I am not new to raiding, I have only killed escort once and it took forever, but I am a super good player. I saw Nike do a xera kill once before when he talked about something and I totally get what is going on from the video, like I notice you need leyline gliding and I have got Ley Line Gliding! So there was an experienced group looking for people on the LFG for KC, that’s just like a lesser version of Xera right? And I just did escort. Should be easy, I actually decided to take necro for epi it could help to kill the other spirits that come up too.
Well this is what happened after I joined can you believe how horribly they treated me?
So I joined the group, I did the best dps too, arc dps is broken so it doesn’t show the real dps of necromancer, but I was the only person doing condi and condi is way better than power at the moment. qt said it in reddit and because I was the only person running condi I knew, straight away I would have to carry those people. That why I don’t like dps meters actually, because they are not true and they make people elitists even though they don’t know anything about gw2. It’s not all about the dps anyway, they should know that you need REAL tanks and REAL healers too.
Ours were horrible, ok so our tank, they couldn’t even manage their own aggro properly. Those spirits that kept spawning they kept chasing me instead of the tank! I think the number 1 reason we died was because the tanks were horrible, I had to kite those for the group who didn’t even do any damage on them, I was the only one who did damage. Thankfully after about 10 tries the tank left and we got another one, the new one was a little bit better but still pretty horrible. Well anyway after all of this had happened the commander whispered me and said I was the reason we kept dieing!
umm, WHAT!?!?!
I was obviously the only person there who knew what to do, I tried to tell the commander that the real reason we died was because our tank was bad. But I got kicked anyway and he decided to block me. How rude, I’m sick and tired of this elitist attitude with the raiding community, I’m never going to raid again.
/rant over
Public service announcement:
If you attempt to join my exp group and LIE to me. That’s a moral problem you are having, not a player skill problem, your dishonesty wastes my time and the time of 9 other players. Who might each otherwise be running a training pug in that time for a potential total of 90 new players, instead of a salty time wasting pug. Thats a loss/loss situation and a very selfish thing to do.
Anyone who joins my group and they:
-Acts mute and does not reply when they are asked something
-Does trashy dps when that’s their role
-Does not know how to do the mechanics of their role
-Repeatedly messes up mechanics
-Messes up mechanics that should be impossible to mess up
-Cannot find the discord channel when asked to join
-Uses the wrong build and ready’s up
-Uses trashy food
I am going to assume you have been dishonest to me and lied. Please expect to be instantly kicked.
(edited by Zlater.6789)