MF gear and fotm level
Well, it’ll vary with your group and skill as you say, but whatever number we post here someone else will come along and LOL at us and then add +20 to it.
For what it’s worth I took to running my 10+ fractals in full MF after a while because I hadn’t got a single vial (and even now I only have one), but last night I finished a level 16 run and I’d say that’s about the point for me that the difference was noticable. Going from full MF back to full Cleric gear for my support guardian – much less hassle. I should point out I’m not a fan of MF gear in dungeons, but what are you gonna do? 10-19 isn’t too hard, and I needed those vials maaaaan.
Of course this was just a dodgy pug – in a better group you’d get much further. I’d think level 20+ might be a good point to consider a change around. I’ll let you know when I get there! I doubt anyone runs 40+ in MF gear though, at least without having a major negative impact on their group.
Eh, I don’t think it would be worth it. You’d either be wearing rare level MF gear (what most people use to farm with) or you’d blow tons of gold on getting exotic MF gear.
If you splurge on exotic MF gear, you’re probably losing a lot more gold than the extra drops will bring in and if you’re going in rares, then you’re really holding your group back.
Until MF starts making a real significant difference, I don’t think this can be justified.
.. whatever number we post here someone else will come along and LOL at us and then add +20 to it.
haha so true xP. fotm 20+ sounds reasonable, thanks for the feedback xD
Until MF starts making a real significant difference, I don’t think this can be justified.
One of my chars (MF + omnom) consistently gets 3-5 yellows per run whereas other char (no mf but some omnom) consistently gets 0-2. Personally I find mf justified, at least from limited sample size on fotm runs. Have yet to run any 20+ fotms though..
(edited by LemurTron.9261)
Eh, I don’t think it would be worth it. You’d either be wearing rare level MF gear (what most people use to farm with) or you’d blow tons of gold on getting exotic MF gear.
If you splurge on exotic MF gear, you’re probably losing a lot more gold than the extra drops will bring in and if you’re going in rares, then you’re really holding your group back.
Until MF starts making a real significant difference, I don’t think this can be justified.
You are very much wrong. Best way to equip is to craft your exo mf with your craft and mats. Then get better dungeon or other armor that are anyway far better than the crafted one. Mf gear give you a lot more revenue on the long run.
I’m still using near full MF gear at 13. I typically get ( same as those above ) 3-5 rares per full fractal run. I run as staff ele in dungeons so I rarely have problems and don’t tie down my group.
The only time I don’t use MF gear currently is for Dredge boss, haven’t figured out a good way to double dodge the ground stomp so agony tends to get me too close to death for comfort.
Just if someone still didn’t notice, exotic MF gear still has lower stats than normal gear, not just the lack of third stat.
I’d say 20+ should be free from MF gear, anyone who attempts to keep using full MF at these levels should be rewarded with a big shiny tittle saying “I’m selfish, let me leech you!!!”.
Just if someone still didn’t notice, exotic MF gear still has lower stats than normal gear, not just the lack of third stat.
I’d say 20+ should be free from MF gear, anyone who attempts to keep using full MF at these levels should be rewarded with a big shiny tittle saying “I’m selfish, let me leech you!!!”.
I agree. I stopped wearing my MF gear in 20+ (and I generally don’t even switch back into it when doing 10-19), and every time someone in the party goes down on something that should be easy I have that little voice inside my head saying: “I wonder if they’re wearing MF gear and expecting the rest of us to carry them through this…”
full mf gear
Unlike most stat decisions, MF gets heavily diminishing returns depending on slot. Shoulders and chest have the same % MF, for instance, but the stats you trade out for said MF are vastly different.
So that said, “full MF gear” is going to drop off in viability for farming fractals long before people actually stop using MF gear. Things like pirate runes and all-stat accessories mean you can pull 40 %~ MF at the cost of something like 100 stat points, and I seriously doubt fractal levels are finely tuned enough to be doable at one level with those 100 stat points, and not at the next level without. Food has similar returns, unless you’re running a heavily food-synergized build (relying on crit food heals for survivability, etc.), so it is another good source of “cheap” MF.
tl;dr – Full MF gear is sort of insane, but not using MF gear is kind of insane in the opposite way, might as well get the cheap MF and leave the expensive MF.
I think it’s just selfish. Ran into this kind of player in full mf some time ago on fractal 10 and it wasn’t pleasant experience. He died first and forced us to finish most encounters as 4man.
On top of that, carried person pulled his jerk card and insulted us, when we pointed out that he should change his gear.
And you can’t even kick this kind of people in fractal, this is a problem.
my group is at fotm 46 and 3 of our members are using mf gear to my knowledge minus rings and back piece for final bosses.
armour doesnt do anything to reduce agony damage so i am fine with everyone running w/e they want. if u get hit with agony u will experience the full extent of it.
at fotm 4x with 30 resist getting hit by agony will down you and at maw it will be a guaranteed death, we however kept one of our guardians alive with two spirits rezzes and everyone else on rez duty.
im sure with fully infused mf rings and backpiece option the full mf gear would be a viable option for any level.
I love mf gear and I plau the game for loot.
At the same time I noticed the effect that one or more people in mf gear has in the game. Especially in fotm.
If I want to farm and use mf gear I do it in 10 or lower. I still drop exotics and rares and complete it with ease. Anything 10 or higher I wear nothing with mf, unless we are steam rolling that level.
my group is at fotm 46 and 3 of our members are using mf gear to my knowledge minus rings and back piece for final bosses.
If they didn’t use MF you would be at 55+, how about that? No one said it can’t be completed using MF gear, it’s just worse and slower…therefor…pointless.
Making your team complete a dungeon pretty much twice as slower where you could have spent that time doing a farm that grants you about 2-4g an hour (you have to be the luckiest person to get 2-4g extra by using MF in a dungeon, like winning the lottery).
You can complete dungeons naked if you want or with the worse builds for each class…it doesn’t change the fact that it’s MUCH worse.
(edited by Sleepy.2647)
my group is at fotm 46 and 3 of our members are using mf gear to my knowledge minus rings and back piece for final bosses.
armour doesnt do anything to reduce agony damage so i am fine with everyone running w/e they want. if u get hit with agony u will experience the full extent of it.
at fotm 4x with 30 resist getting hit by agony will down you and at maw it will be a guaranteed death, we however kept one of our guardians alive with two spirits rezzes and everyone else on rez duty.
im sure with fully infused mf rings and backpiece option the full mf gear would be a viable option for any level.
tl;dr – Full MF gear is sort of insane, but not using MF gear is kind of insane in the opposite way, might as well get the cheap MF and leave the expensive MF.
I see what u mean and that does indeed make sense
(edited by LemurTron.9261)
If they didn’t use MF you would be at 55+, how about that? No one said it can’t be completed using MF gear, it’s just worse and slower…therefor…pointless.
You can complete dungeons naked if you want or with the worse builds for each class…it doesn’t change the fact that it’s MUCH worse.
yes, i could have choosen to argue that all dungeon could be done naked but i believe that the topic was about fotm and mf gear threshold.
Making your team complete a dungeon pretty much twice as slower where you could have spent that time doing a farm that grants you about 2-4g an hour (you have to be the luckiest person to get 2-4g extra by using MF in a dungeon, like winning the lottery).
nobody wants to straight up farm, we want to play fractals. being able to play the way each of us wants to play with the ability to still advance is fun and thats why we still play this way.
if i were to be forced to spend all my gold to get a specific set of gear or a specific class up to 80 just to party with your group that would not be fun and i probably wouldnt be playing with such a group or in a such a game.
if i were to be forced to spend all my gold to get a specific set of gear or a specific class up to 80 just to party with your group that would not be fun and i probably wouldnt be playing with such a group or in a such a game.
Valid point, except you don’t need to spend any money to gear yourself on this game.
On topic, there is no “treshold”, it just depends on how hard you want to make it, meaning more wipes/downtimes…if it’s worth it or not it’s up to you and your “solid” group to decide.
(edited by Sleepy.2647)
Making your team complete a dungeon pretty much twice as slower where you could have spent that time doing a farm that grants you about 2-4g an hour (you have to be the luckiest person to get 2-4g extra by using MF in a dungeon, like winning the lottery).
“Pretty much twice as slower” is a vast overstatement on how much MF affects stats. Furthermore, I’m not particularly lucky and can pull 2g+ an hour out of fractals with only 50 – 80 % MF. With current ecto prices, many places are >2g/hr farms.
“Pretty much twice as slower” is a vast overstatement on how much MF affects stats. Furthermore, I’m not particularly lucky and can pull 2g+ an hour out of fractals with only 50 – 80 % MF. With current ecto prices, many places are >2g/hr farms.
If the whole party uses it that “overstatement” is not far from reality.
Fractals profit is based on luck since there is no money reward, you may get 2g+ as well as 30s
(edited by Sleepy.2647)
“Pretty much twice as slower” is a vast overstatement on how much MF affects stats. Furthermore, I’m not particularly lucky and can pull 2g+ an hour out of fractals with only 50 – 80 % MF. With current ecto prices, many places are >2g/hr farms.
If the whole party uses it that “overstatement” is not far from reality.
Fractals profit is based on luck since there is no money reward, you may get 2g+ as well as 30s
There’s an RNG element, but one that can be predicted and influenced via what you kill and how much MF you bring. So while, yes, you can only make 30s in a run, you could also make >10g (I’ve pulled that much on a multi-exotic fractal set). Statistically, based on your behavior and MF, you’ll pull an average. The average is quite good, in my experience.
Anyhow, even going from everyone in party at 0 % MF to >100 % MF on every member, you still won’t reach nearly a 100 % increase (“double”) in time spent to complete content, especially since a good percentage of content is not spent in combat.
mf food is enough. at 25+ mobs deal enough damage and many one hit even a 2k toughness, with MF gear it would be a armor destruction trip.
I think it’s just selfish. Ran into this kind of player in full mf some time ago on fractal 10 and it wasn’t pleasant experience. He died first and forced us to finish most encounters as 4man.
On top of that, carried person pulled his jerk card and insulted us, when we pointed out that he should change his gear.
And you can’t even kick this kind of people in fractal, this is a problem.
The first time I was ‘busted’ with MF gear and asked to change it was at lvl 19. I did so without any opposition. Then at lvl 20 I went in with full rare MF again except +5 ar ring. It was the first dungeon without any repair cost for me, meaning I did not die even once.
Later on I figured that I do not die as much as full exo proper gear wearers and infact I keep alive longer that most of them. I guess that is because;
1) I have a +5 ar ring
2) I know how to dodge and know which boss’ which attack puts agony.
3) I have a guardian and have lots of shields which help me block agony attacks.
The first time I was ‘busted’ with MF gear and asked to change it was at lvl 19. I did so without any opposition. Then at lvl 20 I went in with full rare MF again except +5 ar ring. It was the first dungeon without any repair cost for me, meaning I did not die even once.
Later on I figured that I do not die as much as full exo proper gear wearers and infact I keep alive longer that most of them. I guess that is because;
1) I have a +5 ar ring
2) I know how to dodge and know which boss’ which attack puts agony.
3) I have a guardian and have lots of shields which help me block agony attacks.
But that’s you. I was talking about guy who(looks like) don’t have +5 ring, don’t know how to dodge and while playing guardian, dies faster then my full valkyrie elementalist.