don’t know how the stats in this game work but gear still has a higher impact even with downranked.

Now, if he died even once in that run, he was at least 70c in the red for that run. He may have gotten more exp but he definitely got the same gold reward. Hell, you yourself ran in the red for doing that run, there was no reason for you to be there and you got nothing from it.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.

Everyone in there was dropped to 40 on entering. We were all level 14 in the area outside to dungeon so I had no idea we had a 79 in the group until he started talking about planning to hit 80 tonight.

We’ve all got the same skill bars now – so we’re essentially on par. Maybe it would have been a little tougher with all level 40s – but given the difficulty it had, that would just make it equal to AC, and not slightly easier – so still no bad thing.

The 79 in your group had massively superior stats to the rest of your group, to the degree that without a special spec he could probably solo a silver elite in there. His damage was MASSIVELY higher than yours and your entire team.

Maybe you’re new or don’t know how the stats in this game work but gear still has a higher impact even with downranked.

Now, if he died even once in that run, he was at least 70c in the red for that run. He may have gotten more exp but he definitely got the same gold reward. Hell, you yourself ran in the red for doing that run, there was no reason for you to be there and you got nothing from it.

Actually you’re right, I soloed a silver in CM whilst the other 4 were working on another, it took about the same time for my silver to die as theirs.

And if that lvl 79 had planned on leveling to 80 in CM with its low exp reward, hes going to be in Beetletun for quite sometime and broke soon

If I was you, instead of keeping him down with you guys, I would have told him to just do the DEs in Arah.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Afkjosh.3912


OP is trolling.
No one in their right mind can be happy to get rewarded so low regardless of lvl.

Currently Playing ~ Lich Lord Joshua – (Necro)
WvW Rank ~ 2,4xx / WvW Kills ~ 1xx,xxx / PvP Rank ~ 7x
EBAY ~ [Void] → FA/SoS ~ [HOPE] → FA ~ [CM] → FA/DB ~ [TheD] → ?

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: berries.7016


To me you just described how exploration should be, not story.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Spectacles.5097


I’m 47 and I get 2100 exp per event in my zone. You getting 1200 exp from that dungeon (which I ran today and took over an hour) is about equal if not less than what you would get from an event at your level.

These dungeons are a waste of time. They aren’t fun, they have badly designed encounters (except the first boss of CM), and the rewards are laughable to top it all off.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brewbeer.8239



Maybe he’s happy he had fun, and was challenged by the game in a new way? Maybe it isn’t always about the reward?


These dungeons are a good way to spend time, they are fun, have interesting encounters (the Evolved Husk in CoE explorable is a good example) and you don’t lose any money from running them, and gain lots of good salvage.

See what I did there?

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vithaar.8637


Sarcasm is strong with this one

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dajman.2740


I am lvl 43 right now and laughed really hard. A you had a 79 which has been said. B. If I am in a zone for 40-50 I can walk through an area do 2 or 3 things for an event and keep walking really not even need to stay there the whole time, and get 2+ silver and 3.5+k xp.

Your screen shot only proved how terrible this change was.

Get to 80 asap guys cause winter is coming and soon your lvl 70-80 zone events are going to be “to easy” and receive a 50% + reward drop after you do them the first time.

It is not terrible right now but I was expecting to get full reward for waiting a day in between my run. A guildy wanted me to run AC with them and it just turned out I had run AC 26 hours before that one. 26 hours was I farming it? NO. Did I get more than 12k xp? NOPE. I finally told him sorry I wasn’t running again until he could go back and forth between CM and AC.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: berries.7016



Maybe he’s happy he had fun, and was challenged by the game in a new way? Maybe it isn’t always about the reward?


These dungeons are a good way to spend time, they are fun, have interesting encounters (the Evolved Husk in CoE explorable is a good example) and you don’t lose any money from running them, and gain lots of good salvage.

See what I did there?

I don’t. Would you care to elaborate?

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


@AFKjosh: Trolling. Are you serious?

Anyone who is not your opinion is a troll. Looks to me like you’re doing trolling by that standard.

These new dungeons are perfection – they challenge a group, and they’re not there for quickie rewards, but for the thrill ride of doing them.

This is now getting closer to what I was ‘promised’ out of their marketing material pre-launch. A game worth leaving WoW for.

Want dungeon farming, go to WoW… boring quickie dungeons you repeat 1000-times.

I want challenge, and a thrill from getting through. XP is meant to come from doing the story of the world: exploring, DEs, hearts, personal. First run through a dungeon is ok for some reward – after that, you should be there for the game, the thrill, the challenge.

This is just right.

I’m 47 and I get 2100 exp per event in my zone. You getting 1200 exp from that dungeon (which I ran today and took over an hour) is about equal if not less than what you would get from an event at your level.

Which is exactly what it should be. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.

Everyone in there was dropped to 40 on entering. We were all level 14 in the area outside to dungeon so I had no idea we had a 79 in the group until he started talking about planning to hit 80 tonight.

We’ve all got the same skill bars now – so we’re essentially on par. Maybe it would have been a little tougher with all level 40s – but given the difficulty it had, that would just make it equal to AC, and not slightly easier – so still no bad thing.

The 79 in your group had massively superior stats to the rest of your group, to the degree that without a special spec he could probably solo a silver elite in there. His damage was MASSIVELY higher than yours and your entire team.

Maybe you’re new or don’t know how the stats in this game work but gear still has a higher impact even with downranked.

Now, if he died even once in that run, he was at least 70c in the red for that run. He may have gotten more exp but he definitely got the same gold reward. Hell, you yourself ran in the red for doing that run, there was no reason for you to be there and you got nothing from it.

I hit 80 a few days ago, and tried doing CM story yesterday.
I sure as hell could not solo anything in there.
Every mob we met could 1-2 shot us, even me at lvl 80.

So unless the dungeon difficulty are scaled with the actual level of the players doing it I dont see how they should be able to do so.
And if you are downleveled to the level of the dungeon then why should the difficulty be increased to your actual level, that would be pointless.

I’m not saying it should be a breeze, I dont mind a challenge, but this I think is too much in that direction.
It cost me more in repairs than I get in rewards from running the dungeon, even after selling the loot, whats the point in that?

When you are downleveld to the level of the area you are in, you also have the HP equivalent of that, so even if you have better gear with better stats your survivability will not be that much greater than someone of the actual level.

Even if I hit harder than a lvl 15 player at lvl 80 in a lvl 15 area, I will still have approximately the same amount of HP.
That HP dont last for long once you start taking hits.

(edited by Dragonlord.6748)

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray.9650


These new dungeons are perfection – they challenge a group, and they’re not there for quickie rewards, but for the thrill ride of doing them.

This is now getting closer to what I was ‘promised’ out of their marketing material pre-launch. A game worth leaving WoW for.

Want dungeon farming, go to WoW… boring quickie dungeons you repeat 1000-times.

hf finding people with that mindset in a month when they either farmed their tokens or deemed it not worthy of their time because other parts of the game have better rewards and are more fun (if they still play that is).

you might say that you only run these dungeons casually and for the thrill – tell me how that thrill is going in a month.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray.9650


Even if I hit harder than a lvl 15 player at lvl 80 in a lvl 15 area, I will still have approximately the same amount of HP.
That HP dont last for long once you start taking hits.

you know there are other stats besides hp, right? also: not everyone is the same class as you.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dajman.2740


You did a dungeon where you wiped and it was nice and hard. 1208 xp. Nice nice.

But I will raise you kind sir.

I was walking and found this!


Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


These new dungeons are perfection – they challenge a group, and they’re not there for quickie rewards, but for the thrill ride of doing them.

That would be fine, if you only ever needed to run a dungeon once.

But you don’t, you need to run them again and again.

In fact, if you were only to run dungeons once, it would be a massive waste of time and energy to even create them in the first place. A lot of art work went into those dungeons. Do you really think players are only supposed to see it once?

You see, the thrill ride disappears after you’ve beaten it once.

The rewards you got were atrocious: less exp than I’d get killing a single out of the way moa, and less copper than pays for 1/2 of a single repair.

There are DE’s that take 5 minutes that give much better rewards. And they are just as much a ‘thrill ride’.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Carnagh.1687


I did CM both story mode and explorer last night… I wont be doing the story mode again until they change it. The story mode of CM was one of the most unfun experiences I’ve had in the game. I personally found the explorer mode easier.

It was a guild group, and we’ll certainly be helping guild members through their SMs as they need, but it wont be on as casual or ad hoc a basis.

The changes they made to SM were silly. By defination SM have to be able to induct players on a steep learning curve. The recent changes to SM do not take this into consideration at all. These players will also be in many cases dependent on people who have already done SM going with them to pad groups. The recent changes do not take this into consideration.

I don’t need to get much out of SM at all… I do need it to not be a ball-breaking nightmare while managing guildmates who haven’t done the content before and are completely freaked out.

GW2 is the first MMO that one of the CM group last night had played. The fact that they decided after the experience that they would not be setting foot in a dungeon again until they hit 80, and then only if they got bored is indicative of this change.

Story Mode needs to be able to induct new players. If it can’t and instead turns them away, it has failed in its most fundamental purpose and for this reason these recent changes need tuned, and tune quite quickly before an unhelpful impression spreads amongst the portion of the playerbase less experienced with MMOs and their cycles of adjustment… The counter of the number of playres that are (inaccurately) concluding that dungeons in GW2 suck is climbing with each day that now passes.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DarthVarner.9246


I agree with Carnagh about CM Story. I only have story mode experience post-patch, but I’ve done the Seraph explorable path pre-patch.

I led a pub group in CM Story the day after the `exploit fix` (read: extreme buff to the supposedly-pub-friendly story mode) and we managed to handle most of it. Harder, for sure, but we handled it. Probably helped that I’m a fully support built Guardian.

Up until the archer boss around the passed-out drunken dude.

That fight is no longer possible for pubs. I’m just putting that out there. The 3 new melee mobs that pop out hit like trucks, even against my (in other conditions) extremely resilient Guardian. They also chain knockbacks. And you’re supposed to deal with all of these mobs at once, until you’ve killed SEVEN high-hp silver mobs? I was using every survival trick in my book, and was only lasting 10-20 seconds longer than the rest of my group. Good luck getting a group to focus one target down when a) it’s a pub group, and b) everyone except the tankiest of us get wiped within 10 seconds.

Oh, and of course now that it’s a multi-mob fight all of their HP resets.

This is not story mode material. I had two groups fall apart and three ninja loggers that night alone; it was BY FAR the poorest experience I have had ingame since GW2 was released.

In my opinion, about half of the buffing to CM story should be reverted (especially this fight’s new mechanics). More HP, somewhat more damage, OK. This is not. If people can still blow through it, then the diminishing returns on rewards kicks in. Fine.

tl;dr – Please selectively revert changes to CM so story modes remain possible for pub groups.

Compeyson | [EPIC] | Sanctum of Rall

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dragonlord.6748


Even if I hit harder than a lvl 15 player at lvl 80 in a lvl 15 area, I will still have approximately the same amount of HP.
That HP dont last for long once you start taking hits.

you know there are other stats besides hp, right? also: not everyone is the same class as you.

Yes I know there are other stats, and yes I know there are other classes.
But please explain to me how that is relevant, when mobs can 1-2 shot you regardless of stats or class.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

OP is trolling.
No one in their right mind can be happy to get rewarded so low regardless of lvl.

Agree. Simple trolling .

There are BIG level numbers at the portraits on the left. So how could he not know his party members real levels ?

Anyway this person’s posts seems not quite serious.

(edited by Liliana Moore.4237)

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


Ran AC-Story last night. This time I was number 2 in level, with a 49 above me and a 35 and 30 below me. A little harder than last time I went – mostly because these were 3 PUGlies and 1 guildie, and we were not in voice.

BUT it was still a lot of fun, and a good challenge. End reward for me was I think a hundred or two over 1000, and about 1-silver. But I came out 20s ahead from drop throughout the dungeon – after spending about 10-12s on repairs because we were less coordinated (ex: I didn’t realize until halfway through that only one other person understood the call-targeting I was doing).

So I still think the dungeons are headed in the right direction. My guildie was less convinced – wanting to know why you would run them.

To me that is exactly the point – there should not -BE- a reason to run them. This way NO-ONE feels -pressure- to run them. Only people who find this kind of challenge fun will be there.

Unlike in WoW, where everyone felt forced to run dungeons to keep up – here, they are just an option for people who like that kind of thrill ride.

Which is great. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


WIll now try to get an at-level group going for CM-story; hopefully over the weekend. I suspect I’ll have the same opinion. SInce people have raised this point – I don’t think it makes a difference, but I will accept a challenge of going and seeing. Holding my Warrior at current level until I can get that group assembled.

The greater difficulty is an improvement. The lesser rewards likewise.

This game is not meant to have modes of farming – and dungeons are not meant to be something one needs to run in endless repeat. Dungeon armor: its just a skin folks – for people who like its look and love these thrill rides.

And a difference of opinion: that is not a troll. Some of you need to go back to school and re-learn debate if that is how you rebut every argument you disagree with. Most of you have real opinions – including those against me. But the people who call troll – that’s poor reasoning. Resorting to personal attack is the last resort of the -LOSING- debater. So keep that out; post your real argument against me if you have one – others have managed to.

As for not noticing party levels… some of us watch the game’s screen, not the UI. I never looked at the party window until the end. Was halfway through AC last night before I thought to check it. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

(edited by Kichwas.7152)

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Orionlight.1073


No matter how wrong or how bad a change there will always be someone like this that “Loves the change”.

In hoc signo vinces! Psalm 144:1

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kana.6793


I am lvl 43 right now and laughed really hard. A you had a 79 which has been said. B. If I am in a zone for 40-50 I can walk through an area do 2 or 3 things for an event and keep walking really not even need to stay there the whole time, and get 2+ silver and 3.5+k xp.

Your screen shot only proved how terrible this change was.

Get to 80 asap guys cause winter is coming and soon your lvl 70-80 zone events are going to be “to easy” and receive a 50% + reward drop after you do them the first time.

It is not terrible right now but I was expecting to get full reward for waiting a day in between my run. A guildy wanted me to run AC with them and it just turned out I had run AC 26 hours before that one. 26 hours was I farming it? NO. Did I get more than 12k xp? NOPE. I finally told him sorry I wasn’t running again until he could go back and forth between CM and AC.

You refuse to help a guild member because you don’t get enough personal gains from it? Wow.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


Got my second run in. We had one 59, rest close to level. At least 2 people were on their first time on those characters – but for one guildie (the other warrior) it was his third character. For 46 necro had never been on any toon from what I gathered. The ranger – I don’t know.

I noticed a -BIG- difference between the pulls where people listen to called targets and the ones where they don’t.

As in -smooth- vs -OMG, NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!-

Its difficult, takes minor coordination (if you call the right target – and I called the wrong one on one fight- and everyone hits it, its still not -that- hard), and is a blast of a fun thrill ride.

I ended up 1 silver ahead, and maybe 2 1/2 bars of XP ahead. Would have been more – if we’d had more coordinated pulls.

So this groups is closer to the ideal makeup level wise, and I still say its well done now.

Attachments: – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


Regardless of wether or not you found Cm story to be “perfect” compared to before, it’s the second effing dungeon in the game and whilst we shouldn’t patronise or molly coddle new players, it was FINE before, apart from the rewards for repeating it.

The aftermath of the changes was a horribly broken golem boss, and new mobs that just frustrated new players instead of easing them into group mechanics. with many new upgraded enemies that jus chain fear you and irritate. I just don’t think that a new-ish player, should be subjected to as much in one instance so early on. and a curve would be nice. by all means ramp it up later on but second dungeon? bit extreme if you ask me. Reward was just too high for it. and that was in terms of money not drops which are muck.
So yes, I agree explorable mode aside from one or two cheesetastic fail segments in the missing servants path that are in need of fixing, is actually easier.
If that results in buffs to the difficulty of cm explorable, then I will seriously just not be bothered with dungeons anymore, because cheesey annoying bits with chain cc or traps and whatnot, is not my idea of a nicely tuned dungeon

it is nice to see a positive remark though, in amongst all this negativity, the reason why it’s being received so negatively however, is because it’s not tempered with any negatives and thus seems too positive for something that many deem to be at most, close but not quite there in terms of balance and tuning

Irony…. xD

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


I just finished a run threw the new CM. Over All im actually happy with the zone. Only complaint i have is that i dont get to attack if theres more than one fighter as they just set there spam kicking me all over the zone. The raw time between the kicks they can use is a bit pathetic. I got lucky and only came out with 3 silver in repairs. So made coin atleast but when 75% of the mobs were 4 fighters or more got a little old just calling targets then afk till my team killed them as im flying across the screen.

Loved the new CM Story mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dorn.5867


I’m glad someone likes rubbing there face across a cheese grater….truely. However the vast majority of us want to be able to complete the STORY mode portion of a dungeon without having to sacrifice 20 silver or more. We’re there for the story and to practice our skills so that we can improve for the “harder” explore mode. How can I hone my skills when I fall over completely dead every 3 seconds of every fight.