(edited by Ruzza.4067)
Magg unnable to cross magma field
Happened 2 times today, it’s impossible to get him to cross the magma fiield
happened to my group about 15 minutes ago.
Its because of ‘that group member’ that doesnt understand that he aggros the mobs around him, making him stay in 1 stop ( his pathing resets right at the edge of one of the fire circles…way to go robert hrouda!).
You just need 5 rezzing him, need to grab an extinguisher as fast as possible, then put it out, rez him again, and make sure all mobs around you are dead.
Then you need to make sure that thekittenin your group that stands there waiting for him to move actually runs to the end.
I’ll try that, but the old way still worked for my next run.
When magg dies in the lava I usually use glyph of renewals with air which is quite nifty. Just res and he gets teleported to ya ^^