Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


I know it has been talked about alot but I didn’t see any posts about it in a while and I have a few new ideas.

There is a TL:DR 1 and 2 :P

I don’t have any bigger problems with most Dungeons as they are. But I sometimes play with friends who are casual players and don’t have that much time on their hands to play games and isn’t “that” good as it is required to be to compleat all dungeons. They don’t have time to get new gear for every dungeon but they realy love to do dungeons and they realy wanna compleate all dungeons and they like the challange they give us.
It is pretty annoying though as we did Aetherblade part of TA the day before yesterday and we got to the last boss in less than 40min, everything went so smooth and I have to give it to my friends they are realy getting good at the game. We arrived at the boss (Clockheart), and we tried over 2h to defeat him and once we got him down to 5% and we couldn’t get this Hologram to the boss in time and we all insta-whiped on his special attack, for the first time ever. So not that I am complaining over that we will never be able to do it, we will someday but…

I would realy like a difficulty below the normal level, some dungeons are just to hard for beginners to do. Some dungeons are so hard to do that it makes them boring and not worth the time instead people do path 1 and 3 but never 2… Why? Becouse it is to hard and it takes to much time. Not that you are worried you will fail but that it is too hard to be enjoyed.

But sometimes dungeons are fun becouse they are hard so there should be difficulty above the normal level also.

This is why I would like Dungeons to have Tiers/DifLevel or something to change before you enter a dungeon.
Tier 1: Difficult mechanics has been Removed like Clockhearts Cogs he is throwing when people range him. And atleast bosses health pool is a little lower.
Tier 2: Aleast bosses health pool is a little lower.
Tier 3: Normal.
Tier 4: I dunno yet what I would want to give me more challange as Normal is good challange already but I kow that there are many out there who want’s the dungeons harder.
Tier 5: Even harder.

Next, I would want skippable content to be logic. I mean that if you pull a army of enemies they should not return to their old possitions when they have gone to far. I mean what bandits say ‘Hey they jumped over the fence and ran down the waterfall so now they can reach Frost easy! Let’s just go back’.
If the content is meant to be skipped you have to be able to sneak past them without being noticed.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OldSomalia.6180


Not profitable; NCsoft would never let ANet do it.

But perhaps if they introduce a one-time use easy-mode consumable in the gem shop for 2k gems…

Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Not profitable; NCsoft would never let ANet do it.

But perhaps if they introduce a one-time use easy-mode consumable in the gem shop for 2k gems…

What do you mean?
I do not spend gems on stuff to compleate dungeons with and I have never run it with anyone who do… I don’t expect the few %+ the buffs give does any big difference.

But yea, why not? If NCsoft wanna earn more I wouldn’t mind to pay for example a coin that gives you one account permanent 1,2,4 or 5 tier starter. But I would rather have it for free and I bet more players would play the game if they could choose the difficulty and the more players would buy fluff from the shop.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OldSomalia.6180


It was satire; they will never do it, period, because there is no money to be made in doing so. ANet is a husk of itself puppeteered by NCsoft for profit, not fun.

Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mahariel.4981


How can you remove difficult mechanics when most bosses have zero mechanics anyway?

How carebear do you want this game to get when people blitz through almost every single dungeon already?

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Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xsquared.1926


Dungeons are easy enough as it is. I’d like some hard mode stuff introduced instead, with better rewards and stuff. Or giving additional rewards for solo/duoing dungeons

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Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Wow iether I am so bad at explaining myself or people can’t read.

Tier 1-5 where 3 is where the difficulty is where it is now and 5 is realy hard and 1 is realy easy. Not everyone thinks these dungeons is easy, and also not all dungeons are easy to blitz through. Some dungeons are left outside becouse they don’t fit in to the required difficulty.

That’s why people should be able to choose a difficulty to be able to enjoy the content at their gaming level. Offcourse reward would have scale with the tiers.

The thing I said about removing some mechanics too bosses was just an idea, an example what I think could be done.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

(edited by EdgarMTanaka.7291)

Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: notabot.3497


Give us HM dungeons. And don’t just call it in by upgrading mob hp. Well maybe, make HM dungeons all lvl80.