Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dexter.2904


In this guide we will see how dungeon farming works since last patch.
some dungeon changed drastically, so we had to make an extensive research to change old tactics used in most commonly farmed dungeons.

you seek gold, tokens, experience? FEAR NO MORE! just follow this guide step by step.

1- join a guild, or have 4 friends willing to run dungeons with you.
2- make a group with one of your friends.
3- open lfg, search for dungeons.
4- look for istances already started. the least boss remaining, the better
5- join the chosen group with your friend
6- kick everyone else from the party
7- invite all your other friends to the group
8- kill last boss
10- profit.


Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gyler.8150


Whatever you did, you were probably asking for it for using the lfg, and exposing yourself. Especially if you were trying to sell, you make me sick.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dexter.2904


same logic of kitten who say it’s women fault if they get kitten d because they were wearing a skirt hurrr durrrr
kitten Alert

(edited by dexter.2904)

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025


Shouldnt have been LFGing after dark. Wearing a berserker skirt too? Tsk tsk. Kickers cant help themselves and you are clearly encouraging them.

Post a lfg = Asking for it.

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Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dexter.2904


top kekkkkkkkkkk

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dave.2536


Welp this is still relevant and deserves a +1 to the top.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gyler.8150


This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

I’m going to need a source. Also i’m assuming you are a GW2 game designer or manager?

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032



Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

I’m having trouble with your reasoning. I’m sure you thought before you posted (you did, right?), so perhaps you could explain the flaw in my understanding… Here it goes…

An AC P1 or P3 group is 3/5. It advertises it is at the last boss. Two people join, enter the dungeon, and kick everyone. They invite their 3 friends. They kill the last boss. Each has made 60 tokens and ~1.5 gold for virtually no work. This dungeon is not Arah, and the people who posted the LFG were not selling.

Let’s try another one…

Let’s say the dungeon is Arah! One condition is met! But let’s say they’re part way through the dungeon and had some trouble at one of the bosses or skips, hence losing people (I had the luxury of joining a p2 group that was at Brie awhile back… they lost THREE people who tried to make the skip to her for a long time and repeatedly failed, eventually giving up). Let’s say this group is 1/5, 2/5, or 3/5. Let’s say two people merge party, and kick the original members after entering the dungeon. They now invite their friends, or not, and complete the path, either for their own personal reward, or to sell it. Now, the victims here weren’t selling. So that condition isn’t met. And yet, they faced the same abuse.

Let’s try a third, for good measure…

Let’s say I’ve soloed CM Path 3 on my Guardian, and want to give away the slots for free via the LFG. Again, let’s say it’s just two people who party merge. They enter the dungeon. Then they kick me and anyone else who joined via the LFG. They proceed to invite their friends, skip right to the end of the dungeon, and kill the last boss for 60 tokens and ~1 gold. I wasn’t selling the dungeon in this hypothetical, nor was the dungeon Arah. Yet, it still is advantageous for them to behave as the OP has suggested, and as you have dismissed.

I eagerly await you explaining why what I have suggested can happen is actually impossible, and hence only people selling Arah paths will be victimized. Thank you in advance for your reply highlighting my own flaw in understanding.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cormac.3871


This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

I’m having trouble with your reasoning. I’m sure you thought before you posted (you did, right?), so perhaps you could explain the flaw in my understanding… Here it goes…

An AC P1 or P3 group is 3/5. It advertises it is at the last boss. Two people join, enter the dungeon, and kick everyone. They invite their 3 friends. They kill the last boss. Each has made 60 tokens and ~1.5 gold for virtually no work. This dungeon is not Arah, and the people who posted the LFG were not selling.

I can’t remember the last time I saw an LFG posted with only 3 members in it at the last boss aside from selling posts. If you really wanted to employ this method of making money you would be sitting around so long that you would probably make more money doing just about anything else instead.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taku.6352


This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

I’m having trouble with your reasoning. I’m sure you thought before you posted (you did, right?), so perhaps you could explain the flaw in my understanding… Here it goes…

An AC P1 or P3 group is 3/5. It advertises it is at the last boss. Two people join, enter the dungeon, and kick everyone. They invite their 3 friends. They kill the last boss. Each has made 60 tokens and ~1.5 gold for virtually no work. This dungeon is not Arah, and the people who posted the LFG were not selling.

I can’t remember the last time I saw an LFG posted with only 3 members in it at the last boss aside from selling posts. If you really wanted to employ this method of making money you would be sitting around so long that you would probably make more money doing just about anything else instead.

I’ve joined several fractal/dungeon LFGs stuck on the last boss especially on the weekends. Trick is to find them fast enough because they fill up really quickly.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zui.9245


This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

I’m having trouble with your reasoning. I’m sure you thought before you posted (you did, right?), so perhaps you could explain the flaw in my understanding… Here it goes…

An AC P1 or P3 group is 3/5. It advertises it is at the last boss. Two people join, enter the dungeon, and kick everyone. They invite their 3 friends. They kill the last boss. Each has made 60 tokens and ~1.5 gold for virtually no work. This dungeon is not Arah, and the people who posted the LFG were not selling.

I can’t remember the last time I saw an LFG posted with only 3 members in it at the last boss aside from selling posts. If you really wanted to employ this method of making money you would be sitting around so long that you would probably make more money doing just about anything else instead.

It’s actually not that uncommon. You just need to be relatively fast and watching the LFG. Repeatedly opening and closing the entire LFG window to force a refresh of listed groups (before it would automatically refresh for you… the system doesn’t seem to dynamically update LFG postings, or at least doesn’t reliably dynamically update the postings…) also helps. I manage to find and actually join 2-3 groups each day for various dungeon paths that are more than 1/3rd complete with the dungeon already. The same can often be found for fractals, typically at the third (generally volcanic and if so always at the legendary imbued shaman) or fourth fractal (generally mai trin with the trash mobs already killed).

Plus, for hijacking and running part of the dungeon to be more profitable per time spent than running the dungeon properly, very little of the dungeon actually needs to be complete. Maybe an AC group isn’t at the last boss. Maybe they’re struggling with defending Hodgins at the burrows in p1, post-Kholer. Still profitable if you were going to run AC p1 with said group of friends, but noticed that post on LFG first? You bet, because you just skipped straight past Kholer for ~10 seconds of “work”.

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nyspar.6103


If one of your guildies has to go or drops the party, just 4 man the rest of the dungeon instead of posting in LFG.

[DnT] TargNyspar
Targaryen / Nymaria / Dwagonfire / Dwagonhunter

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

This will only happen if you are selling Arah. Easy solution: stop selling Arah. No one’s going to do anything to stop this from happening to you because selling dungeon paths was never supposed to be part of the game in the first place.

I’m having trouble with your reasoning. I’m sure you thought before you posted (you did, right?), so perhaps you could explain the flaw in my understanding… Here it goes…

An AC P1 or P3 group is 3/5. It advertises it is at the last boss. Two people join, enter the dungeon, and kick everyone. They invite their 3 friends. They kill the last boss. Each has made 60 tokens and ~1.5 gold for virtually no work. This dungeon is not Arah, and the people who posted the LFG were not selling.

I can’t remember the last time I saw an LFG posted with only 3 members in it at the last boss aside from selling posts. If you really wanted to employ this method of making money you would be sitting around so long that you would probably make more money doing just about anything else instead.

Actually my guild does this a lot we will short man a dungeon starting with X number of people (from 1-5) hoping that the other guildies will log in be able to join the group and essentially get a free run, and then we can move on to the next dungeon. For example last night we were doing fractals 49 and were 4 manning it, we got to the third fractal (Cliffside) and started moving, as we arrived at the chest seal we saw an update was incoming so even if our friend logged in he would be unable to join us. So we posted an LFM grabbing one person before the update made us unable to get any more people in, might as well have someone get the reward rather than having it wasted.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dexter.2904


the thing is: yes, path sellers are the one who risk the most, but they know the risk and can still do proxy groups with a friend and ask money in advance to be safe.
or they can risk it and just hope for honest people (even tho my friend encountered 7 griefers in the same day).

but legit players can no longer queue if they lose more than 1 player!, without risking to waste time.
the game should help player interactions, not cause general hatred and suspiction.
kick option is clearly flawed.
i know getting in a party with two leechers can be annoying, but this is way worse.
there are many suggestion around – matchmaking ratings, star feedbacks …. imo the less players can control kick timers the better (looking at how bad the community is)

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

The OP makes a very valid complaint though, and this topic deserves more attention. The kick system is flawed.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Most detailed dungeon guide ever made

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The OP makes a very valid complaint though, and this topic deserves more attention. The kick system is flawed.

I know. It doesn’t need to be bumped though if nothing new was really added to the thread/discussion. I remember how the GameFaqs message boards used to have people bumping their own posts just to keep it on the top page. It got annoying rather quickly.