My Favourite Dungeon & its rewards
You may find it challenging, but another speedrun is doing the dungeon easily in farm mode. I suppose that’s why they dont’ make it repeatable.
And since very few people are willing to spend time on this dungeon for a lottery ticket to get the skin, chances are Anet won’t bother to make new dungeon like this any time soon.
Well, I know Arah i more popular, thats a fine dungeon too, but there is nothing unique to get, and i don’t really like its swampy-dark theme. I wouldn’t mind either if they made more dungeons like Arah, but with better rewards (gold is not an incentive, rare skins are) and more exciting environment.
i do aetherpath daily. 250 runs already and more coming. The reward is not great but you pretty much said why i keep going: Because it’s fun and challenging.
However i want to say that laokoko might be wrong since i see aetherpath runs at all the hours every day on europe LFG. Aetherpath was indeed rejected for months, but right now it’s being farmed so often that sometimes you see more groups for it than UP or Forward.
I’d pay for real data from Anet saying how much people goes to that dungeon.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Kinda feels like doing FoW or The Deep.
The only way I managed to restrain myself from… saying bad things is the thought that I promised to honour the memory of gw1 forever, without letting bad memories or people get me down. Comparing that cheap-kitten , puzzly and gimmicky aetherpath full of stupid npcs and unskippable dialogues with some of the coolest COMBAT and ELITE instances I’ve ever played is… is… Nevermind.
R.I.P in pieces GW1, best game ever. Your fathers may have forgotten and disowned you, we didn’t.