Hey there guys. As some of you know the dungeons system is quite hard for some people, myself included, so I resorted to this final step :| Asking the GW2 community for tips or heads-on on what am I doing wrong, at least that.
So here’s the deal. I play a guardian (gear info later on) with my girlfriend who plays a thief and almost always adding 3 “randoms” to our group although these guys seem well fitted anyhow (CoF armor exotic set)
So far I’ve tried paths 1 and 2. To me path 1 appears to be the easiest, that is until you reach the boss :x but more on that later.
So I’ve developed an Armorsmith and Leatherworker both to 400 to craft gear for the both us, and this brings me to the gear/build side of the topic.
So my guardian runs in Knight’s Draconic Heavy Armor set, my girlfriend set is focused on power, condition damage and vitality with superior pirate runes (my guardian does not yet have runes poor kitten, but i’m looking for something with magic find anyway)
I run in sword+shield and a mystic claymore as main weapon. My traits are fully offensive to balance out the knight’s armor and for the most part that makes me a hard nut to crack in both PvE and WvW and I’m dealing pretty nice damage with the greatsword. I use the sword/shield combo to push mobs around
In dungeons my girlfriend uses the Tear of Grenth daggers and CoF pistols and she mostly uses the daggers against bosses for poison so we could lower their heal rate (ahoy -33% heal power _) and other conditions as well
So here is the bugger. In path 1 everything goes smoothly as soon as we reach the last boss. We read some guides and figured that going headfirst at the boss fully DPS should work so that’s what we did, I even activated stability fied so the boss doesn’t push us around but after 10-15 seconds the crystals are so much that we can’t outdamage his heal and this is where every single path 1 run ends for me :| With no party under no condition I have finished this boss, beyond that the poor effigy can’t really kill me alone.
Path 2 is a bit more tricky but it’s quite fun until we reach the part where we must defend magg :| There is no possible way IMO to kill 3 of these elite mobs in under 20 seconds for the next 3 minutes, I don’t know on what steroids you must be to achieve that. Anyhow one possible solution that actually works is to run like fool until you die then quickly go back to the waypoint and run back in to die again. Obviously going this way is quite … expensive. But at some point all the ranged burning and ranged AoE damage is simply too much to handle even with build like mine.
It’s really frustrating to me. I should have relatively good gear since you can’t craft anything better, except maybe legendary sword but we all know how much time that takes. I can take a beating, I do make decent DPS from what I’ve observed in youtube my guardian is throwing heavier punches than the youtube ones (only one german guy makes 1/3th more damage, no idea how, perhaps he’s with berserker armor, contrary to my knight ?)
Anyhow this post is already getting too long. It’s a wall of text and a bit of bitter frustration. I don’t want to give up on dungeons, I like the “no trinity” setup, my problem is obviously not that. I just want to kill the godlike bosses and I don’t know how. Obviously I’m doing something wrong since from what I’ve read around these forums, there are actually groups that clear the dungeons under 10 minutes (unless that’s bugabuse i have no f**** idea how they do it) while my dungeons cost me close to 1 hour (the succesfull ones where we beat the boss)
So any tips about gear (guardian and thief), trait bulds, strategies are welcome. Please don’t troll. And if you are wondering I’m playing at Underworld(EU) if you ever wish to team up.
Thanks in advance.
Cens Ravenshield
P.S. Yes we do utilize combo fields, especially me. In PvE so far I’ve figured that with symbol of wrath and both whirls I easily remove conditions, and the leap attack gives me a nice 10 second retaliation but it’s still not enough :|