Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Make Dungeons have Tiers pls?
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Not profitable; NCsoft would never let ANet do it.
But perhaps if they introduce a one-time use easy-mode consumable in the gem shop for 2k gems…
Not profitable; NCsoft would never let ANet do it.
But perhaps if they introduce a one-time use easy-mode consumable in the gem shop for 2k gems…
What do you mean?
I do not spend gems on stuff to compleate dungeons with and I have never run it with anyone who do… I don’t expect the few %+ the buffs give does any big difference.
But yea, why not? If NCsoft wanna earn more I wouldn’t mind to pay for example a coin that gives you one account permanent 1,2,4 or 5 tier starter. But I would rather have it for free and I bet more players would play the game if they could choose the difficulty and the more players would buy fluff from the shop.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
It was satire; they will never do it, period, because there is no money to be made in doing so. ANet is a husk of itself puppeteered by NCsoft for profit, not fun.
How can you remove difficult mechanics when most bosses have zero mechanics anyway?
How carebear do you want this game to get when people blitz through almost every single dungeon already?
MorrĂ¯ Mahariel | Serah Mahariel | MorrĂ¯
A bunch of amateur solos from yours truly
Dungeons are easy enough as it is. I’d like some hard mode stuff introduced instead, with better rewards and stuff. Or giving additional rewards for solo/duoing dungeons
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10
Wow iether I am so bad at explaining myself or people can’t read.
Tier 1-5 where 3 is where the difficulty is where it is now and 5 is realy hard and 1 is realy easy. Not everyone thinks these dungeons is easy, and also not all dungeons are easy to blitz through. Some dungeons are left outside becouse they don’t fit in to the required difficulty.
That’s why people should be able to choose a difficulty to be able to enjoy the content at their gaming level. Offcourse reward would have scale with the tiers.
The thing I said about removing some mechanics too bosses was just an idea, an example what I think could be done.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
(edited by EdgarMTanaka.7291)
Give us HM dungeons. And don’t just call it in by upgrading mob hp. Well maybe, make HM dungeons all lvl80.