For a while I’ve been noticing that quite a few pugs in my CoF P1 runs are playing very ineffectively. This guide is only for warriors (lightly touching on mesmer tactics) that want to maximize their efficiency via helpful techniques and proper gear/traits.
From this guide I’m assuming that you moderate knowledge and experience with CoF and will primarily only focus on small details that will improve group performance.
Speedclear Template: (3 warriors, 1 mesmer works as well, but is still inferrior).
4 Warriors
1 Mesmer
This is the most important factor of completing P1 in the shortest possible time. The best possible (with reason) DPS is achieved exactly by this template. In my oppinion any warriors not running this exact gear template is not performing at their fullest potential.
Armor: Full Exotic Power,Precision, Crit+ Dmg with full ruby orbs. No knights or anything.
Trinkets: Full ascended berserker trinkets.
Weapons: Berserker greatsword with Sigil of smothering/night (10%+ vs Flame legion/ during night). Berserker axe/mace with sigil of smotheirng/night for 20% extra damage.
Trait template
3 Warriors should be running a full DPS build while the other warrior runs 10 in tactics for empower allies.
DPS traits
30 power-Berserker’s Power, Slashing Power, Axe mastery
25 arms-Rending strikes, Forceful Greatsword
15 discipline
Empower Traits (should have 2,925k base power, 54% crit chance and 95% crit damage while downscaled without buffs.)
25 Power-bersker’s power,slashing power
25 arms-Rending strikes, Forceful Greatsword
10 tactics-Empower allies
10 disc- Heightened focus
Skill set
Banner of strg+disc.
On my mark ( can become balance stance during final boss)
Dungeon Initiation:
-Speak with commander Suma.
Warriors using AoE speedbuffs, the mesmer rushes to the top of the ramp, drops portal and joins the other 3 warriors stacking on the gate. The other warrior rushes to commander Suma with sword mainhand, greatsword and bulls charge. The warrior uses rush>bulls charge>savage leap (over the rock) and grabs ferrah while other players watch cutscene for 2 seconds. Next initiate paths (mesmer activates portal) and unload whatever movement skills and portal all the way to the gate. This technique forces Ferrah to teleport to you instantly and spawn mag on top of her. This should save you 4-6 seconds on your run.
-Defeat Foundry defenses.
Build full adrenaline on the gate. When Mag begins to speak, drop both banners and carry them through once the gate is breached. Mesmer pulls both mobs on top of turret and pops signet of inspiration (a warrior can you use sword burst skill to root them if prefered). All warriors use 100b>whirling attack>axe auto attack to dispatch (feedback the warriors about 1.5 seconds after engaging).
Stack FGJ>signet of inspiration before engaging. Mesmer sets timewarp, warriors use 100b>whirling attack>Eviscerate>auto attack to decimate slavedriver.
-Acolyte room
Equip sword, Gs and bulls charge to rush to the room and initiate. Kill acolytes as they spawn.
DPS warrior decides who will do the gate. Gate warrior changes skills to FGJ, Balanced stance and frenzy. Change axe mastery trait (10) to dual wielding. Mesmer portals warriors>pop signet of inspiration then gate warrior heads to the gate (target the gate controller and use bladetrail to hold adrenaline). The other warrior drops banner of strg which is carried to the gate controller. Gate warrior drops srtg banner uses Rush>fgj, balanced stance>frenzy once rush animation finishes>100b>whirlwind attack>eviscerate follow up. Grab banner and advance to boss. (Change trait back to axe mastery (10), you dont have to adjust your skill set).
Final Boss.
Before engaging boss you may decide if you want to swap On My Mark for balanced stance in favor of more gauranteed interrupt protection throughout the boss. Mesmer uses Signet of inspiration>timewarp>warriors open with 100b> ONLY WHIRLWIND IF YOU FOLLOW IT UP WITH EVISCERATE>swap to axe/mace>eviscerate>auto attack.
At this point the boss unloads his AoE Knockdown so mesmer should be ready to feedback.
Warriors continue to auto attack the boss (completely ignore his aoe fire attack)>swap to gs when 100b ready>100b>swap to axe>eviscerate to finish the boss if still alive.
Loot boss, loot chest exit immidiately and repeat.
(edited by jul.7602)