First off, Im just going to state for the record that I am not an elitist nor do I have that mentality. I believe that any group should be able to complete any content no matter what the composition is or the type of build people run. I am strongly opposed to people/game doing “gear checks” on others for any reason.
So I wanted to do Path 4 of Arah and after doing the other paths, I learned most of Arah. (Heck, I even tried path 2 solo, got up to Lupi and died on him for 3 hrs nonstop).
Attempt #1: So I got together with a PuG (2 ranger, 1mesmer, 2warrior; I am a warrior). We get through pretty decently with some hiccups here and there but for the most part pretty good. We got to Dwyana and after about 2hrs we got through it. However, we got to the last part and it bugged.
Attempt #2: Second PuG I join the group at Dwyana (3 warriors, 1 Guardian, 1 mesmer). Everyone in this group was in Tank builds so naturally they are going to have a problem. We are stuck after about two hours of us trying. Now, 1 person in this group really really sucks at the boss. He didn’t follow orders, and he appeared clueless half the time. FInally, he gave up and he leaves. We replace him with a Necro and do Dwyana in 1 go (5min). (Best Necro I have ever seen, btw). I warn everyone about the bug and how to avoid it, yet unfortunately for me I lag out for 30min and they finish without me.
Attempt #3: By this point I am tired of this mess. I join a group and ask if everyone knows the path and if everyone is specced DPS (2 warrior, 1 Engi, 1 Ele, 1 Ranger). They all say yes and we go off. We get to Dwayna and then we are stuck. After 2hr we find that our other warrior is not specced DPS but is specced tank. We ask him to switch to DPS but he doesnt want too so he leaves. We pick up a Guardian who is specced DPS. After another 2hr of attempts, we are on the edge of giving up. Now this is where the sour part of the story comes in. The Ranger in the group wasnt pulling her weight. She was specced DPS but insisted on doing the tears. Unfortunately she was bad at it, and people would spend 10-20sec frozen at times, she would also stand there and not attack the boss between petrifies. She also used melee and would end up getting downed when she was supposed to stay in the back and throw tears at people. It pains me to say this, but we kicked her out. I really did not want to do it, but I could not see any other choice besides giving up completely. We tried everything, every strat posted and still no good. We replaced her with a warrior (2 warrior, 1 ele, 1 engi, 1 guardian) and we did the boss in 10min. This time I do not lag out and we didnt get the bug and I finish the path.
I guess the moral of the story is that the boss is way too overtuned. Most of the people who do this path just do not have the precision to complete the boss. It takes a level of awareness the average person does not have. It also is a glorified DPS check where only certain builds or class combinations can win. It seriously needs to be made so that regen on Dwayna is halved or even more. Sparks should not aggro on pets as well.
I guess Im just happy to be done with it, but at the same time feel really bad for kicking someone to do it. Im sure Im not the first to kick people out at this part for having the wrong build or the equipment (people with tank armor cannot/should not just go spend 15g on zerkers set to complete 1 boss). Some people are also naturally “bad” at playing the game. While I do not mind playing with these people, the game should not force me to think differently about doing so, and unfortunately it made do something I never wanted to do.