(edited by dlonie.6547)
Most challenging PvE encounters?
Wait for the dredge raiding map :P
My favorite was the champion giant in Diesa Plateau. It was there that i learned how to dodge, but now with the megaserver you cant solo him anymore. I believe there is another champion giant with lots more hp but i forgot what map he is, he is in a cave, maybe he is in harathi hinterlands?
The karkas are too easy for thief, you just spam pistol whip and they are dead.
i know its not open world but just get a reasonable mix of mobs from cm. toss in icky Vicky for good measure.
just start arah p2 and work on the deadeyes, defilers, and berserkers. That should help you dodge and max melee.
Trouble with instances is that I’ve been getting a lot of DC’s lately and it’s frustrating to completely lose the instance >.<
I just did the giant in Harathi, he’s pretty fun. That triple stomp/punch is good dodge practice :-D I only got him to about 10%, I died trying to res a random that showed up, lol. It’s this guy BTW, if anyone is looking for the location:
Arah is super fun, but that’s where I usually go for solo challenges. Looking to change it up a bit!
Great suggestions so far, what are some other challenging PvE encounters?
(edited by dlonie.6547)
Test your skills against the Champion Krait Witches in Timberline Falls and Mount Maelstrom. I have never, ever been able to solo them, despite my best efforts.
For the record, I have successfully solo’ed Kol Skullsmasher with a Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Warrior and Necro. But despite trying all of them against the Witches, none of them have succeeded. :/
The Champ Risen Abomination (this one can be solo’ed using a cheese method though. Haven’t managed to solo him legitimately) and the Champ Risen Spider in Sparkfly Fen are also good champs to test your skills against. Oh! And the Champ Risen Pirate in Bloodtide Coast too.
How about the Champion Krait Hypnoss SW of the Brooloonu Waypoint in Sparkfly Fen?
That one’s easier because if you fall off the scaffolding, you’re still close enough that the Champ doesn’t reset. It also means you have a great deal more mobility since you can jump into the water to escape AoE and melee enemies etc.
Champion Light Infused Golem in Dry Top? Most don’t even touch the Moa in Dry Top, you can solo her safely.
Edit: I heard Bloody Victoria is quite a challenge as well.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
There’s a champ abomination in the marshes in south-western corner of Gendarran Fields that is great fun to solo, though he might be a bit too easy (he’s basically a miniature version of Arah abom boss). It was great fun practicing on him as a lv50 warrior. Let him build up a couple of frenzy stacks for extra challenge.
There’s a group of 4 mobs near brie that I offered a lot of friends 100g to solo with no deaths first try.
I failed, Goku failed, Sesshi failed, everybody has failed.
It’s an elite inquest stunner, elite risen defiler with noxious aura, elite risen sentinel, and an elite risen berserker. The most painful group of 4 ever lmfao.
It would be doable if not for the inquest stunner tbh, just would take a lot of kiting.
What about an underwater boss .. you’ll always have them to yourself.
Blood witch in kessex hills perhaps?
Test your skills against the Champion Krait Witches in Timberline Falls and Mount Maelstrom.
I have never, ever been able to solo them, despite my best efforts.
For the record, I have successfully solo’ed Kol Skullsmasher with a Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Warrior and Necro. But despite trying all of them against the Witches, none of them have succeeded. :/
The Champ Risen Abomination (this one can be solo’ed using a cheese method though. Haven’t managed to solo him legitimately) and the Champ Risen Spider in Sparkfly Fen are also good champs to test your skills against. Oh! And the Champ Risen Pirate in Bloodtide Coast too.
Soloed a witch yesterday because i needed to get the vista.
Did it on Ranger with bear eazmode tough.. I feel bad now..
I remember the Ogotl Priestess being tough. Not sure if it fits the rest of the criteria.
Ogotl Priestess was super tough back when I fought her during the early days, although I haven’t tried fighting her again with my level 80’s now equipped with Exotics/Ascended. She was definitely soloable with a pet class though; there’s a safe spot behind the huts where you can retreat to heal up, relying on the pets to keep her from resetting.
This guy can be fun. I remember fighting him for the first time while I was leveling my new character, it was pretty challenging. His attacks are predictable so you can practice your DB evades
(edited by Tom Yzf.5872)
the champion hunter in arah p4 is fun to solo as well
The end boss of SE p3 is good to solo even though its kind of a pain to get to him. He has a few noticeable animations to practice dodging but they wont one shot you if you mess up. You also get to kite the mobs he spawns while staying out of aoe circles and cleansing regularly. Just dont do it every day or youll get carpal tunnel from all the running in circles
The champ golem in the east of malchors leap (forget the name) is also good but probably hard to do without more people joining in.
Aeneaaa – 80 engineer
Aeeneaa – 80 Ele
Obviously the toughest open world solo is Xolotl in Caledon. One of the few bosses to deploy sonic weaponry and psychological attacks that can’t be dodged.
The new mordrem wolves are good fights.
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
Never forget – http://i.imgur.com/Oxra9sj.jpg
Obviously the toughest open world solo is Xolotl in Caledon. One of the few bosses to deploy sonic weaponry and psychological attacks that can’t be dodged.
Hmmm….which is more annoying, Xolotl, or “nononono”? I swear, I hear that guy all over the map.
The new mordrem wolves are good fights.
Agreed! These new trash mobs are much improved over the old ones.
I’ve been fighting the Champ Giant in Hirathi daily since I read that suggestion. It’s a fun fight because there’s usually one or two pew-pew randoms that show up and get bouldered regularly, so it makes it more fun to try to keep them alive while killing the boss
The champ Abom was a fun one, too. I like his rush with the fast tell — I wish the abom in Arah had something like that.
A lot of other good ideas here, too, that I haven’t gotten to yet. Keep the suggestions coming!
I demand a nerf to mordrem teragriffs.
Their fgs rushes are destroying the game and ruining my immersion. A nerf to the stupid damage of the fgs could improve the game dramatically for me.
No, seriously, they keep fgs’ing npcs down while they’re cornered, and then whoop my kitten when I try to unstuck the npcs out of the kitten corners.
All dis stacking, I HATE it! kitten elitists not playing the game as intended!
… Ok, ok, it’s fun when I see an entire zerg being pulled up in the air (then downing on the ground) by a leggie teragriff. It feels like justice. Doesn’t help when I spill milk all over the keyboard, though.
That’s one fun thingy to solo
What about the guild bounties?