New Colossus Rumblus

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Darksanity.1690


Guys, you don’t even need Grast, or need to interrupt him!
Stand inbetween the Pillars and use stability so that you don’t get knocked back into boulders.
Here’s a screenshot to show u where to stand. It’s important that you all stack here, as NO BOULDERS DROP HERE!!!!!

I will be making Detailed guides for every single AC path; completing all paths now takes 1 hour and 15 minutes, rather than 50 minutes, but it’s still short.


Whiteside Ridge – Henry Dean

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


Ran with an AC group yesterday for the first time after the revamp, path 3 was chosen.

Finally managed to complete the path after the two pugs ran away (one at spider, the second at kholer) and we ended up with an all-guild group. We skipped Kholer. Managed to 3-man the burrows (one was still coming after having replaced last pug, another died halfway during the fight). Killed Colossus using the bugged zone where boulders don’t drop. Tried a couple times doing it the proper way, was utterly and completely impossible to keep the idiotic NPC alive as he immediately parked himself straight in front of the boss and kept getting smacked to death by its melee knockback attack doing massive damage.

My opinion: AC path 3 in its current incarnation is ludicrously overtuned and has NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER being the first dungeon most players will meet in their career. It’s not as ridiculous as old Simin was [haven’t tried new one], but it’s in the same general area.
My personal guess is GW2 is losing 10-15 players to frustration for every hardcore who’s happy with this version. Colossus needs either a massive nerfbat, or an NPC who can actually be useful.

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lezard.6071


This used to be my favorite dungeon before update, just do what i did, move on to another dungeon, i play this game to have fun, not to frustrate myself.

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khaolic.1832


Recipie for winning without hogging any of the 3 spots where rocks don´t fall for some reason (betting that this is a bug, just like they probably never intended for people to stand on the roof or on the ledge in CM Path 1 etc etc) so you also experience the good feeling that goes with beating content legit.

Grast needs to be buffed via stability during the START of the howl or he might fall. Several different abilities can achieve this, assign an order before you engage so you don´t end up wasting multiplies at once.
You might still have to dodge once near Grast just incase he decides a slow hammer swing is the smartest opening move during the shout. Do this, rocks miss, and Grast will 100% certain shield after this. Anyone claiming he doesn´t shield has missed core mechanics just. Grast finishes his current move, then shields. If he has no move going when the howl starts (unlikely actually) he shields instantly.

So, thats how you GET the shield up. Now the entire party is inside the little bubble, Grast is in the very middle of the bubble and the big gnarly is staring at the lot of you and trying to nibble a bit on the lot of you.
As many might have noticed, Rumblus can knock you out of the shield. Often. So you want to avoid that, this is achievable via stability / dodging OR just max ranging it INSIDE the bubble while you toss Grast a heal. If the ENTIRE party max ranges inside the bubble, Grast will tank this bit for you, heal him.

So, thats 1 method of doing it reliably that accomodates several different party makeups (just need stability reliably on reasonable cooldowns) that will, once you learn it, lead to a 100% win ratio.

The 2nd option is interrupting Rumblus. For this, you need to remove defiance + interrupt Rumblus at the end. You want the FINAL interrupt (the “actual” interrupt if you want) to be a short duration pushback (not a knockdown / stun / daze) since these give the LEAST amount of defiance stacks. It is advisable that the group, prior to engaging, decides who is in charge of using the final one during the actual wind up on the howl. Immediatly after interrupting (you see that this was done via the reappearance of the yellow defiance counter with Nr X in it) the group needs to strip away the X new defiance stacks (best case, very low number, worst case there would be 6 stacks, you dont want that) by taking turns hitting Rumblus with knockdown / stun / daze / knockback etc until all the stacks are gone. Rinse and repeat, 100% win if done properly and no NPC reliance at all.

The issue here is that 1 person messing up (missing the last interrupt OR someone using 1 ability to much while stripping and refreshing rumblus stacks prior to howl) will usually lead to the entire group wiping since the group isn´t focused on helping / healing Grast and instead find themselves smashed to mosh by the rocks.

Not sure wether or not this one is bugged (that windup hammer attack not being stopped for Grast to shield when the howl starts seems kinda off for instance) or not (since yeah, totally doable, not hard and in no way complicated if people are able to communicate even just a little) but I have to say that the people that claim that its totally impossible after trying 6 times and wiping even though they are ZOMGAMAZING players really never should try any hard MMOs.

But, for all its worth, there are at least 3 spots in the room or just outside where rocks don´t fall, you can always just use those and pretend its an intended feature for "pro"players to find like most whiners do with all odd bugs from AC up to Arah and every dungeon inbetween!

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eveningstar.7834


I just wish you didn’t have to go through 1000 diffrent guides to find what works in a dungeon… >_>
I’m starting to HATE myself for trying to be helpful and do dungeons with people… only to end up with a sour taste in my mouth…

Never doing AC again… Even tho my guildies need help with it. >_>

Miia~ GoM

New Colossus Rumblus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

I just wish you didn’t have to go through 1000 diffrent guides to find what works in a dungeon… >_>
I’m starting to HATE myself for trying to be helpful and do dungeons with people… only to end up with a sour taste in my mouth…

Never doing AC again… Even tho my guildies need help with it. >_>

So… do you main a necro?