Massively Overpriced Anguished Tear of Alba
What’s the point of paying extra gold to skip right to t4 fractals when the main thing you get from t4 fractals is more gold
Fractals is not the place to try new builds. You take established builds that work into fractals. Also it’s not that expensive to get new trinkets and stat swap mystic forge your armor and weapons, like 15 gold total for a really expensive inscription set.
What’s the point of paying extra gold to skip right to t4 fractals when the main thing you get from t4 fractals is more gold
Fractals is not the place to try new builds. You take established builds that work into fractals. Also it’s not that expensive to get new trinkets and stat swap mystic forge your armor and weapons, like 15 gold total for a really expensive inscription set.
Read the post, that’s exactly the point. It’s useless as a skipping mechanism, the point is to allow people to try new things.
Some people actually like doing things differently for fun.
And it’s 24s per infusion pulling tool thingy. So that’s 3g right there. Figure each insignia/inscription is ~2g then you’re looking at just shy of 20g so far. But, then you need new runes/sigils, so double or triple that cost. Now trinkets, if you’re trying any of the new stats you have to grind raids/bloodstone to get the currency.
And you do all that but still like your old build and just wanted to try something. So now you have to swap it all back and bank those trinkets you just spent a couple weeks grinding for.
High level fractals aren’t new things though, it’s literally the same kitten, there is no differently
Maybe people who don’t want to throw away money should plan for the future and play the right build from the start. I understand this forum is filled with people who play random made up builds that barely work for anything other then leveling content, but if you’re putting together an ascended set and not minmaxing with what is demonstrably, measurably, mathematically the most effective build, then that is your own fault.
(edited by Tobias.8632)
Eh, use them to get the achieves for the last collection for Ad Infinitum. Then go back to farming low end of T4 and high T3. High T4’s are barely worth the cost at all. All of this is just my opinion.
I’m going to offer a different, but similar suggestion.
Add a temporary AR+150 potion for folks without enough infusion slots, so they could try out T4 fractals now and decide whether it’s something they like enough to invest in (getting fully ascended, attuned, infused, and buying the AR).
I’d like to see this, to encourage fresh blood.
Personal level no longer affects anything except XP, karma, and whether you can open up higher level instances, so why not make it easy for high-skill players to try out the game mode.
As for the original idea: I’m not that big a fan. If you run fractals enough that you want to experiment with builds, you can afford a few Infusion Extractors and can move the AR around. I’ve kept my old-school AR+12 & AR+13 infusions just to make it easy for me to get plenty of resistance from trinkets alone.
In other words, fractal frequenters already have options to spend a bit more gold to do stat swapping, without wiping out their existing gear.
(I’m not against the concept; I just don’t think it offers that much of value to the game.)
I’m currently grinding through T3 fractals (personal level 62ish?, ugh, not close enough) with 150 AR, it’s not hard to get. One issue I’ve seen is some T3 people don’t really know how to not instantly die, so some mechanism to keep them out would be nice.
I keep telling myself T4 will be better for the quality of players, but that may or may not be wishful thinking.
While this could be a cool idea, I think I vastly prefer the idea of new players learning in lower tiers and then progressing to higher tiers once they’ve gotten the ascended gear, masteries, and infusions to do so. Having this kind of a potion would promote lowbies to try and sneak into T4 Fractals to earn quick gold and ascended gear without the proper experience and thus at the cost of their team.
While this could be a cool idea, I think I vastly prefer the idea of new players learning in lower tiers and then progressing to higher tiers once they’ve gotten the ascended gear, masteries, and infusions to do so. Having this kind of a potion would promote lowbies to try and sneak into T4 Fractals to earn quick gold and ascended gear without the proper experience and thus at the cost of their team.
The idea’s not for people coming up, hence the cost of Fractal Relics (which you’d have to do fractals for) and enough gold to cancel out the earnings from dailies. It’d be pretty stupid to use outside of just wanting to run a build you don’t have AR for just for funsies.
It’s specifically to do something like say I want to play a Condi warrior that I don’t have geared up with AR. I don’t play it often, don’t want to play it often, making it not worth investing in a full set of 150AR gear. But, I want to screw around with it today, so I can forfeit my daily earnings (or just pay in general) to play it in them for the fun of it.
I know it’s a weird request, I’d be losing gold doing it, but getting to have fun with some things that I don’t normally use and isn’t worth the 100’s of gold investment for full AR gear.
It’s specifically to do something like say I want to play a Condi warrior that I don’t have geared up with AR. I don’t play it often, don’t want to play it often, making it not worth investing in a full set of 150AR gear. But, I want to screw around with it today, so I can forfeit my daily earnings (or just pay in general) to play it in them for the fun of it.
I know it’s a weird request, I’d be losing gold doing it, but getting to have fun with some things that I don’t normally use and isn’t worth the 100’s of gold investment for full AR gear.
That makes sense. The biggest issue though is even if it was at a gold loss, if you picked up an ascended armor box out of it you’d still be at a net positive. I have encountered a lot of bad players who would pay money to RNG the T4 daily ascended boxes, and that would be bad for the community. Currently those folks buy the T4 dailies that get sold, but at least in that respect they don’t hurt anyone else by pretending to be experienced and then failing horribly.
One thing I personally do is get ascended trinkets for everyone since they’re so accessible. With high enough AR in the trinkets alone with the 15AR potion, you can probably do T3 without issue. If the motivation is just to play with friends in T4, though, that doesn’t really help. Maybe if the fractal relic cost were high enough on a +150 AR potion it would be OK because presumably no one else but a really relic rich player could afford it. I don’t know if ANet would find this a very convincing reason to implement it, but who knows.
Do people still buy fractals? I haven’t seen advertising, but yeah you’re right on the ascended thing.
I don’t think skipping ahead would be an issue because you do still need a personal level of 70+ don’t you? Just to see the t4 LFG.
But, yeah… I just figured it could be fun, and I know I’d put it to use to do stupid stuff like play my healer engi, or try out a condi warrior. If there’s really still a market for selling fractal runs maybe I should just do that and fund ascended gear