Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Now i know this might get met with it is cheesable with DPS and yes it is mostly cause his health is not much but consider what im saying.

So i did the said fractal last night and the mistlock instability of random conditions became really interesting on the anomaly because of immob, chill, cripple and specifically fear. You had to be 100% present and everyone was responsible for themselves and their stun breaks / stability. I ran skills i never would and so did other people, interesting strats came out in terms of class capabilities and what they needed to run (For example i took the tempest GM for 100% reduction on movement impending on overload (also stun break)).

My point is a boss mechanic like this could be really cool in raids. Where people cant tank cheese because of something like disappearing platforms neither can you DPS cheese for the same reason. In fact the point would be taking whatever works for you personally as a player as long as your skill/awareness can match the situation.

Please be constructive in agreement or disagreement.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


This instability together with the anomaly is not “cool”, it is annoying af and only correlating with stupidity of players (a.k.a. random pugs).
Also, disappearing platforms are an old mechanic, nothing really special. Think about Mario Bros. or this one here:
I would rather have something new and different than another copy of old stuff.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

I said like in bold to stress that it does not have to be a copy for the same reason. It does not have to be a disappearing platform neither does it have to be the condi. My point was that this boss does not require an optimal class comp, neither does it require you to be geared specifically. What it does require is skill/awareness on players part which to me is appealing. And more raid mechanics like that would be fun.

Then again i think sab is the best boss of 3 in

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


No, this boss doesn’t need skill at all, it just prevents dumber players from being successful.
You can just spam auto attack, heal yourself and remove conditions.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khyan.7039


No, this boss doesn’t need skill at all, it just prevents dumber players from being successful.
You can just spam auto attack, heal yourself and remove conditions.

Maybe now but before the fix, everything you said would be probably wrong.

I’ve done it before the thougness nerf and spend almost 2 hours to kill it with pugs. You need to use skills that remove conditions. But sometimes when you have nothing, fear or stun = dead. That’s why this boss was annoying since you can’t prevent fear and you just need to be lucky.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


But sometimes when you have nothing, fear or stun = dead. That’s why this boss was annoying since you can’t prevent fear and you just need to be lucky.

And where is the skill that is needed while RNG is the bs key to success?
You also underlined it: “annoying” – nothing more. Has nothing to do with putting content to a higher level.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khyan.7039


But sometimes when you have nothing, fear or stun = dead. That’s why this boss was annoying since you can’t prevent fear and you just need to be lucky.

And where is the skill that is needed while RNG is the bs key to success?
You also underlined it: “annoying” – nothing more. Has nothing to do with putting content to a higher level.

In fact, you can’t avoid death from party members if they don’t do anything for remove conditions at the right moment, and this is the annoying part because you can’t control bad players. Even if you can’t know what will be the condition, you can still remove it. And you have to remove it for stay alive.
RNG is only involved because of random conditions, but if your party is skilled, you know when to use your skills for remove them.
Even with RNG if you don’t have enough skills you can’t pass through it unless someone do it for you (aka other party members).
Again, I have done this before the fix with a team support/berserk, and it was really a long fight. I don’t know how it is now but probably more doable than before.

(edited by Khyan.7039)

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Oh I enjoyed this boss a lot, even though I was frigging hating it. It’s actually challenging with a couple of frustrating instabilities.

The one where your crit damage gives the boss retaliation, protection and aegis? Instantly blowing up any yolo tempest. The one where it applies immob/fear, it makes people constantly on their toes and preserve their cool down. I think the most challenging part of the boss is it has way too frequent agony attacks which become more deadly as the attrition grows longer. The shattering platform is just a cherry on top… Yum, suffering!

In terms of difficulty, I think Anomaly is on par with his cousin Vale Guardian. I’m not sure if he gets easier after the patch, I just speak from my experience with a 64 pug, like, a month ago.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

(edited by Iris Ng.9845)

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GoD Obelisk.3057

GoD Obelisk.3057

Yeah I thought the difficulty was about there and i do believe being able to conserve skills, break stuns, watch footing is personal skill. RNG is a factor but it is counterable with the said skill and hence why i made this post.

Again i will stress that adding something like this to future raids would be awesome. And by like i mean something that stresses on personal player skill a lot more than what kind of gear, buff etc you are bringing to the table.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: luzt.7692


That instability is one of the reasons I haven’t done fractals in awhile,
I don’t wanna have to deal with such cheap mechanics.

I don’t think stunbreaks and condi cleansing is something new, bringing certain utilities to a fight isn’t new either. Preserving skills for the right moment, we’ve been doing that! You talk as if nobody pays attention to what utilities they run for each fight.

Personally I do like the fight of Anomaly though, but that instability must go.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Welcome to Sabetha where the majority of casualty is to get sparta’d off the platform or into the Flame Wall. The rest of the time, it’s people who try to tank the aoe damage, get crippled or wrong positioning. I could argue that any irritating mechanics are cheap as well. But I have fun overcoming the challenge.

That instability during Mossman also makes the fight extra hilarious!

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Even with RNG if you don’t have enough skills you can’t pass through it unless someone do it for you (aka other party members).

Ye, but you have enough skills to protect yourself from fear, root and others.
You don’t care bleeding, burn, weakness and all the others because they aren’t the ones you have to be aware of. They won’t kill you and they won’t throw you from the platform. So, in the end it is just a change of some abilities and maybe weapon set and you can go on like before. Auto the anomaly to death = no skill at all.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khyan.7039


Even with RNG if you don’t have enough skills you can’t pass through it unless someone do it for you (aka other party members).

Ye, but you have enough skills to protect yourself from fear, root and others.
You don’t care bleeding, burn, weakness and all the others because they aren’t the ones you have to be aware of. They won’t kill you and they won’t throw you from the platform. So, in the end it is just a change of some abilities and maybe weapon set and you can go on like before. Auto the anomaly to death = no skill at all.

I guess you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vinceman.4572


Even with RNG if you don’t have enough skills you can’t pass through it unless someone do it for you (aka other party members).

Ye, but you have enough skills to protect yourself from fear, root and others.
You don’t care bleeding, burn, weakness and all the others because they aren’t the ones you have to be aware of. They won’t kill you and they won’t throw you from the platform. So, in the end it is just a change of some abilities and maybe weapon set and you can go on like before. Auto the anomaly to death = no skill at all.

I guess you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why? Explain it to me!
I did the anomaly with pugs several times now on higher fractal levels with all instabilities (level 55, 64 with the conditions we are talking about here in this thread, 84 and 97). There is no difficulty present nor is much skill needed and you aren’t automatically a much better player if you change some abilities to survive the fight.
Yes, maybe you are Mr. Joe Casual (I rly like this name; read it in another thread) and you were struggling dozens of times because you first realized to change something after a horrible number of wipes and you still couldn’t succeed due to mates being dumber than you.
Go onto the platform with 4 ppl just not lacking brain mass. They don’t need to be skilled, all they have to do is stopping the yolo mode a.k.a. using active defenses.
Is the anomaly harder than most of the old dungeon bosses? Yes. Is it only beatable by skilled players? No, definitely not.

There are pug-groups out there ranging bosses to death in tanky or whateverest-gear. On their best they are running one single fractal in 45 – 60 minutes without wiping while enemies being bored as hell till it’s over. I met these kind of people in the higher 80s to 90s. So, I guess you are calling them skilled.

Took me 3 runs of the dungeon to get the bug.

(edited by Vinceman.4572)

Lv 64 Frac Anomaly - Raid Like Boss

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khyan.7039


Even with RNG if you don’t have enough skills you can’t pass through it unless someone do it for you (aka other party members).

Ye, but you have enough skills to protect yourself from fear, root and others.
You don’t care bleeding, burn, weakness and all the others because they aren’t the ones you have to be aware of. They won’t kill you and they won’t throw you from the platform. So, in the end it is just a change of some abilities and maybe weapon set and you can go on like before. Auto the anomaly to death = no skill at all.

I guess you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Why? Explain it to me!
I did the anomaly with pugs several times now on higher fractal levels with all instabilities (level 55, 64 with the conditions we are talking about here in this thread, 84 and 97). There is no difficulty present nor is much skill needed and you aren’t automatically a much better player if you change some abilities to survive the fight.
Yes, maybe you are Mr. Joe Casual (I rly like this name; read it in another thread) and you were struggling dozens of times because you first realized to change something after a horrible number of wipes and you still couldn’t succeed due to mates being dumber than you.
Go onto the platform with 4 ppl just not lacking brain mass. They don’t need to be skilled, all they have to do is stopping the yolo mode a.k.a. using active defenses.
Is the anomaly harder than most of the old dungeon bosses? Yes. Is it only beatable by skilled players? No, definitely not.

Did it before fix and my first level64 try. Just took me almost 2 hours with pugs as I said in a previous post. And no, I’m not a casual player. Probably hardcore even if I’m most of the time afk, but just a quick example is I got winter’s presence without moneys 5-6 days after the skin release doing jp/fractals dailies. Grind don’t scare me.
On topic, I never said this is beatable only by skilled players. But you know more than 70% of the playerbase will not stop the “yolo mode”. That’s why the boss need to use some skills not just spam a keyboard key or an auto attack. yet this is what you were saying before this post.
The boss is not hard to my taste but it’s actually hard for the majority of players. And it was a nice fight though.

In my opinion, fractals 1-100 aren’t really that hard but I’m stuck in lvl 78 since I have only 111 ar. There are just some fights that are quite interesting in terms of challenge.

(edited by Khyan.7039)