New Alphard mesmer solo guide
Love it great job! Thank for putting this together I’m sure someone will find it useful
Nice:) real fast aswell
The second technique is totally neat, and so is the mimic trick. I wish I woulda found those 2 out myself e .e
0/10 cause i wiped on howling king whilst waiting for a response. Dat dutch accent thou
Thank you for the techniques.
I love the slomo at 4:20!
Dat dutch accent thou
You actually recognised it? :o that doesn’t happen often, Sharp!
hey guys im sanderinoa and am basically a living god
dont mind me guys, im just a lowly peasant who can’t solo anything ;p
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
sanderinoa so cool !
Great video, makes me want to play my mesmer again.
Dat dutch accent thou
You actually recognised it? :o that doesn’t happen often, Sharp!
So much for trying to muffle it, muhahaha.
Is there any guide how to complete Alphard with a 5 member normal group WITHOUT mesmer? :P
If someone fails the dodge the scorpion wire, the new INSTANT Ol’Bomb is a real pain, and downed usually…
Because of the ones soloing and selling this s*, all other ppl, who wanna play just can’t…
LoS alphard and use wall behind boxes. wall works best when alphard is exactly inside of it. shield of the avenger works and swirling winds works too.
you can block alphards scorpion wire. stabi can help.
other than that, alphards scorpion wire animation is almost the same as kholers in ac.
just two times as fast. so just dodge it ^^
I fail to comprehend how do people not dodge it.
I had a guildmate ask me how to solo her and he apparently couldn’t.