This is probably going to be long and I am not trying to complain just provide our thoughts as a guild as we have discussed this at length. Thus this will revolve around the things we find negative.
First our guild is a GW1 PvP guild so our players are solid in there capabilities. When we roll into PvP we do well. So player skill is not an issue. Player level and gear isnt a problem either. No pugs just guildies well coordinated in mumble.
We have Ran Ascalon Catacombs Story mode probably 9 times
We have ran AC Explorable event #3 – 4 times
We have ran Mansion Story twice
We have ran Mansion Explorable event #1 once
So to the negatives.
Most of this is for bosses – but some applies to mobs as well
- uneffected by control and KD’s
- 1-2 hit death no leeway
- healthbars are ridiculous
- AI will focus on 1 person till there dead and defeated
- Doesnt feel like much strategy – no real agro juggle
- Dodging mechanic seems wrong becuase of the above
- Waypoint and run to keep from resets
- Static Mobs take no damage just miss miss miss to make it harder or more health to make it harder
So lets elaborate, all of these issue tie to another. You pull a boss, you know his thing or move you could say. Thus if you avoid this you stay alive. Miss it once and your dead.
Perhaps you would think multiple ways to control this one move via control or interupt or dodge roll. Great but control and interupts do not work 90% of the time. They do not even seem to start to take effect until you get the boss down to say 40% of there health. Thus left with dodge roll.
Okay dodge roll sorta works, unless of course you have the agro, so between there big one move they stay on you still kicking your rear. So your going to die unless you dodge roll. Okay so you dodge roll, wait here comes the big move, darn no dodge roll energy. Dead. Ultimatly either way your dead. Bascially this means 1 party member is going to die every X amount of seconds. If at least 1 party member can not stay alive while everyone else is waypointing to run back the mob resets and you start over. So boss fights are basically a garuntee your going to die many times and its just running back before they reset.
Once control and interupts etc start to work there is some mroe strategy to it finally. Also then this ties into the health bars. Okay so lets just say your perfect you can avoid all damage all his big moves. Which is impratical becuase he takes 20 minutes to die with him doing his big move every 20 seconds. Meaning what you have to avoid his big move like 60 times. Kind of seems wrong to me lets say your really good what 90% of the time you avoid it. Still means your dead 6 times for the boss fight. More than likely more like 10 times. Also this is real boring after 10 minutes of rinse repeat same thing. They take 20 minutes to die and you die in 1 hit. They are unnefected by your skills but you are effected by theres just kind of ug.
Agro is another problem, take explorable event #1 Mansion. Ice thrower, once you have agro he doesnt leave you alone, he will chase you till he snares you, then kill you, then stay with you until your defeated period. LoL was very annoying. Forget rezzing just waypoint, anyone that attempts to rez you will die.
Lets take AC Event # 3 explorable, the mounds that pop at the very end. Perhaps we could handle it but when you have your whole team swinging away on them and they take no damage miss miss miss no blind or anything just no damage to keepthe difficulty up seems wrong. We have attempted that event several dozen times with different build and config and no luck to complete it. No damage thus the mobs just zerg us once they get to big. Can not take out the mounds in time the mounds pile up and the spawns from them just keep coming.
Okay so plz dont give me another infraction for just stating our feedback. When we heard open world MMO but instanced dungeons we where like dungeons are going to be awesome. So far though dungeons do not seem to be about strategy which we are huge on. Hey WvW is amazing and we love it. But dungeons to us just seem to be lacking.
What can you do to fix this? Idunno I am not asking for nerfs I do not want it to be easy. I just want strategy and skill of the team to disctate the play. It doesnt seem that way with uber high health bars and mobs either take no damage or completly uneffected by control or interupts and kd’s and push and pull etc.
Idunno thanks for reading, I can not wait to see where the game is 6 months from now.