Matthias PUG setup
You will be far, far better suited with heal ele + 1x druid instead of 2x druid if you’re pugging with people of unknown skill. You lose dps but gain so much redundant healing that you can functionally ignore mechanics.
or 2 druid and 1 aura, or 2 revs, or guard
Best pug set up IMO…
2x condi ps warriors
4x condi necros
1x full heal drui
1x full healway staff water camp ele
1x hammer guard or Rev
1x commander mesmer if guard, berserker if Rev
Set up like…
1: War, Druid, Necro, Necro
2: War, Necro, Necro, * Guardian
3: Mesmer/ * Rev
4: Ele
No excuse to die to pretty much any mechanic with that comp. Condis wont touch you, everyone is very tanky, over the top healing + prot.
Yeah, I’m a fan too about condis on Matth because the power damage has too many “breaks” for dodges, ress people, poison, corruption, sacrifice, range etc. so I agree for a pug more condis you have is probably the best way to kill Matthias. In my experience with a mix of condi necros + condi warriors the damage is really high and solid for the entire fight.
Just I’d use 2 druids for the simple reason Ele heal is not really popular so it’s easier to find 2x druids. Honestly PS condi warriors are not really popular too but I think they are underrated, it’s a very effective build in PUG for raids.
And I also think Ps condi war is really effective on Matth.
Basically something like this
1 Chrono
1 DH
2 PS Condi warriors
4 Necros
2 Druids
(edited by Phil.8901)
Group 1: Warrior, Druid, Guardian, Necromancer
Group 2: Warrior, Druid, Elementalist (D/F), Necromancer
Group 3: Chrono, Revenant
This is a pretty effective comp. Second druid can run stone spirit for guaranteed protection in group 2. It’s pretty common to have one necro run transfuse. You can drop the ele for another necro if your warriors run condi-PS but in my experience very few players are actually prepared to play it.
A couple people have suggested ele healer but I think the loss of offensive buffs from the second druid is too heavy. I get that you’re trying to ezmode matthias defensively, but reducing the duration of the fight is also a substantial decrease in difficulty. You have to trust your healers to not be terrible either way lol.
Group 1: Warrior, Druid, Guardian, Necromancer
Group 2: Warrior, Druid, Elementalist (D/F), Necromancer
Group 3: Chrono, RevenantThis is a pretty effective comp. Second druid can run stone spirit for guaranteed protection in group 2. It’s pretty common to have one necro run transfuse. You can drop the ele for another necro if your warriors run condi-PS but in my experience very few players are actually prepared to play it.
A couple people have suggested ele healer but I think the loss of offensive buffs from the second druid is too heavy. I get that you’re trying to ezmode matthias defensively, but reducing the duration of the fight is also a substantial decrease in difficulty. You have to trust your healers to not be terrible either way lol.
This is basically a power setup and in my experience is not really effective in PUG.
I run this setup a lot of times and the last phase is really complicated with. You have basically only 1 class with high dps (ele) others are average power dps and low dps.
Ofc I’m not saying is bad, I killed Matth with this comp multiple times but It requires many attempts IN PUG and it’s longer. Basically it’s more skill oriented, it requires simply better players. If you have them is ok, but considering the average quality on 10 players is not really common.
With Condis, in my experience, it requires really less attempts.
The advantage of condi at mattias is that for necro and warrior at least, condi = ranged. And Ranged is very effective in the final phase when staying tight melee on him is harder. it isn’t that condi > power its that ranged > melee in the final phase.
Group 1: Warrior, Druid, Guardian, Necromancer
Group 2: Warrior, Druid, Elementalist (D/F), Necromancer
Group 3: Chrono, RevenantThis is a pretty effective comp. Second druid can run stone spirit for guaranteed protection in group 2. It’s pretty common to have one necro run transfuse. You can drop the ele for another necro if your warriors run condi-PS but in my experience very few players are actually prepared to play it.
A couple people have suggested ele healer but I think the loss of offensive buffs from the second druid is too heavy. I get that you’re trying to ezmode matthias defensively, but reducing the duration of the fight is also a substantial decrease in difficulty. You have to trust your healers to not be terrible either way lol.
This is basically a power setup and in my experience is not really effective in PUG.
I run this setup a lot of times and the last phase is really complicated with. You have basically only 1 class with high dps (ele) others are average power dps and low dps.
Ofc I’m not saying is bad, I killed Matth with this comp multiple times but It requires many attempts IN PUG and it’s longer. Basically it’s more skill oriented, it requires simply better players. If you have them is ok, but considering the average quality on 10 players is not really common.
With Condis, in my experience, it requires really less attempts.
Even in my comp the necros are the main damage dealers at the end. D/F ele isn’t actually super great damage, but it is super great at clearing ice if you don’t have condi ps warriors. As I wrote before I was considering that most people I encounter can’t play condi PS warrior, so I just assumed it wasn’t an option.
If you have condi ps warriors I would run something similar to what you posted, though I would probably take only 3 necros and use a revenant. You don’t really need any more plague signets at that point, and you’re going to have crap fury uptime if all you’ve got is feel my wrath and tigers. I know you’re focusing on condi damage but having sketchy fury uptime is still a huge hit to DPS. Rev also destroys the break bar, helps with ice patches, and makes the chrono’s life easier. Plus playing rev against matthias is pretty much the most relaxing thing you can do in raids lol.