My Experience since patch

My Experience since patch

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: radchad.9215


Let me just preface this by saying I am aware of Anet’s efforts in fixing dungeons, both in terms of how they are meant to be played and concerning bugs / exploits. Let me also add that I understand the game is in its beginning phase, which, according to most people on these forums, means I’m going to cut them some slack. That being said, since the most recent patch it has been my experience that dungeons are in a quite chaotic state.

For those of you who have yet to experience a dungeon since the patch, or for those of you lucky enough to have not been affected by these following issues, this post will serve as an informative statement of what you might expect to happen. That is all this post is – my personal observations.

Yesterday, after patching the client, I found a group to run Sorrow’s Embrace explorable mode. We all waypoint there, which costs money but is still rather insignificant. I am being as brief as possible, but given the state of dungeons I should mention that it is quite difficult to find a group to go with and takes me anywhere from half an hour or more, or until I give up. Once at the entrance of the dungeon, we attempted to enter explorable mode. As many of you know, one person out of the group must be able to start the explorable version, which is unlocked once story mode has been completed. I did have that option, but of the few that did, none could successfully start the dungeon. Once the first person initiated the instance, no one else in the group was able to join them. Clicking the join button resulted in nothing, as well as trying to run into the actual portal. Relogging to another character and back did not work, as well as restarting the client. This was semi frustrating, but I am a patient man. I tried this a handful more times yesterday and today with no success, including attempts to enter Citadel of Flames. Finally about an hour ago I found myself in a new group with members I had never previously run Sorrow’s Embrace with. I am not sure if that is a variable pertaining to the bug, but it is worth mentioning. We were able to enter Sorrow’s Embrace successfully with the exception of our 5th member, who, after trying to join our instance for 20 minutes, left in bitterness and frustration. In all honesty I was just glad to have gotten in myself. Queue the dungeon and the bosses. We get through them nice and easy. I have no qualms with the dungeons themselves, in fact I quite enjoy them even after running them multiple times. We make it to the last boss, get her health less than halfway down when my client disconnects. I log back in and the option to join my party pops up. I click, but nothing happens. Tried restarting the client, but again nothing. The rest of the team ends up losing and the group disbands at the very end of the dungeon.

Again I understand things are being done to fix problems like this, but if you read this, let this post serve as a heads up. It has been pretty frustrating, but I’m going to continue enjoying the rest of the game. People have been complaining about irregular token rewards and diminishing returns acting strangely, but I haven’t quite gotten the chance to see these problems for myself. Anyway, if you’re planning on biting the bullet and running some dungeons despite the great amount of negativity on this forum, I say go for it, but be aware of the problems and do not let yourselves get frustrated.