New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I tend not to complain about PUG’s for the sake of them…being PUG’s…

But I have to question some GW2 PVE’r intelligence for now…
Situation, AC path 1 Defending Hodges from Gravelings and destroying the mounds. Doing the duty as a Zerker, poppin those first two left mounds on the west side of the map.

Walk over to begin helping with the Eastern mounds that the zerker Ele’s are failing hardcore even with Ice Bows. Notice Hodges has near half life gone with no one taking the gravelings off of him.

Party leader threatened with auto-kick if anyone approached him and brought gravelings over. I had none on me so I go ahead and whack them to steal aggro to save his life.

Boop, kicked from party. Trying to figure out what flow of logic Party leader was following. Only able to determine her head was only good for a hat rack. Faith in Humanity damaged…slightly.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Saint.5647


Well, you shouldn’t need anyone at Hodgins as long as the party is coordinated and high enough DPS on the burrows. It sounds like you did your job fine. The rest of your team failed you though.

If you are running a low DPS setup or with inexperienced players, you want someone taking middle with Hodgins to keep the agro from him. Otherwise the burrows should all be killed within seconds of each other without him ever being in any danger.

Why did you expect any different from a PuG? Don’t drive yourself crazy over it.

One True God
Fashion Forward!
Guild Wars Dinosaur

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.


I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.

Pardon my french, What a Misogenist kitten. Didnt think players talked to female (or percieved) female players. Please GM’s at least do something about that boy’s ravenous tongue.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sundar.1735


2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.

Did he kick you from the party or did he just leave the party, causing the rest of the party to be kicked out of the instance (since he was the instance owner)? I’m curious because if you were kicked, how come Ozz the Powerful was talking to you on Party chat after the kick?

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pie Flavor.1647

Pie Flavor.1647

2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.

Did he kick you from the party or did he just leave the party, causing the rest of the party to be kicked out of the instance (since he was the instance owner)? I’m curious because if you were kicked, how come Ozz the Powerful was talking to you on Party chat after the kick?

I find that strange too, I was under the impression party chat is erased after being kicked so that no traces of evidence are left and thus you would not be able to defend yourself.

And I am become kitten, the destroyer of kittens

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Izaya.2906


2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.

Did he kick you from the party or did he just leave the party, causing the rest of the party to be kicked out of the instance (since he was the instance owner)? I’m curious because if you were kicked, how come Ozz the Powerful was talking to you on Party chat after the kick?

I find that strange too, I was under the impression party chat is erased after being kicked so that no traces of evidence are left and thus you would not be able to defend yourself.

Yeah it looks like the instance starter left the group leaving 2 people commenting about it in party aside from the poster.

So technically its not a “kicking abuse”. What he said on private messaging might be on the bad side/offensive but leaving a party is totally okay even if you started the instance.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Esmee.1067


2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.

Did he kick you from the party or did he just leave the party, causing the rest of the party to be kicked out of the instance (since he was the instance owner)? I’m curious because if you were kicked, how come Ozz the Powerful was talking to you on Party chat after the kick?

I find that strange too, I was under the impression party chat is erased after being kicked so that no traces of evidence are left and thus you would not be able to defend yourself.

Yeah it looks like the instance starter left the group leaving 2 people commenting about it in party aside from the poster.

So technically its not a “kicking abuse”. What he said on private messaging might be on the bad side/offensive but leaving a party is totally okay even if you started the instance.

Which is another issue really. If the opener leaves for any reason; disconnect, having to go or simply wanting to leave the group, it should not affect the other 4 people in the party. The only logical reason I see is so no-one can open dungeons for a group where all 5 people haven’t done Storymode (how common is that?)

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranos.5913


Well the fact that he was that abusive is good if you want him suspended for a few days, because they actually do something about that. A friend of mine got suspended for over a week not too long ago for abusive language and he was being less of a kitten than this dude.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sundar.1735


This whole concept of kicking the entire party out if the instance owner leaves is stupid and encourages griefing. So what’s the big deal if people want to do the EXP mode of a dungeon without doing its story? A significant portion of the player base doesn’t care about the game’s storyline anyway and they skip all the cutscenes of their personal story. Those who are interested in the lore would watch cutscenes and do the story modes before doing the exp mode in order to maintain immersion and continuity, no need to force feed it to anyone.

An alternative would be to allow only people who have completed the story mode of a dungeon into its exp mode. That is, even if the rest of the party is able to enter the exp mode, the person who ahs not done story mode should not be able to enter.

But I doubt if this has anything to do with story and exp mode because even in fractals and other instances, if the owner of the instance leaves the entire team gets kicked.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


2-man kick system is abusive and needs to be changed:

It happens again today, in Ascalon Catacombs. The party is running a record time dungeon run, nothing is wrong. Then the instance owners says: “I hate NPCs” because Hodgins bugs up and won’t open the door for the 2nd scepter in P1. I then make a joke and say “Ever feel like the people you work with are NPCs?” He kicks me out of the party.

I reported him in-game but it did not ask me for screen shots so I thought I’d post them here. Is there a more appropriate place for a thorough report?

This player’s account is: allpowerfullone.8462

Seriously, the GMs need to read how abusive this is as it is a perfect example of what is wrong with the party kicking system. He prompts a kick and then someone seconds it for no reason and pay attention to how disrespectful this player is. More proof that it is more often the kicker, that should be kicked. Not the kickee.

Can I get some kitten justice on this for once? Or is a-net ok with this type of behavior?
Look how confident this guy is that arena-net will not do anything to him.

How offended I am by what this person said to you I cannot even express. And I’m not even you, but I’d probably have lost my mind on them… Grats for keeping your cool, I’d probably have gotten banned faster than he would have if it were me talking <_<

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


A significant portion of the player base doesn’t care about the game’s storyline anyway

I get the same feeling about the game’s designers/managers….but anyway ;-)

Frustrations with this game’s handling of lore aside *cough*scarlet*cough*, I really do think that some of the most interesting pieces of lore are in the story dungeons. TA and SE come to mind in particular.

An alternative would be to allow only people who have completed the story mode of a dungeon into its exp mode.

It really doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it? You can’t open exp paths without doing story, but you can still run them. This sends a very unclear message…are we supposed to run exp without story? Why must only one player have unlocked story? It should be that either everyone is required to have story, or no one is. IDGI.

And for that matter, story mode unlocks really should be per account, not per toon…

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Warcry.1596


Talking to a male or female in that manner is stupid, dont make it gender specific :p

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


What I’m amazed at is the fact you kept talking to the doosh kitten
the block feature is your friend use it !

had you done so you would not need to bother with him ever again period.
you’d have no lasting bad taste in your mouth and all you’d lose is a bit of time.

Was he rude ? yes !
is it a bannable offense ? no, I don’t think so.
Why ? it was a private chat, he wasn’t rude to you on any public channel and you kept replying to him as such and on grounds of private communications, no he should not be punished, though you should’ve just blocked him and be done with it.

I have been playing since launch and my block list is almost as long as my friends list
as a consequence I rarely get into these kinds of situations anymore.

Heck I don’t even bother reading map or say chat aside from one map FGS for zerg location info.

New Low: Kicked for Playing the Game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

the Eastern mounds that the zerker Ele’s are failing hardcore even with Ice Bows.

I’m afraid those Eles weren’t zerkers.