Lupicus Solo as Guardian with Scepter
Very impressive gameplay, you play very well, obal!
You have my respect
I guess Gw2 now is getting a better way for PvE. When more challenging is a boss, more fun it is. Thank you ANet for these bosses improvements!
Challenges requests better rewards, and atm all the rewards most of the challegens have, is just the fun of completing it.
At overall, IMHO ANet is getting the right way for PvE, i loved the last update things
So, all non-heavy classes are ‘inferior’ now?
An elementalist solo’d him, so no.
Wasn’t aware of that, cool that people have the patience to try feats such as solo lupicus. I disagree that the other classes are all around ‘inferior’ to the three in mention, however for something such as solo lupicus… probably.
I think a mesmer can do it too. I put some thought into and would like to try it but I haven’t used my mesmer much and I lack buttons on my mouse. I have to click all of my utilities which takes time do and makes me take a bit of needless damage and that is much more forgiving on a guardian.
=O you click your skills with your mouse?
=O you click your skills with your mouse?
I have dodge, heal, elite on mouse buttons. I use keyboard for 1-5. I click virtues and my utilities with my mouse. I get the block off from retreat/virtue of courage off about 3/5 of the time before getting hit. I struggle with the bubbles/red circles since I have to determine if it is a bubble or a red circle and then find where my mouse cursor is and then find stand your ground or have a fairly delayed dodge out of the red circles and take some damage. I never wanted a mouse with more buttons more then while attempting phase 3 solo at melee range for the first time when I finished the solo. It was a little annoying before when I do it normal. I just ordered a mouse with many more buttons about 30min ago.
I used to do HA a lot in gw1 clicking half my bar as a monk while leading a group of unranked people in my guild so I’m fairly used to it. I felt a little spoiled when I got a mouse with 3 extra buttons and programmed them a month after release but this game is a bit more advanced so it really made a big difference.
(edited by obal.3218)
You have been missing out. I’ve remapped my 7-0 skills
7 – Mouse 4
8 – Mouse 5
9 – Q
0 – E (for elite)
All done with left hand. I can reach just fine my F1-F3 keys so there is never a need to click with the mouse. I can imagine some keyboards are not comfy to press F1-F4 or people arent positioning their hands on their keyboard to give themselves maximum reach on their fingers. Or maybe just possibly, people have short fingers =/.
Skill clicking >.<
Could always combat mode mod it up, I couldn’t even imagine playing the game without it at this point. Been using it since September and if I had to play the ‘vanilla’ way at this point, I’d probably stop playing because of how clunky it is for a twitch based action mmo.
-Tab is used to toggle between locked camera which moves as you move your mouse and “vanilla” settings.
-‘C’ is closest target, and ‘V’ is next target (which is the default for tab).
-Attack 1 on left mouse click (which was especially useful before this patch when auto attack bugged dodges so I had to turn it off, way easier to keep clicking left mouse then a number key)
-Dodge on right mouse click
-Attacks 2-5 and heal skill are numbers 1-5
-Weapon swap on ‘Q’,
-Elite on ‘W’
-Movement on ‘EADF’ (habit from playing FPS for years with longer fingers, also gives you the ability to bind ‘Q’ and ‘W’ which can still be hit easily instead of just ‘Q’
-Other 3 utility skills are mouse wheel click, mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down
-‘F1’ skill is my forward mouse button (button 4)
-My push to talk for vent/mumble is my back mouse button (button 5).
-f2/f3/f4 skills are shift + mouse wheel up, down, and mouse wheel click respectively.
Not to mention I can constantly move around like an action game because I don’t have to hold down the stupid mouse the entire time to lock my camera. Also more fluid for me since I’m used to constantly strafing and moving all the time from playing twitch based FPS for years which lends itself well to this game.
So much more fluid for an action MMO overall, thank god for the CM creator. Easy to move, ‘twitch’, and dodge, while having access to all of your skills by never having to move your hand and allowing you to instantly use skills because you don’t waste unneeded time with extra movements. For example, I can instantly use all 3 of my utility skills and aegis for example in tenths of a second because I only need to move my index finger up/down or my thumb on the side button of my mouse, all while still having control over my movement, camera, and quick dodges.
I bet a ton of players would be alot better if they actually used a setup that allowed them quickly and easily use any skill with minimal finger movements and without losing control of their character’s movement.
(edited by Strifey.7215)
Skill clicking >.<
Could always combat mode mod it up, I couldn’t even imagine playing the game without it at this point. Been using it since September and if I had to play the ‘vanilla’ way at this point, I’d probably stop playing because of how clunky it is for a twitch based action mmo.
-Tab is used to toggle between locked camera which moves as you move your mouse and “vanilla” settings.
-‘C’ is closest target, and ‘V’ is next target (which is the default for tab).
-Attack 1 on left mouse click (which was especially useful before this patch when auto attack bugged dodges so I had to turn it off, way easier to keep clicking left mouse then a number key)
-Dodge on right mouse click
-Attacks 2-5 and heal skill are numbers 1-5
-Weapon swap on ‘Q’,
-Elite on ‘W’
-Movement on ‘EADF’ (habit from playing FPS for years with longer fingers, also gives you the ability to bind ‘Q’ and ‘W’ which can still be hit easily instead of just ‘Q’
-Other 3 utility skills are mouse wheel click, mouse wheel up, mouse wheel down
-‘F1’ skill is my forward mouse button (button 4)
-My push to talk for vent/mumble is my back mouse button (button 5).
-f2/f3/f4 skills are shift + mouse wheel up, down, and mouse wheel click respectively.Not to mention I can constantly move around like an action game because I don’t have to hold down the stupid mouse the entire time to lock my camera. Also more fluid for me since I’m used to constantly strafing and moving all the time from playing twitch based FPS for years which lends itself well to this game.
So much more fluid for an action MMO overall, thank god for the CM creator. Easy to move, ‘twitch’, and dodge, while having access to all of your skills by never having to move your hand and allowing you to instantly use skills because you don’t waste unneeded time with extra movements. For example, I can instantly use all 3 of my utility skills and aegis for example in tenths of a second because I only need to move my index finger up/down or my thumb on the side button of my mouse, all while still having control over my movement, camera, and quick dodges.
I bet a ton of players would be alot better if they actually used a setup that allowed them quickly and easily use any skill with minimal finger movements and without losing control of their character’s movement.
EADF feels incredibly uncomfy unless you meant ESDF.
my remapped skills (Use your pinky finger)
7 = ctrl+1
8 = ctrl+2
9 = ctrl+3
10 = ctrl+4
That way I can remain mobile through WASD while also using my fingers to use utilities and elite if needed. I typically mouse-click my heal though, so I don’t accidentally hit the key at the wrong moment.
my remapped skills (Use your pinky finger)
7 = ctrl+1
8 = ctrl+2
9 = ctrl+3
10 = ctrl+4That way I can remain mobile through WASD while also using my fingers to use utilities and elite if needed. I typically mouse-click my heal though, so I don’t accidentally hit the key at the wrong moment.
This is definitely harder to work with imo when you have an elementalist for tune swapping as pressing ctrl forces your fingers into a lower position. I’m sure it works well for your ranger since pets hardly need any F key pressing outside of their skills / F4 swapping (while in combat). Or maybe I just dont have as long fingers as you do =(.
I use ESDF for movement this gives me an extra column of keys for utilities and elites since it’s better to have fingers on movement longer and let the pinky do the extra work.
EADF feels incredibly uncomfy unless you meant ESDF.
Nope. EADF. E & D are forward and backwards, would be weird if they weren’t right on top of each other (like W & S in WASD setup).
Basically I move over everything by one key from WASD except the ‘A’ which is still my left strafe, WASD feels way too cramped for my fingers, EADF gives me a more natural resting position for my fingers while opening up that extra key for me to use on the left side.
Think of it like this, if I rest my hand on a table, I don’t put my fingers together so they are all touching, they are spread out slightly. When I use WASD my fingers are unnaturally close which for me personally feels uncomfortable, in EADF they are basically spaced like they would be if I was just resting my hand somewhere else. Just something that I’ve come accustomed to over the years, pretty much started when I first started playing PC games like 15 years ago. So if I were to take a pic of my hands on the keyboard, it would look alot more natural (for me personally I guess) using the EADF setup.
This is definitely harder to work with imo when you have an elementalist for tune swapping as pressing ctrl forces your fingers into a lower position. I’m sure it works well for your ranger since pets hardly need any F key pressing outside of their skills / F4 swapping (while in combat). Or maybe I just dont have as long fingers as you do =(.
I’m 6’10 so I have some pretty long fingers. Ranger pets require more control than you would think (especially in dungeons/fractals), but certainly not as much as Ele. I have to use mouse clicks on the earth attunement because I just can’t hit the f4 on my keyboard at home without moving my entire hand off the WASD, and all the other nearby keys are in use.
This is definitely harder to work with imo when you have an elementalist for tune swapping as pressing ctrl forces your fingers into a lower position. I’m sure it works well for your ranger since pets hardly need any F key pressing outside of their skills / F4 swapping (while in combat). Or maybe I just dont have as long fingers as you do =(.
I’m 6’10 so I have some pretty long fingers. Ranger pets require more control than you would think (especially in dungeons/fractals), but certainly not as much as Ele. I have to use mouse clicks on the earth attunement because I just can’t hit the f4 on my keyboard at home without moving my entire hand off the WASD, and all the other nearby keys are in use.
you should really try this WSAD on a thumbstick is the solution to every problem ^^
This is definitely harder to work with imo when you have an elementalist for tune swapping as pressing ctrl forces your fingers into a lower position. I’m sure it works well for your ranger since pets hardly need any F key pressing outside of their skills / F4 swapping (while in combat). Or maybe I just dont have as long fingers as you do =(.
I’m 6’10 so I have some pretty long fingers. Ranger pets require more control than you would think (especially in dungeons/fractals), but certainly not as much as Ele. I have to use mouse clicks on the earth attunement because I just can’t hit the f4 on my keyboard at home without moving my entire hand off the WASD, and all the other nearby keys are in use.
Then you should definitely do ESDF. I find it to strain your fingers less and feels more natural when you type or reach for the F-keys.
my remapped skills (Use your pinky finger)
7 = ctrl+1
8 = ctrl+2
9 = ctrl+3
10 = ctrl+4That way I can remain mobile through WASD while also using my fingers to use utilities and elite if needed. I typically mouse-click my heal though, so I don’t accidentally hit the key at the wrong moment.
Wow. I never knew you can do this. I just tried that and it made the world of difference. I was going to try combat mod but just decided to get another mouse and with that and the ctrl clicking I’ll be more then content.
no need of ctrl+something at all with this, every key easy to reach.
Using only 1, 2 and 3. Next 2 abilities are on q and e. Heal and utilities are on my 4 additional mouse buttons. For ele my fire attunement is on press mouse wheel, water on r, air and earth on c and v.
Having a gaming mouse even if it has only 4 additional buttons is something i can really recommend. Especially in PvP but also in more difficult pve encounters this helps a lot.
“War does not determine who is right – only who is left.”
no need of ctrl+something at all with this, every key easy to reach.
I was thinking about that too and my wife wanted to get me one but I play lying down so I don’t think it would work out well for me.
if you can play with a keyboard lying down, you can play with a G13 ^^
Is there any chance of Character specific keybinds? Switching from my Ele to my Necro to my engineer Creates multiple combinations that would be better customized per character but I would have to remap them every time.
Can you at least put it on someones radar?
@obal, lol that’s awesome. do you always play lying down? i feel my senses are never up to par when i lean back and relax.. haha not that i’m stressed when i’m playing. but yea.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
my remapped skills (Use your pinky finger)
7 = ctrl+1
8 = ctrl+2
9 = ctrl+3
10 = ctrl+4That way I can remain mobile through WASD while also using my fingers to use utilities and elite if needed. I typically mouse-click my heal though, so I don’t accidentally hit the key at the wrong moment.
Not to toot my own horn, but I have some of the slickest character control around..
6 = F
7 = Q
8 = E
9 = R
10 = Shift + R
F1 = Shift+1
F2 = Shift+2, etc
All utilities near movements skills, use right click hold while moving to strafe etc. Even works great for my ele buddy (he copied me) and he plays one of the best ele’s on the server
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
I always find it interesting to see other peoples keybinds. Personally I made a concerted effort to move away from modifier keys in GW2. For me at least, they tend to restrict movement.
I wrote a long post on our guild’s forums about keybinding for which I made the following image of my current setup.
I got (doesn’t work with all classes if F1-F4 skills don’t override normal skills).
Skill 1-10: shift, q, e, r, t, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Adrenaline: shift + 1
Mouse thumb buttons: dodge, weapon-swap
Bind : Function
M3 : Utility slot 8
M4 : Utility slot 7
M5 : F1 (Profession skill 1) Reason for this is because I main thief/mesmer.
C : Utility slot 9
B : Elite
Dodge is still on V, which I find comfortable because my thumb always rests on it anyway, due to using V as my PPT for voice comms for multiple years.
my remapped skills (Use your pinky finger)
7 = ctrl+1
8 = ctrl+2
9 = ctrl+3
10 = ctrl+4That way I can remain mobile through WASD while also using my fingers to use utilities and elite if needed. I typically mouse-click my heal though, so I don’t accidentally hit the key at the wrong moment.
Not to toot my own horn, but I have some of the slickest character control around..
6 = F
7 = Q
8 = E
9 = R
10 = Shift + R
F1 = Shift+1
F2 = Shift+2, etcAll utilities near movements skills, use right click hold while moving to strafe etc. Even works great for my ele buddy (he copied me
) and he plays one of the best ele’s on the server
Mine is similar.
First 5 skills are mapped to; Q, E, Shift-F, Shift-Q, Shift-E
Heal is mapped to C
Utility skills are mapped to; 1, 2, 3, 4
and finally Proffession Skills (F1-4) are mapped to: Shift-A, Shift-D, Shift-S, and Shift-Space
Dodge is V
I have been using this mapping for basically every MMO for the past 7 years and I find it works well, even for the elementalist finger dance.
I guess while we’re talking about keybinds, I have been transitioning pretty well from a click-heavy playstyle that I had in previous MMOs to utilizing my keyboard more often. I’d like to think that my new Razer Naga is to thank for that transition.
On the Naga, I have 12 buttons that I could be reached with my thumb, but I generally use ~, 1, 2, and 3 on the keyboard, while all the other buttons are utilized on the mouse. For movement, I’ve stuck with WASD since my early QuakeWorld days and haven’t changed since. I also double-tap to dodge— just something I’ve stuck with when playing fighting games.
Side topic: Robert, when my guildmates read that you were 6’10", the initial thought would be that you’re a Norn in real life! If that’s the case, then I’m lead to believe that Caudecus is a really short person— I find that the basement areas of the dungeon are a pain to get around when you’re a Norn.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
I’m very pleased with my Nostromo and can’t imagine playing without it now.
Wonder if GL would be possible to kill on a Necro? You would have to go 30 in Soul Reaping for stability (which is a lot of wasted points if your a Cond spec) to get out of dome.
Problem is Necro is only class without a skill that makes you immune to damage, making the random shots pretty hard to get past.
Wonder if GL would be possible to kill on a Necro? You would have to go 30 in Soul Reaping for stability (which is a lot of wasted points if your a Cond spec) to get out of dome.
Problem is Necro is only class without a skill that makes you immune to damage, making the random shots pretty hard to get past.
If you lack endurance, you might consider getting a food with +40% endurance recharge rate.
Very impressive! I don’t think I’ve seen a guardian solo vid yet, but that was pretty good. I don’t think I saw anything out of the ordinary that raised any alarms. Good solid play and knowledge – I like your means of getting through the trap bubble. Good skill rotation and composure over such a long period of time.
I wanna do a dungeon with you.
Hey folks, this discussion has kind of veered off topic to a control scheme discussion. Let’s bring it back to the video and the guardian play, and if we want to talk about key bindings, start a thread
Hey folks, this discussion has kind of veered off topic to a control scheme discussion. Let’s bring it back to the video and the guardian play, and if we want to talk about key bindings, start a thread
So it that a yes?