Molten Facility bug?

Molten Facility bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


Murphy’s law is in love with me. Second fractal run and I run into a game breaking bug. So basically spent an hour doing 31 in a pug to throw the towel right after killing the end boss because the game didn’t register its death and acted as if he was still alive (there was a remnant of the boss bar on the screen). No prompt to leave the fractal run or do the next level (I don’t remember if we got that as a third fractal or last or whatever and I’m new to this frac patch), no level up, no reward, nothing. Fractal was molten facility. Just stuck in there with nothing to do after the berserker’s death.

This game is lovely. I love the amount of time wasted on these bugs. Why did I even bother trying to give this a shot.

So this is the result of the long wait for an actual dungeon update. So much fun, so much content.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Molten Facility bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


That’s what you get for doing fractals. Let it be a lesson to you.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Molten Facility bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: simplesimon.2084


I haven’t seen this bug myself. Did you try having everyone die. I may mean you have to redo the fight, but at least it’s better than scrapping the whole run.

Molten Facility bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


I haven’t seen this bug myself. Did you try having everyone die. I may mean you have to redo the fight, but at least it’s better than scrapping the whole run.

Oh yeah we did try. There wasn’t a whole lot to do too, the field that surrounds the berserker when he becomes SupaBerzerk was still up well after his death so we just jumped out of the platform and fully wiped, it did nothing apart from activating another wave of agony when we entered the arena again. And now I remember, this was the fourth, since we got these in order before : underwater, harpies and cliffside.

Since I started playing this game I think I hit almost every single dungeon breaking bug that exists.. so many runs wasted on this, this is just getting old. Fractals by far have been the worst offender, although early ascalonian catacombs could give it a run for its money with Detha (sometimes we managed to recover from her bugging, sometimes nothing would work..) The amount of hours spent to get absolutely nothing in return is mindboggling.

Too bad, there might have been some decent ideas in there, I had a seriously good laugh when mossman popped right at tom and made him activate before we were prepared, even better to see that we recovered from this without wiping. But this is probably the last straw, I’m not sure I’m willing to put more hours into a game that is such in a sad state overall, while being mocked by the dev resetting our levels and anet thinking that content = grinding the same old stuff so that we spend some more time in front of a crafting station. The introduction of gear grinding in other mmo is justified by the apparition of new extension/heavy content, not just a couple gimmicks and the devs calling it a day.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Molten Facility bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


a game that is such in a sad state overall, while being mocked by the dev resetting our levels and anet thinking that content = grinding the same old stuff so that we spend some more time in front of a crafting station. The introduction of gear grinding in other mmo is justified by the apparition of new extension/heavy content, not just a couple gimmicks and the devs calling it a day.

You summed it up. This is why it’s sky-clear that gw2 wasn’t meant to have the ascended gear grind, yet it was rushed into the game when they saw the number of active players plummeting and panicked. “Let’s put a bigger gear grind, MMO players will love it and there will still be a few fanboys who actually believe ascended was meant to be ingame since day 1, since it’s needed to tackle our super hard content”.
There’s nothing to use it on, so they added agony and made it unavoidable. There you go, now you have to grind agony infusion slots. Hurrah?
Anyway. Have you seen what happened to Alphard when they tried to “fix” her – barring the fact she’s quite fun to fight now despite the bugs? How long do you think it’ll take them to fix that huge mess? Months? Years? Never?
Interest in dungeons=0 Dungeon team=not found
Frustrating, I know, but I hate mobas and f2p mmos are plain awful. I’ll stay with the bugs. How about you?

Molten Facility bug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fror.2163


Fractals? I thought it disappeared with the November 26th patch. Weird.

Frór (yes, with the accent!)