Mai Trin now impossible :\

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rentapest.6503


Well, after a nice run in lv28 for daily, we ended with Mai Trin and wasted 1hour 30mins wiping on this now-impossible boss!

Her shadowstep alone took 90% my hp!!! Other abilities were dealing 50-60% of my hp and that is without even being hit by a single sword swing from her or any bleeds.

This killed the group, and after 2hours in fractals, the group disbanded and now I cannot complete the 20+ fractals if we get Mai Trin.

Please resolve this!

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mesket.5728


Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032


It’s a lot less forgiving now and you’ll die if you don’t block her teleport projectile attack, but I think it’s about time people have a reason to coordinate better and learn this boss’s mechanics well.

I actually think that the encounter itself is fine, but replace the stupid timegate cannon phase with something else or change it. That’s the only part that I think needs to changed because it’s just plain goofy. You can’t attack the boss at all and don’t do anything but stand outside of red circles.

Now, your last statement… “Please resolve this!”

Think about what you’re saying… you’re telling Arenanet to resolve the issue of you and your teammates not being able to beat a boss. The situation is subjective because it’s not an impossible encounter at all as plenty of groups have been able to beat it since they buffed it yesterday.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350



It’s a lot less forgiving now and you’ll die if you don’t block her teleport projectile attack, but I think it’s about time people have a reason to coordinate better and learn this boss’s mechanics well.

I actually think that the encounter itself is fine, but replace the stupid timegate cannon phase with something else or change it. That’s the only part that I think needs to changed because it’s just plain goofy. You can’t attack the boss at all and don’t do anything but stand outside of red circles.

Now, your last statement… “Please resolve this!”

Think about what you’re saying… you’re telling Arenanet to resolve the issue of you and your teammates not being able to beat a boss. The situation is subjective because it’s not an impossible encounter at all as plenty of groups have been able to beat it since they buffed it yesterday.

I think there is a valid issue in that it’s well above the difficulty levels of the other fractals, especailly the other possible last fractals. So it’s a random chance on whether you have to deal with that or something much easier. If your group can’t handle Mai trin but can handle the rest, then it’s a 1/3 chance of you wasting your time on the fractal run. I think that’s a little messed up to leave it to chance.

That said I don’t want them to nerf it. I would much prefer them giving us the option to choose our last boss. Give Mai a bit of extra incentive in some way to get people to go for it if they can handle it.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: winterchillz.2564


I’m willing to agree with Miku on this one and I don’t see why the solo warr thread is even linked. While it takes some hardcore skills and gameplay to achieve such thing, you forget that many people have only 1 or 2 characters and don’t look to become the best out of the best and due to this Mai Trin is becoming much more of an annoyance for them.

I guess I will also be annoyed by her as I generally don’t like her but I try to keep on the idea that it’s a chance to learn how to play my characters better. I do believe that the damage buff is a little bit too much though, the angle increase damage-wise is just too big for many of the people that enjoy running fractals.

Cloud of Sparrows
Fluffiest Blood Legion Charr
“At least I die knowing my sisters are free”

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174



It’s a lot less forgiving now and you’ll die if you don’t block her teleport projectile attack, but I think it’s about time people have a reason to coordinate better and learn this boss’s mechanics well.

I actually think that the encounter itself is fine, but replace the stupid timegate cannon phase with something else or change it. That’s the only part that I think needs to changed because it’s just plain goofy. You can’t attack the boss at all and don’t do anything but stand outside of red circles.

Now, your last statement… “Please resolve this!”

Think about what you’re saying… you’re telling Arenanet to resolve the issue of you and your teammates not being able to beat a boss. The situation is subjective because it’s not an impossible encounter at all as plenty of groups have been able to beat it since they buffed it yesterday.

Being able to coordinate with pugs is a miracle on it’s own.
I don’t even mind the damage itself all that much, I mind the unblock/dodgeables way more.
Of course the encounter is not impossible, yet, as Jerus said, the difficulty is far above all other fractals – and it’s the last one you get thrown into.
Horrik’s AoE is also a problem on it’s own as with it’s massive damage increase the fact that they actually have a little more range than indicated by the red circle is way, way more dangerous than before.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well thinking about level 50 molten duo, I’m pretty sure that basically everything that touches you will either 1-shot you or come close to it if you have low health pool (an ele for example). Doesn’t that seem adequate when describing Mai’s attacks now?

The only thing that 1-shots you in this encounter at all is her teleportation projectile which has to be blocked. I don’t believe this needs to be changed because there’s a very obvious tell for it except perhaps make it only damage the person that she targeted. This seems fair, because it doesn’t make sense for the entire party to be instantly ganked due to someone else’s mistake. This reminds me of alphard’s bugged pull which would instantly kill anyone who didn’t evade it along with the whole party. I always thought that it was perfectly fine and great for it to OHKO the person who was pulled but not the entire party.

So putting that attack aside, what about the electric AoE projectiles that can’t be blocked and can only be dodged? Those once again have a pretty clear tell and I don’t really think should be changed.

Horrik’s AoEs are very easy to get away from giving you a good ~2 seconds to get out of the way.

That leaves us with her regular attacks where she applies lots and lots of bleed stacks + deals lots and lots of damage provided you don’t move or evade once she starts hitting you. I don’t see anything wrong with them :/

I agree with you about giving players more of an incentive to kill Mai Trin but I honestly don’t think she should be toned down. In fact, I think if anything the changes to her seem very in line, considering this is supposed to be our endgame content here. The only tweaking I’d support would be what I mentioned with her projectile teleport only damaging the person she teleports to instead of it being AoE, significantly increase the rewards (but not only for just Mai Trin, I mean for FotM in general), and removal of the pointless timegate cannon phase.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Horrik’s AoE is also a problem on it’s own as with it’s massive damage increase the fact that they actually have a little more range than indicated by the red circle is way, way more dangerous than before.

I haven’t noticed Horrik’s AoE rings having that issue as much as I have the ones during cannon phase. I guess I’ll take your word for it, but they seem OK to me.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Well thinking about level 50 molten duo, I’m pretty sure that basically everything that touches you will either 1-shot you or come close to it if you have low health pool (an ele for example). Doesn’t that seem adequate when describing Mai’s attacks now?

The only thing that 1-shots you in this encounter at all is her teleportation projectile which has to be blocked. I don’t believe this needs to be changed because there’s a very obvious tell for it except perhaps make it only damage the person that she targeted. This seems fair, because it doesn’t make sense for the entire party to be instantly ganked due to someone else’s mistake. This reminds me of alphard’s bugged pull which would instantly kill anyone who didn’t evade it along with the whole party. I always thought that it was perfectly fine and great for it to OHKO the person who was pulled but not the entire party.

So putting that attack aside, what about the electric AoE projectiles that can’t be blocked and can only be dodged? Those once again have a pretty clear tell and I don’t really think should be changed.

Horrik’s AoEs are very easy to get away from giving you a good ~2 seconds to get out of the way.

That leaves us with her regular attacks where she applies lots and lots of bleed stacks + deals lots and lots of damage provided you don’t move or evade once she starts hitting you. I don’t see anything wrong with them :/

I agree with you about giving players more of an incentive to kill Mai Trin but I honestly don’t think she should be toned down. In fact, I think if anything the changes to her seem very in line, considering this is supposed to be our endgame content here. The only tweaking I’d support would be what I mentioned with her projectile teleport only damaging the person she teleports to instead of it being AoE, significantly increase the rewards (but not only for just Mai Trin, I mean for FotM in general), and removal of the pointless timegate cannon phase.

I wonder if you think that ms. Trin being scaled up to, like, the old 30 while doing 10 is fine aswell.
And if the difference between Maw and her is fine and totally intended.
About 6 months-1 year for now, they’ll just go “woops!” and tweak her damage/health scaling, and you will be claiming that you totally saw it coming. “This change is in line”.
Not that I care, it’s impossible only for pugs. Even if I’m slow and stupid, I got plenty of time to learn everything of her by heart and just robot through like I do with everything else.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Well thinking about level 50 molten duo, I’m pretty sure that basically everything that touches you will either 1-shot you or come close to it if you have low health pool (an ele for example). Doesn’t that seem adequate when describing Mai’s attacks now?

The only thing that 1-shots you in this encounter at all is her teleportation projectile which has to be blocked. I don’t believe this needs to be changed because there’s a very obvious tell for it except perhaps make it only damage the person that she targeted. This seems fair, because it doesn’t make sense for the entire party to be instantly ganked due to someone else’s mistake. This reminds me of alphard’s bugged pull which would instantly kill anyone who didn’t evade it along with the whole party. I always thought that it was perfectly fine and great for it to OHKO the person who was pulled but not the entire party.

So putting that attack aside, what about the electric AoE projectiles that can’t be blocked and can only be dodged? Those once again have a pretty clear tell and I don’t really think should be changed.

Horrik’s AoEs are very easy to get away from giving you a good ~2 seconds to get out of the way.

That leaves us with her regular attacks where she applies lots and lots of bleed stacks + deals lots and lots of damage provided you don’t move or evade once she starts hitting you. I don’t see anything wrong with them :/

I agree with you about giving players more of an incentive to kill Mai Trin but I honestly don’t think she should be toned down. In fact, I think if anything the changes to her seem very in line, considering this is supposed to be our endgame content here. The only tweaking I’d support would be what I mentioned with her projectile teleport only damaging the person she teleports to instead of it being AoE, and removal of the pointless timegate cannon phase.

I only run 49, but even there the berserker’s auto doesn’t hit for 6k+.

“Which has to be blocked” – right. So, for Necromancers this means either giving up their Death Shroud or relying on their team, which you simply can’t do when playing with pugs. Given, this is (one of many) necromancer-sided, but as long as it is not sorted out, such things shouldn’t be ingame. If your block is on cooldown, you’re done for too.

The AoEs themselves are fine, I was referring to the cannon barrage mainly. Also, being able to dodge them but not block them is better than being able to block, but not dodge them.

The damage she deals isn’t the main issue here imo, it’s the unblockables, the timegate as you said and that the difficulty is now out of line with the other bosses/fractals due to the damage which now is in line with other bosses.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I could hardly tell much of a difference between the level 30 and 50 Mai Trin before the patch other than the agony ticking, but I can’t help but feel you’re exaggerating a bit on that. I get what you mean, and I didn’t try Mai Trin at level 10 yet. Have you? I’ve only completed her at 49 since the patch so far with pugs.

I’ve thought Jade Maw was a ridiculous encounter for a long time lol. I personally find it obvious that something that can be done with so little effort and considered as the last boss in our endgame content (except level 50, because those veteran mobs are STRONG) is in desperate need of change, but each to his/her own. One thing about what you said that I want to point out is that the Mai Trin change was a surprise to me and I didn’t expect to see it in the patch notes. I don’t have high expectations with ArenaNet considering they still allow people to skip Lupicus in Arah, for example. To me the chances of them touching up on FotM/Dungeons each patch is almost non-existent unless it’s directly related to the gem store.

I’ll admit that I don’t know very much about necros so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. If necromancers seriously have no blocks to use, that sounds like they need to be tweaking the freakin’ class not Mai Trin >.>

I already knew from endless bickering on the forums that necromancers had nothing unique to offer utility-wise for group play, but no blocks either? Wow.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


We have no additional dodge-skills either. We have two (three) ports; Death Shroud skill 2 which ports sends out a projectile which ports you to the enemy when hit, the flesh wurm as free port, which sadly has a very long cast time and spectral walk which allows us to return to the position we first activated that skill for 8 seconds. We have no additional dodge-skills and our only way to get vigor is by using well of power to convert bleeding into vigor (which is basically "get hit by enemies with bleeding our use blood is power + well is blood).
As I said, it’s not mainly the Mai Trin tweak on it’s own, it’s all those things around it (classes lacking/having less blocks, hit/aoe indicators which are not accurate enough, skill difference to other fractals etc.) – I would even less mind Mai Trin being like this if it was already as hard to simply get to her, as people who manage to get to her will have the coordination + skill. As it is now, most fractals are rather easy, even on 49 and then suddenly you get thrown into that beast of a fight.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Well thank you for enlightening me more about necros. I find it ridiculous how ill-equipped they are for PvE— all classes should have access to at least one block and have strengths/unique buffs/party-wide boons to offer for group play.

By the way I agree with you about how it seems a little odd to go through a relatively trivial FotM run and suddenly a challenging boss. However I don’t think that the problem is necessarily the boss being too hard as much as that the other ones aren’t hard enough (too many people can get by without even having to learn the mechanics of an encounter).

Many will disagree with me, but I’m OK with that.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Well thank you for enlightening me more about necros. I find it ridiculous how ill-equipped they are for PvE— all classes should have access to at least one block and have strengths/unique buffs/party-wide boons to offer for group play.

By the way I agree with you about how it seems a little odd to go through a relatively trivial FotM run and suddenly a challenging boss. However I don’t think that the problem is necessarily the boss being too hard as much as that the other ones aren’t hard enough (too many people can get by without even having to learn the mechanics of an encounter).

Many will disagree with me, but I’m OK with that.

It’s funny, because I don’t think the Necro is exactly well suited for PvP either. He’s not bad there (and much better than in PvE), but not the best either. I heard playing wells is quite nice in a WvW-zerg, but I rarely touch WvW at all. I have most fun when playing as a Necromancer, but by making the class more and more useless I feel forced to play another one (probably just like Mesmer-players feel with all those bugs they have). With the new Mai Trin, I doubt I’ll use my necro for any fractal even though I felt like the utilities have at least an use in fractals.

I actually agree with you on that point, I would be okay with way more difficult 40+ or even 30+ fractals. If even the Mossman or Bloomhunger completely destroy you and the trash in the second frac does too, you know what you’re in for and you can leave without losing too much time. In case they really go this way, they need to up the rewards for high levels fracs by a lot.
What I don’t like is the fact that uninformed players can make the fight harder (next to you have to carry deadweight). If someone constantly pulls Mai out of the electro AoEs or pulls her to the either side of the arena for example… Well. “This won’t end well” to quote a certain not really liked Sylvari.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Yeah the biggest problem is that the reward system is just absolute trash and barely even justifies doing FotM runs in the first place, so if they were to adequately buff any encounters in the other fractals it wouldn’t do much besides cause the majority of players to cry about it. I think that the fractals should feel more and more difficult as you progress but that’s most of the time never the case (at least for me).

Trust me I know all too well about how it feels for a fight to seem trivial when alone but a complete pain in groups… it’s part of the reason why I like soloing content (among other reasons too). Getting punished for someone else’s mistake is really irritating at times depending on what it is. I think the best example of this would be someone aggroing trash mobs that everyone else is trying to avoid, but Mai Trin also fits the bill for it too. I really can’t stand it when I can’t get her into the debuff field because people keep pulling her in random directions. >:@

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Faux.1937



It’s a lot less forgiving now and you’ll die if you don’t block her teleport projectile attack, but I think it’s about time people have a reason to coordinate better and learn this boss’s mechanics well.

I actually think that the encounter itself is fine, but replace the stupid timegate cannon phase with something else or change it. That’s the only part that I think needs to changed because it’s just plain goofy. You can’t attack the boss at all and don’t do anything but stand outside of red circles.

Now, your last statement… “Please resolve this!”

Think about what you’re saying… you’re telling Arenanet to resolve the issue of you and your teammates not being able to beat a boss. The situation is subjective because it’s not an impossible encounter at all as plenty of groups have been able to beat it since they buffed it yesterday.

Mount Everest isnt impossible to climb the top but dont expect 90% of rock/mountain climbers to reach the top. And then dont say its easy if you can.

It my be fresh air for the 1% of players, and a good organized team might be able to do it after multi tries (I havent seen a level 50 done yet with a group). But dont expect the entire game to be elite.

Im a very good player, i can solo arah, I can solo fotms and have, but I know this is a problem and not even fun.

KNOWING you can be 1hit killed b.c another player moved slightly close than you isnt a fun idea.


Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Veckna.9621



Finally something more entertaining than Lupicus, guess I finally have a reason to lv up my fractals reward level.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dehuang.2053


I’m fine with them buffing mai trin’s fight, It will not really change anything except the fact that now you actually need to look at her moves so you have to play smart and counter/evade her attacks…
My advice for PUGs if you think you’re gonna have a hard time with mai is to not go full zerker, anyway the encounter isn’t a DPS test so its better to switch to some survivability. but please don’t go Nomads lol, i’m pretty sure this stat combo is a joke anyway xD

what i’m NOT fine with is that they made fractals harder (and i’m pretty sure they will make the two other 4th fractals harder too, which is probably a good thing, I like MAW at lvl 50 where the trash mobs doesn’t despawn, it makes the fight more interesting) while NOT fixing rewards, facerolling ourself for more than an hour for a ridiculously low chance at RNG is totally not fun, by the time you complete the fractal, you could’ve spend the time running dungeons and earning 5-10x more stuff.
1 hour in fractals = 1g
6-7 mins in AC = 1.5g
you get it?

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Mount Everest isnt impossible to climb the top but dont expect 90% of rock/mountain climbers to reach the top. And then dont say its easy if you can.

It my be fresh air for the 1% of players, and a good organized team might be able to do it after multi tries (I havent seen a level 50 done yet with a group). But dont expect the entire game to be elite.

Im a very good player, i can solo arah, I can solo fotms and have, but I know this is a problem and not even fun.

KNOWING you can be 1hit killed b.c another player moved slightly close than you isnt a fun idea.

I don’t expect 90% of the players to be able to beat the boss. It’s the endgame content and I expect a large chunk of the population to struggle greatly with it. Actually, let me retract that statement and say that I’m glad that’s the case but with GW2 I would naturally expect it to be doable without knowing what’s going on based off of so many bosses in the game. I never said it was easy so I’m not sure why you’re telling me not to say it.

I don’t expect the entire game to be elite.

It’s your opinion that the situation with Mai Trin is a problem. I’m willing to bet that most people will agree with it, sure, but that doesn’t change whether or not I feel the same. Claiming something is fun or is not fun is also subjective and I don’t like how you’re declaring it as if it’s a fact that it isn’t…

The only thing that 1-shots you in this encounter at all is her teleportation projectile which has to be blocked. I don’t believe this needs to be changed because there’s a very obvious tell for it except perhaps make it only damage the person that she targeted. This seems fair, because it doesn’t make sense for the entire party to be instantly ganked due to someone else’s mistake.

This was the next post of mine after the one you quoted which I’m guessing you missed. In any case, I agree with the last thing you said.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Faux.1937


@ Purple Miku.7032

The problem isnt its hard, the Problem is all fotm fights are at one scale and then Mai Trin is at a EXTREME scale.

As a teacher I would never jump students to that different levels of difficulty so fast for any reason.


Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

@ Purple Miku.7032

The problem isnt its hard, the Problem is all fotm fights are at one scale and then Mai Trin is at a EXTREME scale.

As a teacher I would never jump students to that different levels of difficulty so fast for any reason.

Tell that to my old physics professors. Sheesh. Hehe

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


@ Purple Miku.7032

The problem isnt its hard, the Problem is all fotm fights are at one scale and then Mai Trin is at a EXTREME scale.

As a teacher I would never jump students to that different levels of difficulty so fast for any reason.

Tell that to my old physics professors. Sheesh. Hehe

Physics professors are notoriously evil people.

Really though I think that’s all it comes down to, if everything is scaled to a say 5, then mai trin comes in at a 10, it’s a bit jarring and sucks that it’s all based purely on luck as to whether you get to fight the 5 or the 10.

I’m all for harder things in the game. I just don’t think it should be in this situation. I’d love if they could let us choose mai trin or not and leave the difficulty.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: slamb.4781


We had Trin last night on a 31 we used our same technique and it was fine but i think she has a bit more health.

Sir Kitty Litter
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I think this means it is time for a post patch thief solo, amiright?

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


The fact that its easier to solo than to pug tells a lot about the awful mechanic they put.

You have no control on the aggro… and bosses like this simply show that if you aim for an innovative no trinity game you can t design bosses with stupid AI and insane numbers.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


The fact that its easier to solo than to pug tells a lot about the awful mechanic they put.

You have no control on the aggro… and bosses like this simply show that if you aim for an innovative no trinity game you can t design bosses with stupid AI and insane numbers.

Well I do agree with the static field pulling being easier alone, but getting some CC in a pug creates just the same results and the real issue is her damage, which is only more of a risk because of this as the fight takes longer(which is also the case solo). Agro of her shot is still controllable anyways, her spinning attack is aoe so it would’ve hit everyone anyways, and her melee is probably not the main issue honestly.

I’ve been helping out random groups for fun mostly, but I’d say this is nothing more than a temporary issue for people who were too used to relaxing during this fight.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I wonder how this will affect upcoming KING tournament.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


The fact that its easier to solo than to pug tells a lot about the awful mechanic they put.

You have no control on the aggro… and bosses like this simply show that if you aim for an innovative no trinity game you can t design bosses with stupid AI and insane numbers.

Well I do agree with the static field pulling being easier alone, but getting some CC in a pug creates just the same results and the real issue is her damage, which is only more of a risk because of this as the fight takes longer(which is also the case solo). Agro of her shot is still controllable anyways, her spinning attack is aoe so it would’ve hit everyone anyways, and her melee is probably not the main issue honestly.

I’ve been helping out random groups for fun mostly, but I’d say this is nothing more than a temporary issue for people who were too used to relaxing during this fight.

If you try to ress people you die now.
And if someone of your party gets downed, will die in seconds.
(just to say, trying to ress pugs, i was downed even before my downed state bar appeared 2 days ago).

That is what i don t like..they ut downed system in PvP and WWW and make it useless in PvE.

Also as said i know anet loves praising, but if you just try a level 2X mai trinn you understand why current mai trinn is just stupid.

Its like putting lupicus in personal story.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gilburt.9146


Frankly, given the rewards and the difficulty of the other boss fractals, they over buffed this fight. If they want it to be this difficult, fine, but it should be like this in above level 50 with better rewards. It’s stupid that if you get the molten alliances bosses or maw you’ll be done in around 10 minutes with few issues, but if you get Mai Trin at the same difficulty it can take forever for the exact same reward. I just want some consistency, and I want to feel like the more challenging fight is actually worth my time in terms of rewards. Today, I did the new Mai Trin for the first time and it took my pug group 2 hours total for the entire run. For my efforts I got several gold (including items dropped) and no fractal skin/ascended item. Felt like a complete waste of time when I could get the same reward from a dungeon in under 30 minutes with less pain…

Brother Gilburt – Guard / Agent Gilburt – Thief

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


There was a change to her?

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

You’re late to the party. She is much more vicious and deals far more devastating attacks now. Yet, same old mechanics. My only beef is, I can’t freely take people to fractals for a lesson, because I won’t be able to handle her alone.

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: adam.8692


Ohh no, gw2 content got harder? Don’t worry, it must be bug.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


Ohh no, gw2 content got harder? Don’t worry, it must be bug.

I’m pretty sure an encounter going from well balanced to one-shotting squishies and two-shotting high HP classes is a bug.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I wonder how this will affect upcoming KING tournament.

Get mai. Re-roll.

Ohh no, gw2 content got harder? Don’t worry, it must be bug.

I’m pretty sure an encounter going from well balanced to one-shotting squishies and two-shotting high HP classes is a bug.

Why didnt you believe alphard change was a bug then? x)

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


I could hardly tell much of a difference between the level 30 and 50 Mai Trin before the patch other than the agony ticking, but I can’t help but feel you’re exaggerating a bit on that. I get what you mean, and I didn’t try Mai Trin at level 10 yet. Have you?

At old 38+ I used to get hit for about 5-5k500. 10+ post patch, about 4-5k, since it chipped away half of my health. Horrik’s cannon barrage during the timegated phase was also about half of my health, against the… 1/3 barely of before patch.
So yeah. You’re a newbie to fractals, spend quite a significant part to your time to get through it with your party of random scrubs with random skill and experience level, then you hit a brick wall. Sounds legit, right? Now try to explain to your bearbow and your cleric staff guardian that one attack is unblockable but can be dodged; that the other one is undodgeable but can be blocked; Horrik does 2 attacks and one is unblockable and you can’t stand in the other one because it rips you apart but you have to lure Mai in and…
If you were a scrub before patch and you did lower levels you could always eat up some attacks while you learned all the things I said above. Now… owell.
It’s fine by me because I’ll jut keep practicing her ‘til I don’t make even the slightest mistake anymore, so for me it’s good. It’ll teach me to get better. What about the others?
And please don’t tell me fractals level 10-20 is endgame content…

Honestly, just let her hit like a truck but have her attacks be a little more consistent in behaviour to help classes without aegis or blocks – I also feel like the health is a bit too high now but whatever; then, make all fractal bosses [MAW!!!!!!] harder at higher levels, normalising low levels back to what it was.

The only thing that’s pathetic about her is this reliance on blocks, really.

I shall now compliment myself and my social skills that prevent me from having to pug often. I can’t imagine beating her in a pug unless I learn how to solo her with a 90-100% success rate.
… I might actually try to do that. Sounds vicious.
/inb4 raging in fractals for the rest of the day

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Don t ask to make everything harder.

Anet already put veteran dredges like in maw stage at 50….
How’s that harder?
(and yes i know everyone uses the other “tactic”, but playing legit is a waste of time).

They don’t play the game they have to balance.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Painbow.6059


Horrik is more of the issue now as well as the cannon phase. He does a lot of damage and his cannon shot if you stand in between him and his AOE is hard to tell and very deadly. Also the cannon phase is too long. Mai Trin herself isn’t really an issue but a pistol spin if you got your back turned running the other way is painful. It is also longer to remove her stacks as you cannot go as close to each other because you don’t want to trigger her melee attacks, we did a lot better at her yesterday in [KING] rather than the day before considering that the day before we were three manning with a pug on 40. Basically I think that Mai Trin is still a little too difficult for pugs to handle.

As for the [KING] tournament, we are currently reviewing her difficulty over a week because we will get more used to the encounter by then and she will be easier, but the point system will be changed for Mai Trin.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


I wonder how this will affect upcoming KING tournament.

Get mai. Re-roll.

Ohh no, gw2 content got harder? Don’t worry, it must be bug.

I’m pretty sure an encounter going from well balanced to one-shotting squishies and two-shotting high HP classes is a bug.

Why didnt you believe alphard change was a bug then? x)


I knew it was a bug all along, I just felt it was a good bug and wanted it to stay.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Pretty much everyone who was a forum regular was saying it was intented. I actually sided with the casuals for that because it was obviously unintended. You did make it seem like you thought it was intended, at least from what i can remember. Meh its ancient history now. :P

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Nvm, my instance crashed midway through the second fractal.
Not doing it again for a good week.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratklaps.1560


i run mai trin with rentapest (we guildy) and damage was crazy, shadow step hit around 15k
and also stack in aoe that break her shield its impossbile, it hit for 4-5k, u also have to consider bleeding
with this patch if u miss a dodge or block = u are dead

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Geoffroy.3685


An official response / a quick hot fix would be nice.

I am boycotting Mai-Trin frow now on and I’m currently considering stopping doing fractal altogether until it’s fixed.

Amelia Ivardottir — Falconeer (Greatsword & Bows Ranger) — Volcanus
Emmeline Ivardottir — Duelist (Sword & Focus Mesmer) — Sunrise / The Anomaly

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


lol I wonder what kind of message arenanet is taking from all this.

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

lol I wonder what kind of message arenanet is taking from all this.

“Waaaaaaah give me hard content that discourages berserker gear and stacking! Waaaaaaaaah”

Good players: “Okay. Sure.”

Anet: does this

“Waaaaaaaahhhhh fix this or I won’t play fractals anymore waaaaaaah!”

Good players: “Meh.”

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


lol I wonder what kind of message arenanet is taking from all this.

“Waaaaaaah give me hard content that discourages berserker gear and stacking! Waaaaaaaaah”

Good players: “Okay. Sure.”

Anet: does this

“Waaaaaaaahhhhh fix this or I won’t play fractals anymore waaaaaaah!”

Good players: “Meh.”

Still fun even though the only way they can make things harder is… by messing up numbers or bugging attacks. Lal.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Mai Train already was a boss that needed a step up in tactics to survive. She killed the people who wanted to stand at range, couldn’t spot animations, didn’t work as a group, etc. You needed to have some understanding of the fight. You needed to use the right defenses and skills. In this situation stacking is a perfectly valid tactic and nobody should find any complaint with it (Mai starts immune to cripple etc so you have to use your positioning rather than activated skills to get her into the fields).

I haven’t seen the new fight but just putting extra damage onto the attacks is not making it more skilful. It is making it more punitive. Level 50 it can should be about both perfect tactics and perfect execution, perhaps, but at level 20-30 the players should still have leeway to louse it up and learn as they play.

Also the red circles are there as an indication to players. If they are misleading and showing the wrong target area then that is a bug. Circles that give information to players should not, by design, give the wrong information. There is no excuse for that.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nick.6972


The boss is still easy. Learn the mechanics, get condition remove.
Did the fight yesterday with people who did’t even know that she was updated.
Party was Guard, Mesmer, Warrior, Thief and Ele.

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Let me guess, you did her at level 30×. Very well done!

“Raids are like fortune cookies. You eat the cookie and then read the paper scraps.”

- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids

Mai Trin now impossible :\

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nick.6972


38, with Pugs.
I was playing Guardian, random Zerker build.
0/0/6/4/4, GS/Hammer, Save Yourselves, Purging Flames, Hold The Line, Shelter and Renewed Focus.
Absolute Resolution trait.

Wasn’t hard (I guess it’s a bit more difficult than the other FOTM bosses), and I don’t recall getting one shot, maybe downing me after 3-4 hits, but certainly not by a single hit.

I guess It’s just a l2p issue.

Also, GS #5 on Horik and #4 Hammer on Mai is hilarious.