(edited by Moderator)
Molten facility, Living story team.
Just to congratulate the team on an AMAZING dungeon!!!!!!!!!!!
Loved the length, difficulty, and the final bosses were spot on… specially the second phase of the berserker… the “Fire Everything” at the first part was awesome, we wiped a bit, but completed it in just over an hour.
loot was meh…. but well that’s the RNG…. all in all Awesome!!!!
Gate of Madness
The MWF, in PvE terms, is probably the best content we have received since release.
Even with that said, It is only going to be around for 2 weeks!
I think it speaks quite well for the state of dungeons and PvE in this game when content that is designed to be temporary completely dwarfs the content we have which is permanent. It was great to see new mechanics like jumping rather than having a HP sponge that will intermittently throw out some AOE.
Just my opinion but i’d like to hear others experience with the new content.
The bosses were definitely a step in the right direction. People should be trying to avoid damage and not just tank&spank which is basically 90% of the permanent dungeon content in the game. Sad to see that the effort of designing this is wasted for a 1 time event.
it was so awesome!!!!!! loved the bosses!!!!! 2 at a time with awesome AoEs that kept u on ur toes!!!! fantastic!!!! u need to dodge, jump, kite, …. know ur rez cycles!!!! awesome dungeon!!!! keep it plz….or make it a fractal or sth…..!!!!!
Gate of Madness
It was too long and the rewards were underwhelming for me.
I did get a jetpack on my second run though.
It was too long and the rewards were underwhelming for me.
I did get a jetpack on my second run though.
which is currently worth 69g ?!!!!
thats like doing ~80 other dungeons and you say its underwhelming^^
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character: http://i.imgur.com/5JtcBI1.jpg?1
Bit too many trash mobs, but at least their HP wasn’t bad. And the bosses were awesome.
Well i have a diferent opinion.
This new dungeon was a joke…there’s no challenge of doing them! Mobs and Bosses dont do damage…and that’s make any attempt of creating tatics a big fail. You don´t die if you get hitted everytime with those hurricanes on the first “event”…u can just go drink and coffee and continue the dungeon after it.
I love to see that they are making new content, it was interesting (the visual style and lore) but still the challenging /dificulty part it’s a freaking joke..almost in the terms to disrespect the community…
that’s my honest opinion!
This post is supposed to be a joke? Seriously you don’t have a clue of how dungeons should be done!!
this is the simplest boss in WoW, this boss has a very simple tactic, BUT HAS A TACTIC!!!
The circles in MF do no damage, you can stand on them! They damage you for 240 damage… joke, how hard is this?
No challenge, no loot, no rewards and no tactics = no fun
1+1 = 2
This post is supposed to be a joke? Seriously you don’t have a clue of how dungeons should be done!!
this is the simplest boss in WoW, this boss has a very simple tactic, BUT HAS A TACTIC!!!
The circles in MF do no damage, you can stand on them! They damage you for 240 damage… joke, how hard is this?
No challenge, no loot, no rewards and no tactics = no fun
1+1 = 2
Nice comparison, that to a dungeon that is not designed to be end-game content and more for the story experience than anything else. It even goes so far as to upscale players to level 80, allowing any old average joe to have a go at it. How can you seriously make that comparison?
Perhaps if it were designed as a purist end-game, true level 80-only trudge with big rewards attached, I’d take your comparison seriously. At the very least, you have to use an actual explorable mode to compare at all.
Resident Thief
(edited by Auesis.7301)
I’m saying that story modes/ explorable should have bosses with tactic i find the “tank and spank” tactic more challenging then the “hit and spank”.
Give me some tactics, I prefer to move around and dodge the boss abilities then to stay still and press 12345 and see the vanishing in my eyes leaving 2 blues -_-
I liked the weapons testing part, the final boss was OK too, but way too easy :/ I guess it suits the terrible reward.
Far Shiverpeaks
Diffculty was very good for a story-dungeon.
did my first run and it WAS fun, for once. So much easier than FOTM lev40+ tho lol im used to hairy difficulty…
On loot, you all know the infinite tonic can drop from chest currently 100g+ on TP…theres also the recipe for it too and a mini…
If you type molten into TP, the dungeon can drop upto 200g of items…of course they will be amazingly rare, like 1 in 10,000 or something but there you go…
Length was too long and the reward was lackluster.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
After doing it solo:
- lots of thrash
- not enough waypoints (yea, enemies are a threat when solo)
- npc’s tanking inside Molten Protectors shield (try launch/knock and they just run back in).
- npc’s needing to be with you when rescuing prisoners (or dungeon gets stuck).
- lots of control, sometimes I felt like a pingpong (ok I’m fine with this but it’s often complained about).
– weird aggro (sometimes you can split groups, sometimes all come in).
Doesn’t seem that much different than original dungeons, only a lot easier.
The end bosses and the thermal core section were fantastic. The rest didn’t feel engaging, as almost all of it was just trash mob after trash mob.
It is a very easy dungeon. But it’s meant for everyone to be able to complete. I felt the difficulty was in line with most story dungeons.
- npc’s tanking inside Molten Protectors shield (try launch/knock and they just run back in).
Sometimes I was able to pull them out of the circle. But with hammer guardian I could just knockback, then stun once they were out.
It’s a good story mode dungeon. I’ve pugged it once and played with guildies, and I had a good time of it. I’m glad to hear the MF dungeon is getting some love – the folks who worked on it put a lot of effort into it, and there’s some really neat stuff in there for players to enjoy
I played this and had way more fun in there than any other dungeon we have in-game. There were a few things I didn’t like, but on the whole, the boss(es) were interesting and dynamic, and were a lot of fun, and even if they weren’t super hard, difficulty is an easy thing to increase.
- Being forced to fight all the trash in the dungeon sucked and was “zzzzzz”
- The bosses were amazing and dynamic (change based on which boss is killed first), have challenging mechanics, and require you to pay attention, jump around, and so on. The boss(es) shame every other dungeon boss right now with few exceptions (GL)
- The monster mechanics were awesome (loved the protectors) and were at least 500% more interesting than the trash in other dungeons
I want to believe that the dungeon team knows what is a “good encounter” and what isn’t, but this blows my mind. It’s almost crazy that the living story team seems to be able to create dungeon content that is far more enjoyable than the dungeon team has created thus far. If this molten facility had explorable modes and was permanent (and had rewards appropriate of it), I probably wouldn’t play any dungeons made by the dungeon team any more. That bothers me. Please do something about it, Rob.
Its fairly obvious that the dungeon team are the weak link in anets staff. If i was the head man at anet I would replace them.
It’s a good story mode dungeon. I’ve pugged it once and played with guildies, and I had a good time of it. I’m glad to hear the MF dungeon is getting some love – the folks who worked on it put a lot of effort into it, and there’s some really neat stuff in there for players to enjoy
I have a question for you Robert. Some of us noticed that NPCs in the living story dungeon have a better AI or something which makes them stand out amongst the other NPCs. Do you consider using this in future dungeons too? Personally I liked it and would love to see AI become even better as time goes by. Perhaps there will be a time when NPCs can replace holes in your group-setup.
Wow, people found that easy? I tried it with some friends, one quit after the early “arena of trappy doom” part with the latter stage where we couldn’t really find anywhere to run that was safe. He spent most of it on the floor, since we couldn’t park next to him long enough to rez him.
The rest of us were unable to get either boss in the last part under 90% hit points after several tries, so gave up at that point. I don’t think having our full team would have done the trick, so I guess we need to find PUG groups to join and hope they are better players than we are.
I loved it.
Loved the fact that we couldn’t skip trash as well, finally a dungeon that doesn’t feel like a running game lol.
It only needs to be a bit more difficult (and being in combat during the experiment part would mean a lot, those things were hitting hard enough but OoC you regen way too fast to notice).
I wish all dungeons were like this one, just put a nice reward at the end to compensate for the time investment and I’ll never get tired of it.
Yeah thumbs up. I admit it, I quite liked this dungeon!
The NPCs all share the same AI. There’s no AI difference between Rytlock, Rox, or Magg (CoF) aside from the skills that they use. For story mode dungeons we do beef up the NPCs a bit with their skills since it is supposed to be an easier experience meant to tell a story while providing at least a non trivial encounter for a group of 5 players in a PuG. We are always working on our AI to make them better though.
Easier content appeals to a wider audience. When we released GW2, we got similar feedback about our story dungeons that the MF dungeon is getting now. Nearly everyone could do them, it was easy for a PuG, and people really enjoyed them.
Of course when they stepped into explorable that was a different experience, since we built our explorable dungeons to directly challenge a coordinated 5 man group. Harder content has a less broad appeal initially due to its requirement of player knowledge, skills, gear, etc etc, it is just fundamentally harder and more work. Some people like that, some people don’t, and in MMOs players tend to follow “The path of least resistance” so encouraging them to play the more difficult content has to be matched with higher rewards.
There are always lessons to be learned though. Dungeons are by no means perfect, and getting to see what other teams build always strengthens your design in the end. MF has a great end boss and an interesting army, and lessons can be learned from some of the different things they did. I’d love an explorable version of their dungeon as well
We just want interesting, challenging fights. not hp tanks in dungeons :P
yes explorable please!
Loved the dungeon, though I heard it will only be available for a short time I wish it would stick around. It almost feels like a lost level of FotM … hint hint.
I agree that this dungeon is actually really fun to run through. There’s enough of a challenge where you need to pay attention to what mobs you need to focus on and where you need to walk, but it’s not mind-blowingly difficult to get through. I think the only people complaining about it are the same baddies that constantly run Warrior/Guardian/Mesmer groups and try to skip everything for no reason.
Voice acting needs some improvement, though.
The NPCs all share the same AI. There’s no AI difference between Rytlock, Rox, or Magg (CoF) aside from the skills that they use.
Is it? I can almost swear I saw a prisioner DODGE. Maybe it was a skill of hers? Please add a dodge skill to other npcs too? It makes tons of sense.
I loved the new dungeon, I didn’t think it was as easy as everyone is making it out to be, the lass boss was quite challenging and the testing room wasn’t as easy and I barely got regen there (and yes I avoided a great deal of traps, still no regen of out of combat for more than a sec).
I also loved the fact we couldn’t skip trash, HAH, TAKE THAT MOTHERRUNNERS. (I do speed run all the other dungeons though, because that’s just how everyone plays, but I love unskippable trash, it MAKES SENSE).
Interesting, thanks Robert. So it’s really just a misconception that Braham and Rox have improved AI.
So this feeling of improvement comes from different skills…
Have you ever considered using NPCs with more skill-usage / improved AI as a kind of scaling-method when less than 5 players are participating? Some people would like to see dungeons playable for smaller groups / solo and I wonder if you take them seriously and work on a kind of solution or just have the mindset of ignoring those.
So far GW2 has done a lot for all kinds of groups, still solo-players who are looking for a decent challenge don’t have a lot of choice imho. Open world events lack the risk-reward systems that dungeons / guild missions have and so solo-players are left behind. This long after release a green/yellow lv.80 drop from a champion/boss for someone who is lv.80 for months now isn’t that interesting.
People to much CoF makes your perception a bit tilted. So many people complaining on how long it takes and that it makes you fight everything. I wish every dungeon took 30 to 45 min to complete I feel that’s a decent run. Just because you can’t finish this in under 10 min and rinse repeat it does not take anything away from it.
- Loved how the drill manages your speed while giving you things to do in the process
- Mats in the dungeon is an outstanding idea
- Secret areas and lootable items on bodies to be used in other places outside of the dungeon is brilliant.
- Good boss fights and mechanics
- Adding environmental damage and a way to get rid of it was a nice element to add.
- New monsters and their “moves” felt about right and were fun to learn.
- I wish all areas had different monsters each time you entered other than just a section here and there.
- Feels like you needed one more way point someplace.
- One more chest would have been nice for the time it takes to complete it.
- Once you ran the dungeon once and you do it again all the ore veins are gone . It made the beginning feel a bit pointless knowing what you could have had. I found myself not even wanting to clear the things in those rooms or even angered that I had to now for nothing.
- Having to plant the bombs at the end didn’t feel right to me Braham should have done that he is after all standing next to them. Nothing to long just run up there pant one bomb and then come back. Or even a mini jumping puzzle for the player to do to get to the spot where we need to plant. The one mini jump felt cheesy to me.
- First chest Remove the food items unless they are better than what you can get elsewhere.
If I was rating this dungeon I would give it a 8.5 out of 10.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
(edited by Excursion.9752)
Of course when they stepped into explorable that was a different experience, since we built our explorable dungeons to directly challenge a coordinated 5 man group. Harder content has a less broad appeal initially due to its requirement of player knowledge, skills, gear, etc etc, it is just fundamentally harder and more work. Some people like that, some people don’t, and in MMOs players tend to follow “The path of least resistance” so encouraging them to play the more difficult content has to be matched with higher rewards.
Most explorable paths are not difficult. They are boring. They are boring because the boss mechanics are not exciting, not challenging, not threatening, and the bosses and enemies in general have too much HP and the players just sit and wail on them repeatedly and forever until they finally die. They require just enough activity that we cannot afk them or go make a sandwich and come back later, but they require so little activity that when we are there, we’re auto attacking, using skills that aren’t needed, and essentially doing nothing.
You say a lot elsewhere that Fractal bosses “took this feedback into account” and “are better for it”, well, I challenge you to do L48 Svanir Shaman and not be bored to tears. I challenge you to do L48 Bloomhunger and not just afk behind projectile absorbing walls. I challenge you to do the ettin boss in the Asuran Fractal and actually have fun. Even Ashym is terrible; you just range him to death while circle strafing and you don’t even have to use half of your skills. He legitimately can’t kill you unless you’re an idiot and try to melee through all of his agony. Don’t even get me started on the jellyfish; he is a total bore with his abysmal low-threat attacks, slow movement, and unexciting mechanics. I don’t know if we’re even playing the same game when you say that you guys think that Fractals bosses are engaging. Outside of the Powersuit/Ice Ele and Grawl boss, I don’t think there’s a single encounter I genuinely enjoy… And the Powersuit boss is only after an absurdly long and otherwise boring dungeon path of the Dredge fractal.
I’m not bitter, I’m sad. I’m sad that I ran the Molten Facility repeatedly and had more fun than I do 90% of the time in L48 fractals (and I ENJOY harder content more than easier content). I’m sad that when people ask me to do CM I say “That dungeon is boring and a waste of time”, and that such a response is typical to practically every dungeon. I’m sad that if I want to make efficient use of my time, I have to roll CoF 1 endlessly because God knows apparently you guys don’t mind that it disincentivizes us players from doing anything else because of how rewarding it is in contrast.
I’m sad that this is what we have, and that months have gone by and we’ve had no word of any other changes. I’m sad that fractals are still the most unrewarding dungeon in the game. I’m sad that I have to explain this at all because I feel like you guys just don’t know!
I’m sad, Rob. I don’t want to be sad.
The end bosses and the thermal core section were fantastic. The rest didn’t feel engaging, as almost all of it was just trash mob after trash mob.
This. Though, really even the thermal core part is buggy and kinda meh. Final boss is definitely fun, though. But one fun encounter out of a fair-length dungeon like that isn’t the pinnacle of dungeon design everyone’s making it out to be.
(edited by Iures.2894)
While I enjoyed the new Molten Facility dungeon, I don’t share the same level of enthusiasm as most others here.
I actually prefer the current in game dungeons overall. This one is new and thus is exciting just for that reason, but overall the ‘old’ dungeons are far more enjoyable to me.
This dungeon is very linear. You must fight every trash mob. Not too many tactics involved here.. just a lot of DPSing it seems. The boss fight was fun and interesting, mainly because it is new, but would quickly become boring just like most boss fights.
Many parts, like the drill, just intentionally prolong the dungeon for no real reason. Just a bunch of trash mob fights until you get to the boss fights.
While the living story crew did a good job with this dungeon overall, I give props to the current dungeon crew who typically come up with some good, innovative stuff for dungeons. Not everyone shares the opinion that all dungeons should be more like this.
^ That.
Fun, but not the shining star everyone is making it sound like.
Completed it with 3 players. If your looking for a challenge and are complaining its too easy just go in with less players. Im sure you won’t say its easy after that. I loved the new mobs and the bosses were fun. Thank You Anet and well done!
P.S. Please do not forget about Fractals.
Love how people are quick to keep people grounded “its good but not that good” What people are trying to do here is help the devs with future choices they are going to make. There are aspects of the new dungeon that are better than most we have now. Some new things added that would be nice to see again. Don’t just say its not as great as what people make it out to be give the devs something to go off of and give a few examples of what would have made it better.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
I ran through this last night with some guildies. We had a lot of fun with it. The weapons test was cool, and I enjoyed the final boss fight. We all lol’d when the Molten Firestorm died. Is there a different cutscene if you kill the berserker first?
Would it get repetitive and potentially boring if you ran it over and over again? Sure, but so would anything else (CoF 1?). All that is needed is more variety, which this dungeon brings temporarily. Maybe make the ruins of the facility permanent and add more dungeon paths, add more paths to existing dungeons and/or MOAR FRACTALS (with proper rewards).
This dungeon is serving its purpose. More of this type of content would be perfectly ok with me.
I liked the trash in the MF dungeon. Fewer elites, some vets, even some normals. Also, the trash is easier than the bosses, which has not always been true in the permanent dungeons. Then again, I guess some of us like stomping the mooks.
It was too long and the rewards were underwhelming for me.
I did get a jetpack on my second run though.
which is currently worth 69g ?!!!!
thats like doing ~80 other dungeons and you say its underwhelming^^
Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re complaining.
The end bosses and the thermal core section were fantastic.
Thermal core was a bit lacklustre. I just stood in the same spot the entire time since none of the big weapon attacks did enough damage to pose any threat at all.
Then the NPCs said we needed to warn Hoelbrak and the Black Citadel about the weapon and I burst out laughing.
Nice touch at the end where the enemy comes down to take care of us himself and dies in one hit, though.
The dungeon is still too long. There are too many trash mobs and too many prisoners to rescue. The rewards are insufficient for the majority of players.
That dungeon was redicilous. Reason:
1.Overpowered 2 BOSSES at the end (i mean 2 op bosses at once srsly)
2.Waaaay too long
3.I would get better rewards from AC (I don’t realy care about the rewards i just want the dungeon to be fun for me to play, not exhausting and boring i mean srly i was just barely waiting for the end of it and my team couldnt beat 2 bosses at/near the end)
And plus Anet stop making stuff harder than its suposed to be like once you buffed flippin AC it was just…
Please enjoy writing you hate replies
I’m happy that not everyone gets the dungeon done on the first tries. My group of friends managed to get through even though we wiped 3 times at the final boss. It’s now the feeling I had in other games when I beat a challenge not every one is supposed to beat without working together and playing well. It feels sooooo good!!
GW2 so far had no real challenge for me (I don’t like doing fractals repeatedly), thank you SAB-Team for giving me what I was looking for. The only thing I want now is a challenge in the open world.
+ give people an easy-mode of the dungeon (like you did in SAB), make Braham and Rox gods – invulnerable and hard-hitting – who revive the player and bring him through the dungeon alive. Sure, rewards should be much lower, but these newbies will at least experience the story to the end.
Whoa nice dungeon, really enjoyed it. However I wish ppl will stop qqing about it. I mean they did a good job on the bosses and you have to remember living story was always made in a way that everyone can do it.
They did try to make it a bit tough but to this was not meant to be end game content or anything close to that. Also if what Anet says is true, that the dungeon team has nothing to do with it, this means its the first attempt for the living story team at a dungeon.
Frankly if you ask me the living story team should be able to put their inputs on future dungeons releases. I would say they did quite a good job and nice skins and minis by the way, the gaulets could have been bit better but still love what you guys did.
And for those who think I’m just another GW2 fan boy, let me just say this is one of the few times I’m actually posting to praise Anet on something
After doing it solo:
- lots of thrash
- not enough waypoints (yea, enemies are a threat when solo)
- npc’s tanking inside Molten Protectors shield (try launch/knock and they just run back in).
- npc’s needing to be with you when rescuing prisoners (or dungeon gets stuck).
- lots of control, sometimes I felt like a pingpong (ok I’m fine with this but it’s often complained about).
– weird aggro (sometimes you can split groups, sometimes all come in).Doesn’t seem that much different than original dungeons, only a lot easier.
What class did you solo as? I just did it on my ele and it’s pretty easy, I agree. Lack pulls/pushes as ele makes the protector fights really long, waiting for air 3 to come off cooldown on staff, or air 5 on s/d, but not overly challenging if you’re using the terrain to your advantage.
ETA: The worst is when you push a protector out of his bubble and then Braham knocks them straight back in with his kitten shield bubble. >.<
Love how people are quick to keep people grounded “its good but not that good” What people are trying to do here is help the devs with future choices they are going to make. There are aspects of the new dungeon that are better than most we have now. Some new things added that would be nice to see again. Don’t just say its not as great as what people make it out to be give the devs something to go off of and give a few examples of what would have made it better.
I thought I did give examples (or at least if you combine my post with the one I’m quoting), but, if you really want to see them all written out, here you go, in sequential order:
- Random entrance—fun for a limited-time event, but definitely not something I’d want to see in a permanent dungeon
- Opening sequence—lengthy and un-skippable; should either be skippable or shorter for any permanent dungeons
- Drill sequence—not bad; having enemies and ore off to the side is the saving grace, though. Without them, this would be lengthy and boring.
- Champion encounter—fun, kinda enjoyed that it’s not the same enemy every time
- Weapons test—scary at first, until you realize that it’s not all that painful. Think I just stood in the fire at one point. Other than that, I’m not fond of timed events like that. The “every 25% health” thing is okay, but I prefer mechanics like grawl or ice fractals where you can speed it up by killing things quickly after the phase change.
- Trash fights—a few interesting mechanics, but they’re easy to counter and only really require one person in the party to do something. Overall not bad, but this is the bulk of the time in the dungeon, and it feels underwhelming/tedious. Thank you for only adding one flamethrower Charr, though.
- Final boss, pt1—seemed well balanced, with enough going on to keep you on your toes but not so much that it feels hectic. Bosses that hurt without nearly one-shotting are a welcome change, too. The mid-fight transition is cool in that it’s unusual and in that it strongly encourages focusing fire, but I’m not sure I’d recommend making it a staple of future dungeons.
- Final boss, pt2—I’ve only seen what happens if you kill the fire-thrower first, not sure if that changes anything in the second part. The merged boss has some interesting mechanics that make you actually conserve your energy if you’re not going to just run out of the AoE radius. That said, his mid-air invulnerability is annoying, as it means a loss in dps time similar to CoF p3. Nowhere near as bad, obviously, but invulnerability just for the sake of invulnerability is boring and somewhat annoying. The fire ring giving him immunity is fine, as that’s an actual mechanic that can be worked with, though.
- Escape sequence—not too much to say here, as it’s essentially just a running sequence with a timer. . .